What postive thing has WLS done for you?

Hermosa L
on 1/20/11 6:21 am
OMG you made my day... I never rocked the fro well I did when I was little because my mom was too lazy to brush my hair. LOL 

I did tho rock the Lisa Lisa Cult Jam look though.. with the shave sides.. ha ha ha memories
on 1/20/11 6:55 am
 I LOVE IT!!!!!!  My mom fried my naturally red, curly hair with a perm once and everyone called me Orphan Annie for weeks! UGH!  This is great though!!



Jean M.
on 1/20/11 9:43 am
Revision on 08/16/12


I just love that photo. What a wild thing! Your hair needed its own zip code!


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





Kate -True Brit
on 1/20/11 5:21 am - UK

I simply haven't  the energy to list them!

I don't  think a single aspect of my life is unchanged. From what I wear, eat and do, to how I behave, socialise and relax.

Sounds an exaggeration? Well, it's not! Ask anyone who knew me 5 years ago - I now feel able to be the person i always was inside!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Kerry B.
on 1/20/11 6:03 am
What hasn't the band done for me? I can't think of a single thing.  I love my new life and can't quit smiling.  I still have a way to go but I'm enjoying every minute of this fabulous journey.
HD Mama
on 1/20/11 8:22 am
The band has done SO much for me....here are few things that come to mind....

It's allowed me run a 5K and not be dead last, LOL (I'm actually part of a triathlon team and will be doing the biking portion - no WAY could I ever imagine I'd be able to do that prevously).
It's helped me to be the role model I should have always been for my kids when it comes to eating healthy and exercising - my daughter LOVES to exercise now because she sees me do it all the time.
It's given me confidence to stand in front of groups and give presentations without thinking that everyone is judging me and looking at how awful I look - now I believe they are just listening to what I have to say.
I'm able to keep up with my kids - they can no long outrun me (which is a very good thing!)
I'm able to wear bathing suits, in public and not feel totally ashamed/embarrassed.
I'm no longer embarrassed for my husband when meeting his friends/coworkers (not that he ever said he was, but seriously? He had to be).
I've gone from only being able to shop at Lane Bryant or the "Woman's Plus" section to being able to shop in the Juniors section (if I choose to...honestly, I don't that often because I feel like an old lady trying to fool people, LOL).

There is so much more, but those are just off the top of my head.
on 1/20/11 10:57 am
Great topic, Tiff.

My band has --

added 'years to my life and life to my years'
given me the confidence that I will reach and MAINTAIN a healthy weight
improved my marriage
made me an athlete (I am a runner and hiker now)
given me the confidence to camp with friends
given me confidence at work --
allowed me to travel comfortably
taken away my ankle pain
inspired several people I love to examine their own weight issues and take action

on 1/20/11 11:21 am
My band is still new to me, only 3 weeks post op. But i can already see the changes it is making for me. I am down 40 pounds and life is looking so much better already.
on 1/20/11 11:44 am
 My band has given me back my health.  My b/p, bloodwork all now wnl.  Most importantly it's given back my energy and mobility.  I can now dance for hours, walk miles, have a terrible busy day at work and NOT be in pain from any of it.

I am so much happier.  My attitude is more positive and I find I'm noticed alot more and much more adventurous.  

I am a new, improved and much more vibrant version of myself.

It feels GREAT!

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