stupid question, I'm sure

on 1/20/11 1:43 am - LA
I should probably go back and read my bandwagon book but thought I could get a quick response here.  Haven't been banded yet.  ok, when you get your band and after the healing process, do you have to eat little amounts and chew chew or does that only apply after a fill? I would guess that just having the band would also limit your food choices, is that correct?  Trying to get my timing for having surgery.  I am going to Mexico mid March and if I had surgery beg of Feb this would be about 6 weeks post op.  I don't want to deal with a stuck episode over there so am wondering if I should wait til I get back.  I want to be comfortable with the band before going places.  ???????
Kate -True Brit
on 1/20/11 1:54 am - UK

Eating little amounts it the whole point of getting the band!! So, yes! And for many people, it does limit food choices - some foods are harder to deal with than others.

At 6 weeks post-op, you will be beginning the process of learning what you can and can't eat. So a holiday then would mean taking extra care - but that's not a bad thing! I would have mine done as planned and then just be careful!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/20/11 1:55 am
The small bites and chew, chew, chew lifestyle is everyday, every meal, after lap band placement, not just after a fill. After a fill, I am advised to do a two day liquid diet and a two day soft/mushy diet before returning to solid foods.

6 weeks post-op, you will not have had a fill yet, so your travel should be just fine. You will have to be careful to follow your new banded diet closely, especially when faced with all of those food and drink choices but not much restriction yet. You will likely still have internal swelling from the surgery itself and not following the new eating rules would be very detrimental.


on 1/20/11 2:13 am - LA
ok, that's what I was thinking but a friend of mine told me that she got her lapband on before her wedding and they went on a cruise.  She said I just didn't get a fill til I got back and that is what got me wondering.  I will probably wait until I get back from vacation to get the band, I waited this long a few more weeks won't matter.  I really want to do this the right way and follow all the rules so I don't need an excuse to stray from diet.  I'm sure those strawberry daquiri's would put on the pounds.  I love reading all the threads here and it helps keep me excited about getting the band.
on 1/20/11 2:26 am
I agree with your desicion, I myself would wait until you get back from vacation... call it your last horrah and then start fresh after your surgery. It's always scarry doing something new and you just dont want that in the back of your mind while trying to vacation.
In the beginning of your new life after LapBand, you spend a lot of time thinking of what to eat , how to eat, where to eat and there are too many fun things to do on vacation without worrying about that stuff. Go and have fun!
on 1/20/11 10:45 am
This discussion sort of goes hand in hand with 'how much can you eat' with the band.

Truth is, most of us don't know HOW MUCH we can eat --- we eat a small amount, and let that be enough for us.

Best to even start the 'small bites and chew/chew/chew' before you get the band.

I cut my 3 ounces of protein into about 40 'bites' that are the size of a pea or a pencil eraser.

I eat each bite, one at a time --- chew and swallow it before I take another bite.

It is amazing how just that behavior change makes your meal.
You should 'pretend' that you have to eat that way from day 1 (or before) and not even try to eat the way you do now.

on 1/20/11 4:22 am
I see where the confusion is coming from! After you heal from surgery (about 2 weeks post op****il you get your first fill (usually 6 weeks post op) you will feel as though you have no band at all and may not have to be super careful about portion sizes and bites. Your mileage may vary but this is the case for most.

So your  friend who went on vacation after surgery but before a fill was in this "bandster hell" zone where you don't feel restriction.

Once you get your first fill and start getting any amount of restriction, you should certainly feel the effects of the band, even if only mildly at first till more fills.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 1/20/11 4:25 am
The small bites and chew, chew, chew lifestyle is everyday, every meal, after lap band placement as my dr said if you wont put that amount into a babys mouth dont put it yours and chew chew chew is the rule
on 1/20/11 10:46 am - FL
 please remember that it is hard to find a doctor here who will do fills from a band from mexico or any other surg in that matter.. i was going to go to mexicali and called around and only one place in florida told me they do it and its expensive-so expensive for fills from them!
on 1/20/11 11:00 am - Mexico
I think you are making a really big mistake going to MX for a band. Make no mistake, I did the same thing. ;o) That's how I know this is not a wise decision.

First find a doctor that will do your aftercare before you have surgery. 2nd, realize that the band is probably the most expensive surgery type long term. This is not a wise decision. Learn from my mistakes instead of your own.

Why not pick a safer and more effective surgery type?

Who are you going to in MX?

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

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