
on 1/25/11 9:24 am
let me start by saying, i started this journey about 4 years ago (or more) and, due to bumps in the road, and life in general, i had to put things on hold. now im back and ready to get this done!!!!

when i first was trying to get the surgery, you were required to jump thru so many hoops and i just could not coordinate and commit to it at the time. now, this is my time and im going to get it done no matter what!!!

i have health new england and i live in the springfield, ma area. i am waiting on the actual packet frm the ins co to come in the mail but over the phone they said that the requirements for approval are:
bmi of X-X with no co-morbids OR bmi of 35 with 2 co-morbids
6 mo supervised diet
physc eval

it doesnt say anywhere that i have to show 5 yrs of medical records/previous weight loss attempts. sooo is it not required by my ins? just curious bc im trying to get all my ducks in a row. seminar w office in feb but any info would be helpful..thanks
on 1/25/11 9:39 am - Gray, GA
It's really important that you meet with your doctor as soon as possible.  They may have additional requirement such as rec of PCM and pulmonary clearance.
L B.
on 1/25/11 7:57 pm
My ins. is different.. but I was required the same trhing.. and they NEVER even asked for the papers! HA! I go out of my way to get that crap for no reason,, but at least I guess I had it. Good Luck!
on 1/25/11 9:39 pm - PA
Your insurance sound exactly like mines. Just a tip: Meet with your PCP as soon as possible, ask him for a letter stating that WLS would be in your best interest bc you will need clearance from him. Also ask for your previous medical history including weights. When u pick your surgeon forward this to his office. This can take a while so its best to do it now. It held my surgery date for over a month because I had to wait for m darn PCP to get the info to my surgeon's office. The surgeon uses all this info to give to your insurance company to persuade their approval.
Cant wait to meet the "New Me"  
Highest Weight  : 274lbs
Weight At Surgery: 264lbs

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