Help Please! Deciding on the band...

on 1/20/11 9:57 am - Mexico
On January 20, 2011 at 5:04 PM Pacific Time, mary101678 wrote:
It's a very personal decision, and one not made lightly. Talk to your doctor for some guidance . The band is a slower method of weight loss than the by-pass, but you still have your stomach directly engaged in your digestion.

You have to decide what you can tolerate, and if you want to watch calories and weigh yourself every day.

Whatever your choice, make sure it's well thought out and that you have your family's support too!!
Good luck and keep posting.....

My stomach is still directly engaged in my digestion.  I don't think I understand what you are referring to.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/20/11 10:26 am - Albuquerque, NM
I love my band and at the time I had the choice of the lap-band or the RNY so I did the one that I felt I could live with at the time. If I had to have surgery today or had to loose my band for what ever reason I would have the sleeve and probably would have had the sleeve done if It was available to me only because the lap-band is a lot of maintenance. My friends who had other surgeries only see their Dr once a year, I see mine 4 or 5. So the decision is yours take time to research and decide what is right for YOU because its the one you have to live with.


lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.

Anti Lap-band advocate!


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