Think I am doing something Wrong

on 1/20/11 4:53 am
I had my surgery in Oct of last year and have only lost 21 lbs.  Now, I've read the Bandwagon (love it) and I know I should be exercising (will start with a pers trainer soon) but I read all about fills and liquid diets and, I'm 8.5 filled and I can still eat!  A Lot!

I have cut back on my food intake considerably but I'm not sure if I'm doing this right.

For breakfast I can have 2 eggs + 1 pc high fiber bread + a dab of cream cheese.  Should I cut back to 1 egg?  My nutritionist said it's always good to have a protein with a bit of carb so that the protein can stay satisfy you longer.  I still manage to be hungry with hungry growls after 3 hours.  I'm not drinking with food, try to drink 64 oz. every day.  Snack properly with a cheese stick or something but I manage to fill my plate at dinner and even tho it takes a while, I can fini****!

I THOUGHT i would feel satisfied and full with much much less food.  Today i did an experiment.  I made a plate for lunch and when my nose started to run (one of my 'satiation clues') i stopped and put away the food.  And you know, after 2.5 hours, I had a snack (100 cal popcorn with 1/4 c mozz cheese on it). 

I feel like I'm eating too much.  One pc of literature said a bandster should eat 1/4 cup of food per meal.  Really?  Really?

This may be too vague for this forum but i haven't been here in a while and even tho I don't want this weight loss to be too fast, I think I should at the very least have lost 25-30 lbs by now.  I'm sure once I'm active that will boost things along.

Thanks for listening.


on 1/20/11 5:01 am - Mexico
Sounds like you need a fill?

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/20/11 5:04 am
just had another 1 yesterday.  for a total of 8.5 out of 10.  Now what!!!
Bette B.
on 1/20/11 5:07 am
 Give yesterday's fill a little time to kick in. Sometimes it can take over a week to feel anything. 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 1/20/11 5:19 am - Mexico
My fills never kicked in until day #3. Some take as long as 2 weeks. I don't know if anyone really knows why that is.

If this one doesn't do it go back and get another. Have him pull out all the fluid to make sure you don't have a leak. You can also get a fill under fluoro, it's a lot more exact that way.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/20/11 6:06 am
I don't understand this AT ALL but it usually takes me 2 weeks to start really feeling the fill. My last one, I actually felt looser after it for a bit and then 2 weeks afterwards it hit me with some good restriction.  So be patient with it.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 1/20/11 5:28 am
I find that fills don't "kick-in" right away either. Sometimes, it is as long a 10 days before I notice the difference.

I have always been able to eat more than 1/4 cup at a meal. Unless I was too tight....then I could not fit anything in.


on 1/20/11 5:34 am - Highland, NY
Id take away the carb before the egg...i know my problem is still carbs....the denser the protein the longer i feel full ..but id get checked to make sure ..they let you eat after a fill? every doc is different..mine is 24 clear fluids then a day of shakes then mushies ...but i agree maybe you should get it checked under flouro...
Lisa O.
on 1/20/11 5:41 am - Snoqualmie, WA
You may be super carb sensitive.  I would try going a week without simple carbs and keep the carbs to no more than 50 g.

I eat 1/3-1/2 portions and feel satisfied for 3-4 hours.  Carbs make me crave more carbs.

My recommendation would be to eat dense protein and veggies only for a week to see if you can have a nice drop.  That will tell you if it's the carbs that are sabotaging your WL efforts.

I would also suggest tracking everything you put in your mouth using the daily  It's the only way to know if you're getting too many calories, carbs, sugar, etc.  If you don't do this already it will be very eye opening!

60-80 g of protein is the most important part of the bandster diet.  With limited capacity it will give you the biggest bang for your buck!

It might be good to do a calorie check.  I don't know what your Nut recommended for you but I stay under 1200 if I want to lose weight.

Hang in there!  It's a process and you have to mix it up now and then to keep your body guessing!

Feel free to ask questions any time!

Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



on 1/20/11 5:57 am, edited 1/20/11 5:58 am
ok. I will give up some of the carbs and try to document better than I did before. Problem with the is half the time they don't understand what I'm writing and it takes soooo long to document quantities on the comp. Just find it a hassle.

Thanks for all your input. At 8.5 ccs, I should be fairly constricted and look forward to a bit more movement by the end of February!

Also, I found that if I don't have something wet (like hummus or the like) with the protein, it's hard for me to eat it.  I will begin to cut everything down into smalll pcs.  Thanks!


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