Never ask a queston you dont want the answer to.

on 1/20/11 6:12 am
Hi Everyone,

I had my surgery about two years ago..and have posted a few things on and off over the last few years....mostly I  just read the posts of others..but I wanted to see if this had happend to anyone else.

Last night I had dinner with my best male friend...he made steak..and to be honest it was pretty tough...he also made asparagus.steamed. I shoud add that he is doing the atkins diet.  I get pretty good after a few bites...I said I was full.  My friend just freaked out...said that he needed to start eating with somebody who could eat more than a few bites....very wierd.

So i asked him..:"would you rather I just take all the saline out of my band and be like I used to be?" And he said yes!! OMG....didnt see that coming...then I asked if watching me eat sometimes made him uncomfortable..and he said yes again...

Those of you who have had the band long enough..know that there are times that you eat faster than you should..or things that go down easy one day..may not the next...etc....but he said that when my eyes water and i sit up straighter...and finish earlier..he feels sorry for me..I think he is just jealous.  He isnt overwieght...I used to wiegh about eighty pounds more than him..and now he wieghs ten more than me....This guy is my best friend..and it hurt...has this happend to any of your best friends/husbands/family members?

Thanks for letting me vent...Robin
Lisa O.
on 1/20/11 6:44 am - Snoqualmie, WA
Sounds like he is and has been your eating buddy.  Regardless if you're over-indulging or not, let's face it, many of our relationships revolve around eating. 

My husband knows the stopping signs and my Dad worries if I have to excuse myself from the table in the middle of the meal, but NONE of my family or friends want me to be morbidly obese again and neither does your friend.  He's just mourning the good ol' days when you were fat and probably not so happy!

He'll adjust.

Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



on 1/20/11 6:48 am
Thanks Lisa!

You are right....I think the lack of carbs...(he was on day two) made him a little grouchy...I think I was just surprised that he was so quick with his response of "yes! " when I asked if he wanted me to take the saline out....

Also..I have been pretty broke since his eating and shopping buddy is gone!  He better adjust...or be!

thanks again..Robin
crystal M.
on 1/20/11 10:36 am - Joliet, IL
I'm lucky because my best friend had LapBand before me.  So no weirdness between us.  The only person I feel uncomfortable eating in front of is a friend of mine I meet and eat with every couple months.  When I was 6 months out I had a really bad reaction to some dry ground beef and I ended up in the bathroom throwing up.  Even though I ran to the bathroom she said she was grossed out knowing I was throwing up in the bathroom...well thanks for the compassion.  Now when I go I just don't eat much at all.  I eat when I get home
on 1/21/11 5:08 am

I would have loved to have had a close friend go thru the lap band with me.....but I had this board to go to.  Most of my female friends and male friends have been great....but my best male friend still thinks I could have lost weight on my own...oh well.

I have had my moments with dry beef and chicken too!


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