surgery tomorrow
i am having surgery tomorrow morning and i think it is starting to set in. i am getting nervous and excited at the same time. i said goodbye to carbonated drinks yesterday since my doctor told me i cant drink them any more. looking forward to what tomorrow brings.. can anyone tell me what to expect at the hospital
Well .... make sure you take some lip balm and a pillow and wear really comfy clothes! The lip balm will come in hand after surgery you are all dry and it helps your lips not get all dry and cracked. The pillow is for the ride home to put over your tummy and the comfy clothes are b/c u will be sore when you leave and do not want anything pressing on your tummy.
What to expect.... they will take you back and get you changed into a gown and run your IV and all that and ur Dr should come in and talk to you and then they will probably give you something good in your IV for nerves and what not . Then you will say good buy to your wife/friend/ whoever brought you and they wheel you back into the COLD ER .LOL(no worried you will have warm blankets by then) Everyone in there is gonna be really nice and comforting and the sleep Dr will give you the real good stuff and off you go . You will wake up in the recovery area and after you are good and awake they will wheel you probably back to where you started and then ur nurse will keep a check on your vitals , give you gas X and make sure you are comfy. I suggest walking as soon as you can which for me was practically right after getting back to this point. It helps and you feel better . You will get pain meds and then in a few hours you will go home. You will be really tired and a little sore but managable. After awhile when the pain meds wear off you will be a little more uncomfortable so have someone go get those to have as soon as you need them. Gas X too and plenty of G2 and broth and protein shakes and you will be one of us !!!! A bandster =) You will do great !
What to expect.... they will take you back and get you changed into a gown and run your IV and all that and ur Dr should come in and talk to you and then they will probably give you something good in your IV for nerves and what not . Then you will say good buy to your wife/friend/ whoever brought you and they wheel you back into the COLD ER .LOL(no worried you will have warm blankets by then) Everyone in there is gonna be really nice and comforting and the sleep Dr will give you the real good stuff and off you go . You will wake up in the recovery area and after you are good and awake they will wheel you probably back to where you started and then ur nurse will keep a check on your vitals , give you gas X and make sure you are comfy. I suggest walking as soon as you can which for me was practically right after getting back to this point. It helps and you feel better . You will get pain meds and then in a few hours you will go home. You will be really tired and a little sore but managable. After awhile when the pain meds wear off you will be a little more uncomfortable so have someone go get those to have as soon as you need them. Gas X too and plenty of G2 and broth and protein shakes and you will be one of us !!!! A bandster =) You will do great !
RNY on 05/21/19
my surgery sounds pretty similar to Psychomom's. It was done as an OP.
8:00 am I sat in a holding area listening to my poor belly screaming to be fed. LOL!!! Once they called me back, I got my own little room. Changed into a gown (opening to the back!) and they came in and tucked me in with really warm blankets. That was lovely. An IV nurse came in to take vitals, start the IV and give me some antibiotics and blood thiners I think.
8:45 From there I was rolled into a holding room for all the surgery patients. The anesthesia doc came and asked some questions, gave me some anti-anxiety stuff and some anti-nausea for behind my ear. More warm blankets : ) They took away my glasses right before I left.
9:30 They rolled me into the OR and let me tell you. The metal bed they ask you to slid onto is a sliver of a bed. it's tiny! and COLD. They chatted me up while they strapped me down and put some crazy blood pressure boots on my legs. The Anesthesia doc gave me something else and i was awake about 3 seconds longer. Good night!
11:00 I woke in the recovery room with other patients. I slept a lot and they finally gave me back my glasses. After I quit asking for pain meds, they sent me back to another recovery area with a private room. I was supposed to get dressed but due to some overwhelming nausea, they gave me more meds and I took another nap.
1:00 more nausea, more pain, more napping
3:00 Eventually I got up and peed.
4:00 Did a quick lap around the area, got dressed in pajamas and I was released.
Just be sure during your napping time someone gets your meds. Bring a pillow to clutch on the ride home. You'll do great!
8:00 am I sat in a holding area listening to my poor belly screaming to be fed. LOL!!! Once they called me back, I got my own little room. Changed into a gown (opening to the back!) and they came in and tucked me in with really warm blankets. That was lovely. An IV nurse came in to take vitals, start the IV and give me some antibiotics and blood thiners I think.
8:45 From there I was rolled into a holding room for all the surgery patients. The anesthesia doc came and asked some questions, gave me some anti-anxiety stuff and some anti-nausea for behind my ear. More warm blankets : ) They took away my glasses right before I left.
9:30 They rolled me into the OR and let me tell you. The metal bed they ask you to slid onto is a sliver of a bed. it's tiny! and COLD. They chatted me up while they strapped me down and put some crazy blood pressure boots on my legs. The Anesthesia doc gave me something else and i was awake about 3 seconds longer. Good night!
11:00 I woke in the recovery room with other patients. I slept a lot and they finally gave me back my glasses. After I quit asking for pain meds, they sent me back to another recovery area with a private room. I was supposed to get dressed but due to some overwhelming nausea, they gave me more meds and I took another nap.
1:00 more nausea, more pain, more napping
3:00 Eventually I got up and peed.
4:00 Did a quick lap around the area, got dressed in pajamas and I was released.
Just be sure during your napping time someone gets your meds. Bring a pillow to clutch on the ride home. You'll do great!
Current MD- Dr. Mikami, Honolulu Hawaii
Lapband 14cc AP Lg in 2008- slipped and removed 2016 -VSG July 21, 2016-dx Gerd
** RNY Revision 05/21/2019 **
"A few drops of hope can water and nourish our garden" - Jean M
Joeys dad you will be just fine :o) I had anxiety attacks the day before mine and wanted to cancel lol. I think everybody goes through these stages its just part of being human .
I had a very easy surgery during and after.
Surgery was at 1 back in my room by 3 started walking at 315 and home by 7 that night. I was suppose to stay but was doing so well they let me go home.
Once they told me I could start walking I never stopped. I would walk for a good 20 min come back to my room sip water while sitting down in my chair NOT the bed would do that for 10 min and back up to walking again. I did this from 315 to 7 pm that night till I went home.
Now once I got home I crashed . I was mentally and physically wiped out . Hubby did make me get up and walk every 2 hrs after that for about 20 min but I just wanted to sleep then.
I slept in my lazy boy chair the first 72 hrs. It was easier and then I didnt have to worry about turning onto my tummy since Im a tummy sleeper lol.
If you have fur babies make sure you put a pillow over your tummy. Mine likes to lay on me when Im sitting in the chair and that gives you some protection. I always kept a pillow around my belly at night when I started to sleep in the bed also just protection against my animals :o).
Have somebody help you get out of the chair, sit down, get off the potty , in the bed and otu of the bed.
I was never once sore that had to take pain meds. I only took them for two days and that was more for hubby's sake then mine lmao he was more nervous then me and it was easier just to take them then fight with him about it
The only thing that was sore and it wasnt even I have to have pain meds sore is my upper stomach felt like I did a million sit ups that is why the first 72 hrs I had help getting up and down after that I did it on my own I was slow but I could do it .
I had no gas pains whatsoever so I cant help you there I just had a very very easy recovery if it wasnt for my upper tummy being a little tender and seeing the incisions I would have never known I had surgery to be honest.
I was back to bowling about 3 weeks after surgery and really exercising about 6 weeks later :o)
You will be just fine just remember lots of walking and drinking. I could the next day get about 6 oz of water down at once but my doc does not put no fluid in the band at surgery either so I dont know if that makes a difference or not .
Good luck !!!!!!!!!
I had a very easy surgery during and after.
Surgery was at 1 back in my room by 3 started walking at 315 and home by 7 that night. I was suppose to stay but was doing so well they let me go home.
Once they told me I could start walking I never stopped. I would walk for a good 20 min come back to my room sip water while sitting down in my chair NOT the bed would do that for 10 min and back up to walking again. I did this from 315 to 7 pm that night till I went home.
Now once I got home I crashed . I was mentally and physically wiped out . Hubby did make me get up and walk every 2 hrs after that for about 20 min but I just wanted to sleep then.
I slept in my lazy boy chair the first 72 hrs. It was easier and then I didnt have to worry about turning onto my tummy since Im a tummy sleeper lol.
If you have fur babies make sure you put a pillow over your tummy. Mine likes to lay on me when Im sitting in the chair and that gives you some protection. I always kept a pillow around my belly at night when I started to sleep in the bed also just protection against my animals :o).
Have somebody help you get out of the chair, sit down, get off the potty , in the bed and otu of the bed.
I was never once sore that had to take pain meds. I only took them for two days and that was more for hubby's sake then mine lmao he was more nervous then me and it was easier just to take them then fight with him about it

The only thing that was sore and it wasnt even I have to have pain meds sore is my upper stomach felt like I did a million sit ups that is why the first 72 hrs I had help getting up and down after that I did it on my own I was slow but I could do it .
I had no gas pains whatsoever so I cant help you there I just had a very very easy recovery if it wasnt for my upper tummy being a little tender and seeing the incisions I would have never known I had surgery to be honest.
I was back to bowling about 3 weeks after surgery and really exercising about 6 weeks later :o)
You will be just fine just remember lots of walking and drinking. I could the next day get about 6 oz of water down at once but my doc does not put no fluid in the band at surgery either so I dont know if that makes a difference or not .
Good luck !!!!!!!!!
DS on 08/20/12
I am the queen of panic. I was very nervous but excited at the same time. Everything went better than expected. I think everyone else already covered all the hospital stuff. Make sure you have comfy LOOSE pants and shirts because your stomach will be swollen. Be ready to walk tomorrow evening. My best friend was those green sponges on a stick. That's how I kept from going isane with dry mouth.
My surgery was last Wed. The OR part is about the same. I was up walking around (turtle pace of course!) in no time with minimal amount of pain from the incisonas itself. Its the gas that really got me- I felt it up into my shoulder and I also really thought maybe I was going to try and get pneumona.. so I made sure that I used the spirometer ( a breathing gadget that you suck IN many times a day to EXERCISE your lungs to keep pneuominia from setting in as well as to help you cough out any phlegme. Just keep walking will help with the gas. Its unlike ANY gas I have EVER felt in my life! Good luck to you and I look forward to hearing about your progress!
DS on 08/20/12