(deactivated member)
on 1/21/11 1:31 am - Miramar Beach, FL
 ,Not really. 

I doubt there are any experts around here, although Mona (MonyMony) who is celebrating her 9-year bandiversary, or Bette, with 8-years experience with a band, or Jean, who wrote a 572 page book (Bandwagon) on the subject, might come close to being "experts".

All we can really do, is share our own experiences, good and bad.  Even quoting statistics doesn't necessarily show the whole story.  Statistics can be skewed in many way to prove a certain point.  

Does that mean we shouldn't make the effort to learn as much as we can?  Heck no!  We should always be learning, and be open minded to new ideas.  

on 1/21/11 2:02 am - Reno, NV

Very well said!

(deactivated member)
on 1/21/11 2:14 am - Miramar Beach, FL
(deactivated member)
on 1/21/11 2:13 am - Miramar Beach, FL
 Here are some things I do know for sure:

If I eat carbs, especially simple carbs like sugar, I crave more, and it's harder to eat the right foods.
If I don't drink my water, my band seems tighter, and I also seem hungrier.
If I am properly restricted, I eat more slowly, and eat less.  I am less hungry between meals.
When I exercise, I lose weight more consistently.
If I drink after eating, I may PB because the water has no where to go but up.
If I weight, measure, and log my food, I eat less because I am more honest and accountable to myself.  

These are things that I've become expert in *for me*.  Your mileage may vary!  What do you know "for sure" about your band?

on 1/21/11 2:46 am - Oceanside, NY
 Thats it in a nutshell!
on 1/21/11 7:41 am
AMEN, sister!  

I know those same things for sure --- I also know that I don't have to be 'satisfied or full' to stop eating.  Those feelings usually come along about 20 minutes after I am finished eating.

I know for sure that if I eat until I am full, that I have eaten too much.

Hermosa L
on 1/21/11 2:46 am
Completely agree! Our journeys are all different and our experiences and what we learn is different.. just like why we had surgery and choose the band is different.

For me if I do a protein/good carb combo I say full .. I eat most carbs in all fruits and veggies and whole grains..

I must drink water otherwise my band tightens .. I must drink something hot in the morning before attempting to eat.. and also after working out.. minor obstacles.. I have to pay attention to what I am eating.. if I'm distracted its like I eat too fast or don't chew enough and I get stuck. When I pay attention to my food and count my chews it gives me more time to register my food and it's likely I don't over eat.

When I make exercise I habit I see better results not just scale wise but I "feel" accomplished :)
Kate -True Brit
on 1/21/11 3:54 am - UK

So trure - I am an expert in my band.

I know for sure that for me and me only......

if I count calories, I start to obsess about food
if I get hungry, I obsess about food,
If I obsess about food, I lose control and eat too much.

So my solution...
I don't count calories.
I have an extra small meal if I am hungry

I don't get obsessive and (most of the time) me and my band work really well together.

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/21/11 11:53 am - Greencastle, PA

Each of us have our own "band journey" and we will reach our goals at different times. I am in this for the long haul and am taking baby steps. Each day I learn what works and what doesn't work.
I am operating on a completely EMPTY band and I STILL have times that I get stuck. I need to learn to slow down and that is my biggest problem. Other than that, I eat what I want (and what I can) but in MUCH smaller portions....

This truly is the solution to my overindulgence and is my HAMMER TO THE HEAD!!

Go us!


Everything happens for a reason so, I am taking it a step at a time. I can do it!      
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