Was this anyone's "first time" with weight loss success?

on 1/21/11 4:47 am
Just curious...

How many of you had previous success with diets (but always regained of course) and how many never had success at all? 

I am in the latter camp. I've never known until now what it's actually like to lose weight (more than a few lbs, never enough leave the "morbidly obese" category.)

It's a strange experience!

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

jennifer B.
on 1/21/11 4:59 am
I starved and over exercised myself down to 146 pounds for a day just to regain that plus twenty pounds more in a short period of time. So I had lost around eighty and gained back one hundred and ten pounds. But this is the first time that I am 165 pounds and do not fear that with my next bite of food I will be 250 again. It feels great I just want to get the rest off. But being able to run and be more comfortable is very rewarding. Congratulations to all of us on our hard work to loose and maintain our weights because we all know that the band is only a tool.
JENNIFER 5'7" Tall - 33 YEARS OLD - Ticker Includes 26 Pounds Lost Pre Op - 2.4cc in a 4cc lap band with a low profile port - 1st fill 6/19/2009 of .2cc - 2nd fill 7/24/2009 of  1.3cc  -  3rd fill 9/11/2009 of .3cc -  4th Fill 10/30/2009 of 1.8cc - only had .4cc when I went supspect leak - 11-9-2009 Upper Gi with fluroscopy - Do not have a leak and band looks great...I finally have restriction - I love my BAND!!!  5th Fill 1/11/2010 of .2cc  6th Fill 3/15/2010   of .3cc.  1st UNFILL of .6 cc or so on 4/19/2010  7th  Fill 7/26/2010 .2cc  Eighth Fill 8/30/2010 .2cc  Ninth Fill 10/25/2010 .1cc  Tenth Fill 12/20/2010  .1cc       
on 1/21/11 5:02 am
I lost about forty pounds once...gained back sixty....so yes..this is the first time I have lost wieght...close to a hundred pounds now..(over two years) and I havent gained back any...some months I dont lose..but I never regain...I have about thirty pounds to go till goal..but I am taking my sweet time!

on 1/21/11 5:30 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
I am in the camp of those who could lose but would always regain. I was also in the camp of those who couldn't lose. I started many diets only to give up within a few weeks (or days). This is the longest I have ever gone maintaining my weight loss,  almost 4 months now.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


(deactivated member)
on 1/21/11 7:27 am
Only one other time in my life have I been able to loose a substantial amount of weight. At that time I was 20 and the weight just started dropping off me after my divorce and after awhile I started helping the weight loss and it went even faster. WOW! I thought I was cured of obesity and would NEVER regain the weight. At age 23 I got an office job and had someone I loved say something really hurtful about my weight and I gained 5lbs that week and kept gaining right up until surgery.

While losing weight feels so good, deep down inside I'm scared that once I get to goal, I'll gain it back like last time. That's one of the big reasons why I'm trying to do this very slow and controlled over a few years to try and train myself into thinking this new way of living is normal and I should always do it.  I don't want to view this time post surgery as a diet that I will fall off of one day.

on 1/21/11 7:35 am
Lost 104 pounds on Medifast (all liquids for 26 weeks) ---- regained 114 pounds from that.

Over the years, I lost 30 - 50 pounds with Weigh****cher's several times and stopped and regained.

I think that 'lose and re-gain' is why some people in our lives are reluctant to believe that this time will be different -------- I know it feels different to me this time (I actually reached and have gone a little below goal) ---- but I don't doubt that there are people in my life who are waiting to see if this weight loss sticks

(deactivated member)
on 1/21/11 8:12 am - Des Moines, IA

BEFORE the band I had lost over 300 pounds over the years.  I could lose the weight and never keep it off for more than a day.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm thrilled with the band.  I have 20 some pounds to go, but have been at about the same weight  for about 4 months, I go up a few and down a few, but it's because I'm eating calories to maintain.  I'm thrilled that I haven't had the regain when I'm not trying so hard to lose.  I'm in the best physical shape with exercising 5-6 hours a week.  People say I look like I'm losing again and I tell them it's from doing the 30 day Shred, the exercise bike and another exercise DVD etc. 

theresa R.
on 1/21/11 8:20 am - Van Wert, OH
Before the band, the most I ever lost on any diet plan was 27lbs, back in my late 20's...

Theresa R. =)
LapBand Surgery $13,950-2 Year Gym Membership $795.-TummyTuck&Lip0 $9950.00
Seeing those skinny bitches from High School and never
looking better---$PRICELESS

Kate -True Brit
on 1/21/11 4:52 pm - UK

Oh I could always lose!

Of the diets I can remember (over 40 years I can't rmember every time!) I remember losing

many many 30-40lbs.

Then, of course, regain plus extra. The only successful time was the year pre-band (and not a pre-op diet, totally unconnected with the band) when I went from 298 to 248 and stayed there. I kept that off for a year and I was 248 when i started the band proceedings.

So maintaining (with one blip) for 3 years is BLISSFUL!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


(deactivated member)
on 1/21/11 10:02 pm
I had never tried before (belive it or not) I had always been "Fat and healthy" I was fine with that. When I hit 45 all my numbers started going up..I went straight to the band..weird huh?

I know my issues are quantity..not quality

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