Lost All Hope....

on 1/20/11 8:00 am - Raleigh, NC
Revision on 10/10/14
I'm losing all hope of this band actually working.  I am exercising.  Eating small meals frequently (every 3 hrs).  Increasing my protein intake and that damn scale is going in the wrong direction!  WTF?  What am I doing wrong?  I feel like the band is just a figment of my imagination because I don't feel it helping me at all and I feel like I am strugglign just as much with losing weight as I did before I had this surgery only then it was actually working because I would starve myself to get the lbs off.  Seriously why did I waste all this time and money for no results?   Maybe for my own mental health I should give up on trying to make this band work and just exercise and eat until I'm full.  Maybe God wants me to be fat?
HD Mama
on 1/20/11 8:30 am


I'm sorry you are struggling - do you perhaps need a fill?  Don't be so quick to blame yourself though - from what I've seen/read, sometimes it just doesn't work, through no fault of your own.  Do you track calories at all?  What I've found to help is to track them and when I'm not losing, I change up my calories, I'll eat more and then start losing and then when I stop losing again, then I'll go back to the lower calories that I was on previously...that usually starts me up again (although it's pretty slow these days, but I imagine it's because I'm so close to goal).

I'm not sure what type of diet you are on, but perhaps if you cut back on carbs (if you haven't already) that might help?  (I know some people are very sensitive to carbs)...no real advice, just thoughts and prayers for you - don't give up - you haven't failed until you stop trying!

(deactivated member)
on 1/20/11 8:41 am - Miramar Beach, FL
  I am so sorry for your pain and disappointment.  I don't think any of us has the answer, because we don't *really* know what's going on with you and your body.  We can only advise based on our own experiences.  
I'm going to try to give you a few more ideas to think about (not solutions, you have to find that):

You said in your earlier post that you were eating 1500 calories a day.  How about trying lower?  It doesn't have to be forever, but sometimes you have to cut calories even lower to get the body to respond.  Maybe try eating 1,000 cal/day every other day?  

Keep in mind that your body doesn't use calories or nutrients on a day-to-day basis, but as needed.  So, you can't really expect your body to respond immediately.  I'd say give it *at least* a week or two to see how you are doing over time.  You could also be retaining water.  The best solution to that is to drink more.  Drinking a lot of water lets your body relax, and release excess water weight.  

I know you said earlier that you're not eating "much" bread.  How about cutting out carbs even further until you start losing.  No potatoes, rice, corn, bread, sugar, sweets at all!  Stick with lean protein sources, veggies and just a little cheese and nuts.  I'm staying between 30-50g of carb right now, and being very diligent about weighing, measuring, and logging my food, and let me tell you...carbs are sneaky little buggers if you're not really careful!  

How is your restriction?  Check with your doc, and explain your concerns.

Best wishes,


on 1/20/11 9:00 am - Raleigh, NC
Revision on 10/10/14
I'm thinking it may be the calories or eating too much. Since I started eating more frequently (I started this on Tuesday) I have gained 5lbs!  Maybe I'm eating too much.  I think I am stressing over this too much. I never know what or how much to eat all I'm sure about is that I need to exercise so I do.   

I do track everything on My Daily Plate, maybe I need to tweak what I'm eating to reduce calories and cut carbs. 

One thing I'm noticing is that I am consuming a lot of fat and sodium in my attempts to up my protein.  Maybe I should study this and get better.  I have heard the band doesn't work for everyone but my current insurance will not cover another surgery.  so I am stuck with this band at least until I switch insurance next year or sooner.
on 1/20/11 9:00 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
Don't lose hope.....

Maybe a call to the doc is in order.

Maybe a nutritionist could help you as well.

And I started to see a psychologist too to help me get myself organized and prioritize my daily activities.

It's a slow process, but hang in there......

Keep posting your progress so we can all help!
on 1/20/11 10:55 am - Mexico
Might be a couple of things. Maybe you are carb sensitive. Even a few messes with the scale. Or, you could be metabolically challenged and you could eat 50 calories a day and still gain.

You are AA, AA's have a harder time losing weight because you have more type B fat cells and those are a buggar to burn. You might be a person that needs malabsorption such as DS??

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/20/11 8:13 pm - Raleigh, NC
Revision on 10/10/14
What's an AA?
Jo 1962
on 1/20/11 9:30 pm - NearHouston, TX
on 1/20/11 10:29 pm - Mexico
On January 21, 2011 at 4:13 AM Pacific Time, chimeraboo wrote:
What's an AA?
Sorry, African American. ;o)

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/11 8:39 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
 Hello, you may be eating too many calories, when I was losing weight, I was only eating about 3- 5 oz of food at a time, and it was tuna, baked chicken, green veggies and not much snaking, but I had GOOD RESTRICTION to keep my meals very small. It does not matter if you are exercising your butt off, if you are eating too many calories to lose weight it will be pointless. If you don't have proper restriction you may need more fill to keep your meals very small.
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