Think I am doing something Wrong

on 1/20/11 6:10 am
Do you have an ipod, iphone, or droid? I find the app "Lose it!" to be very helpful and user friendly.  

I am pretty carb sensitive and have found I will not lose weight unless I just eliminate them. I mean, eliminate everything except beans and soy and nuts and hummus and carbs from vegetables but even the wholest whole grain of breads tends to do me in. If you can try a week of protein first, then vegetables, then fruit if you're still hungry, you might see a difference (but avoid tropical fruits and stick with apples and things like that.) 

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 1/20/11 6:07 am
As far as the weight loss, slow and steady is perfectly fine. I was banded in late september,and my weight loss since surgery isn't quite 30 pounds. My surgeon is pleased.  My inches have gone down, my cholesterals are down...all positives. So check in to those things and they might encourage you. (?)

 I wi**** was more, but i know i'll get there after i'm through with 'bandster hell' and get some restriction. (3 fills for me and i'm at 4.75 of a 10 cc band)

That's a lot in your band for such a short time out from surgery, i'm suprised you're not more restricted.  Are they pulling out the fluid in your band at each fill to make sure your port hasn't leaked?


Hermosa L
on 1/20/11 8:28 am
It does take some time for a fill to kick in usually for me about two weeks.

I don't believe in low carb.. because if I eat low carbs then i over-eat. I believe in eating whole grains and not a lot of them but some...

I too eggs .. I usually do 1 whole egg and 1-2 egg whites with 1/2 a piece of toast that this keeps me full... if not then I would eat alot more...

Lunch I usually eat roll up - low sodium ham or chicken with cheese dipped in mustard with veggies .. I get my carbs for the veggies and fruit that I eat.. I don't elimiate any of them

Instead of reaching for popcorn then try a piece of fruit or a cheese stick .. I try not to eat something that I feel is snacky like popcorn because then I over eat..

Dinner is usually chicken of some sort with a veggies and a few bites of brown rice or quiona this combo keeps me full and not wanting to eat eat eat..

If you eat carbs and it makes you want to eat JUNK then maybe you can be called what some say is carb sensitive.. but if your starting to work out.. which you should you need carbs to feel your workouts.. protein helps repair your muscles but carbs give you staimina to keep working out and not pass out... Plus our bodies can't process more than 30 gram of protein in one sitting so I stick to approx 60-80 grams of protein a day.... more than that I feel you don't simply need. I think your nut gave you great advise of combining protein and "good" carb for breakfast you body need something along with the protein to break it down.

I don't believe in any type of fad diet but good nutrition... so reach for more veggies and more fruit lean meats of course and whole grain "good" carbs... in them in very low moderation.

Good Luck :)
Hermosa L
on 1/20/11 8:31 am
Also I forgot to mention just because you can eat more doesn't mean you should. You really need to question yourself.. am I still hungry? Or are you eating more because you can.. we really should test our bands to the limit that's not the goal or purpose... we need to eat and feel satisfied.. I know your band to be like EEKKK STOP but it's best to rely on yourself.

Good Luck!
on 1/20/11 9:58 am
you're all wonderful! Thanks for the detailed replies.
on 1/20/11 10:16 am - Albuquerque, NM
You had a fill yesterday and you are already eating solids????? According to my Dr. when you get a fill you have to stay on liquids for 48 hrs and then to mushies for 24 and then onto solids. If you don't do this you can irritate the stomach much like you would if you had gotten stuck on something.

I have a 7cc band and have 6.5cc in it now, so you may have a way to go still. Measure what you are eating and only eat that. I adhere to a low carb diet and feel fuller for longer and have no cravings. I would stay with the 2 eggs in the morning and add some other type of protein like bacon (1slice) and leave out the bread entirely.

Hope that helps.


lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.

Anti Lap-band advocate!


on 1/20/11 4:22 pm - TX
My post fill protocol is liquids day of fill, soft foods that evening and solids the next day.  So MovieMum might not be all that out of line by eating solid food already.  Every doc is different in their instructions.  :)

Regarding the literature about 1/4 cup of food per meal.. umm  no, not really.  Not for most bandsters anyhow.  the 1/4 cup sounds very unrealistic to me.  My doc says 3oz protein, 1/2 cup veggies.  Eat protein 1st.  If still hungry after finishing veggies.. wait 20 minutes.. really still hungry?  I can have more veggies.

Some folks would call me compulsive..but this has worked for me.  I weigh & measure every bite that goes into my mouth (unless we're eating out.. I haven't gotten THAT weird ..yet..LOL) .  I record everything at  If dailyplate is difficult for you, try,,, or google for a free online calorie tracker.  There's so many you'll find one that fits your needs.  But if you haven't tried dailyplate in a while, try it again, they've revamped the site.

Regarding carbs:  I'm kinda half & half on this.  If you're not exercising, yes, cut the high glycemic carbs, such as bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, corn.  If you're exercising intensely, you need some carb.  I exercise vigorously every morning 5 to 6 days a week.. at least 90 minutes each time and often 3 hours and I have steelcut oatmeal for breakfast on workout days.  Steelcut oatmeal is different from regular oatmeal as it is not as high glycemic meaning that it doesn't cause the blood sugar to spike and then drop.. leaving us hungrier.  :(  

Popcorn is a whole grain, but can be high glycemic, so be careful.  If you find eating it makes you want more.. you may need to find something else.  Sad.. I like popcorn too.  

If you just got the fill yesterday, it may take a few more days to kick in and make it's presence known.  You've gotten some good advice from the previous posters.  Let us know how things go.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

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