Not to scare anyone off, but my band has been a nightmare.

Christine S.
on 1/23/11 6:26 am
Hello everyone

I have not been on here for quite some time and I think it is because I am so disgusted I have been trying to avoid all things "lap band". I got the band May 4th of 2010. I was so excited and nervous and happy but most of all relieved that I had found SOMETHING that would help me. I have struggled with  my weight as long as I can remember and after having two kids back to back and my thyroid quitting on me this seemed like a great option. So, like I said I had the band put in May 4th of 2010. Dr. Binnenbaum in Long Branch NJ at Monmouth Medical did it. Surgery was not an issue and recover was great. The one thing I did find odd was while I was in the hospital they brought me large portions of liquid for my meals. I had been expecting a small cup of broth or shake but I got jello, soup AND juice or tea. I limited myself but I should have known right there that the Dr was not up on his after care. Anyway, I had my follow up from surgery 5/12/2010 and then another follow up 6/2. My first fill was 6/30/2010.The fill was horrible. They couldn't find the port, they pushed and pushed and prodded. Awful and painful. They finally found the port and did the fill. I felt No restriction in the office nor when I got home.  I called the doctor and they told me something about it taking a few weeks to feel it, blah blah blah. So I waited. I called at the end of July and they couldn't get me in until 8/25. I went in 8/25 and had another fill. I told the Dr I wasn't having any restriction and was feeling hungry 2 hours after eating. He said it was all in my head and it was head hunger not real hunger. I told him I could HEAR my stomach growling - still he argued with me. Fine. I left and went another month STILL with no restriction. I went back again 9/26 and again 10/13.  On 11/10 I went in AGAIN . I was so angry at this point and when I had to wait in the office for over an hour I lost it. The other Dr - Dr. Borao - took me in to do my fill. He was clearly concerned with the fact that my port was so difficult to find. HE couldn't locate it and he was the main surgeon who had trained the other Dr. They finally found it and gave me a fill. Again I explained I felt nothing only this time Dr. Borao was there. He listened to me and became concerned. He put 10cc in the band and I still felt nothing. Dr. Borao told my doctor I need to have a fluoroscopy to see what the heck was going on. That was  scheduled for 12/2. (That whole appointment was awful as well, but I won't bore you with that story too! ) Bottom line: there was a hole in my tubing and I needed a port revision.

The did the port revision on 12/14. Not only is the port so close to the skin I can see it now, I can feel it too. It is this hard little round thing just under the skin. That is not the issue however, now I am CONSTANT pain. The first few weeks were fine - a little sore obviously but nothing big. NOW I have these shooting pains on and off all through the day. The soreness has radiated so it is now like a band of pain around my stomach. I called the doctor and was told by the nurse that is was "nothing to worry about" and when they do a revision they really "shake up the nerves in there". Bull**** (excuse my mouth!) I am SO frustrated! Aside from the fact that I had this thing put in 8 months ago and have lost NOTHING ( and yes I was exercising - I was doing that before the band with no results...) but now I am in pain. If my kids hug me - it hurts. My husband hugs me- it hurts. I can't sleep, sitting up in anything other than sweat pants hurts. Jeans are not an option. There is nothing that causes the pain but things definitely aggravate it.

Oh and THEN I find out that each time I went for the fills that did not work, I was not only charged a co-pay of $35 but also a "facility fee" from the hospital of $100!! The office is not in the main hospital but apparently considered on the grounds. The Dr has an office down the street from me, but does not see bariatric patients there and only sees bariatrics patients on Wednesdays. So along with no results, I now owe Monmouth Medical center $400.

I go on Wednesday for my follow up from the revision. I am on the verge of telling this man either fix it or take it out. Oh - and I have restriction now because everytime I eat it hurts. Not hurts like I get "stuck" but my incision hurts. The incision is clean - and healed but all I can eat is soup or shakes, so I am losing of course but feel like crap, tired all the time and constantly sore. It is almost like I did 100 sit ups and  the soreness from that, but it is mainly on my right side and  slightly on my left.

Anyway, like I said I don't want to scare anyone off. This has worked for hundreds of people. I just think the doctors sell you a bill of good about how simple the whole thing is and no one tells you what CAN go wrong. So there is my sob story :) 

Like I said I go Wednesday and if he dismisses me again and tells me I am just "feeling" the pain in my head, not only will I let ALL the patients in the waiting room know what is going on I may have to tell him I am feeling malpractice as well as pain!! 

Thanks for letting me vent. I am really embarrassed and annoyed! 
Lori O.
on 1/23/11 6:58 am - Canada
You have the right to feel the way you do - I can only imagine how frustrated you are I know how I would feel if I'd gone through all of that.  Can you get a new Doctor at a different clinic?  I hope that you can get this fixed - Good luck & Take care,

Christine S.
on 1/23/11 7:26 am
Thanks Lori

That is actually the plan. I go Wednesday and if I am not happy I am getting my  records. I already found a new dr.

on 3/24/11 7:07 am - NJ
Hi Christine,
I just read your posts, so sorry you feel that way.  I'm also a patient of Dr. Binenbaum, and I found him to be very caring.  He wants his patients reach their goal weight, but as we all know the band is a tool.  We have watch what we eat, remember what Sam has taught us....portion control. Excersise is another important part of any weight loss program.  The support groups have also helped me thru this weight loss journey.  Even sitting in the waiting room on the days I come see Dr. Binenbaum, I enjoy the conversations with the other patients, I have made friends with many.

I think you should consider seeing the Dietian again, I have even joined weigh****chers to help me with my meal plans, go to support group meetings, and excercise.  It's hard to lose the weight, but I'm reaching my goal thanks to the wonderful staff and Dr. Binenbaum.  He does care very much for his patients.

Christine S.
on 3/24/11 7:45 am
Irene -

Just curious: when did you have your surgery and how much have you lost ?

on 3/24/11 11:23 pm - NJ
Hi Christine,

I had my surgery last April and have lost 60lbs to date.   I do struggle everyday, but it's worth it.

Christine S.
on 3/25/11 11:13 pm, edited 3/25/11 11:14 pm
That's interesting. You had the surgery last April, so April of 2010 yet you just joined OH this past February of 2011. Also kind of wondering why you have no profile picture or information when most people set that stuff up as soon as they join - which is normally before they have any kind of surgery to get the info and support they need.

Sorry - not buying that you are an actual patient. All too convenient that you come out in support of this guy so suddenly.

Just another example of how unethical and unprofessional he is.
on 1/23/11 7:04 am
Hi Christine,

I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a bad time.  We have always heard that misery loves company so maybe I can make you feel a little better.  I had the band in January of 2010.  The doctor told me that I have the large size lap band.  I expected it to take several fills before I got a feeling of restriction.  After 6 fills and still no restriction, I got very frustrated.  I can't believe I went through all of this crap to lose a measly 25 pounds.  After the second or third fill, they could not find my port.  So after they poked and prodded with hands trying to locate it, they would search with the needle.  It hurt so bad I left in tears more than once.  The doctor finally decided that my port was flipped.  This was after I saw that it was on it's side in an xray I had for kidney stones (which I have had a million of since the lap band).  He schedules a port revision for December and I have another surgery.  I went last week for my first fill since the surgery and would you believe they still had to dig and search for the port?  She said she put another cc in the band and I still have no restriction whatsoever.  When she injected the saline into what she thought was the port, it hurt so bad and burned for about 15 minutes at the site.  So my thoughts are that she did not even hit the port.

I am so frustrated with this whole thing I could cry.  I have several times.  It makes me feel like such a jerk when I see people that know I have had the lap band and I know they are expecting to see a skinny person after a year and they see the same old person. 

I feel like such a failure I dont know what to do.

Christine S.
on 1/23/11 7:25 am
Hi Sherri

I can completly understand how you feel. The only thing that saved me from people thinking anything was I didn't TELL anyone other than my husband and 2 close friends. My parents and siblings don't know. I think the whole thing is becoming such a money maker that these dr only want to concentrate on the ones that work and sweep the others under the rug. I have cried myself quite a bit and even now my husband wants me to go to the ER for the pain. I am too embarrassed by not only having had the suergery and still being overweight, but that I am in so much pain from it. As for the fills, I take a Xanax before I go b/c it hurts so much. If is burned they didn't get the port most likely. I am switching dr's as soon as I have my surgery follow up - maybe you should do the same.

I am here if you want to vent! :) 

L. 68
on 1/23/11 7:04 am
wow sorry to hear that,

have you considered taking your medical records and going elsewhere.  you can do that you know.  I had mine done in new jersey by dr.ewing the best experience ever and the medical staff are all professionial and they listen.  anyway if you do change your mind call 201-646-1121 dont regret a day. 

feeel better
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