What do you do when You Want it, Need it, Gotta have it?

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/11 11:48 pm - Miramar Beach, FL
 I had to go low-carb for a while to get my cravings under control.  Right now, I'm pretty good.  But, one little treat I still have a couple times a day is my Viactiv Calcium + D chew.  It's actually pretty tasty, and has a chewy, chocolaty texture like a Tootsie Roll.  They are not without calories/carbs, though, at 20 cal and 3g carb each.  But, at least you're getting some needed nutrients, too.  

on 1/20/11 12:29 am
my belief is moderation not deprivation
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/20/11 1:04 am - Charlestown, RI
Ive been having chocolate cravings ALOT lately!!  What Ive been doing so far is having either a sf chocolate pudding or a sf hot chocolate...its been working but that chocolate calls me every day!!  And, I forget to pack either my pudding or my HC so I hope the craving doesnt take over on me today Im defenseless lol

btw, good luck on Sunday Steelersfan!!
Ann Marie C.
on 1/20/11 1:10 am
As long as it isnt cake or muffins or bread-I cannot eat those without being miserable-I have a slimfast bar-100 cals and taste similar to a butter fingers(okay exactly the same) fills me up sorta a slider food (why is that) and I am able to walk away-I am so glad the holidays are over!

Evaluation 5/10/08
Surgery 11/04/08Lap Band Concord Hospital

on 1/20/11 2:33 am
I certainly have to deal with the craving for something sweet.  I deal with ea*****ident and am very glad when it is past.

Thanks guys for all the good suggestions.  I didn't know about the vitamin D connection.  Maybe I'll up my vitamin D intake a little.
on 1/20/11 3:17 am
When I am eating very well and following all my rules, I have a small piece of very dark chocolate before bed. I actually learned recently that the bitterness of dark chocolate activates the satiety sensors in the brain.  I'm talking really dark like 78% cocoa which usually can be bought in large bars that are kind of expensive/fancy. If you eat 1x1 inch square it's probably less calories than a hershey's kiss. But if that works for you then great! You have to suck on the dark chocolate or else it tastes gross but spending a few minutes sucking on a piece that is really high quality like Lindt or Gheridelhi is so much more satisfying to me than 10 seconds of chewing a hershey kiss.

One thing I've definitely done successfully is letting myself have what I REALLY want but just a few bites. Buy something, take 2 or 3 deliberate, slow bites, enjoy them thoroughly, and throw it out immediately. If you are craving something in particular I've found it only gets worse if you try to substitute that craving with other stuff. You will still be wanting that first thing and by the end of it you've eaten everything else in the house trying to avoid eating the ice cream you originally wanted.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 1/20/11 5:54 am
So, sucking on the dark chocolate is the trick?  I've been wanting to try dark chocolate because I've heard it's much (relatively) better for you than milk chocolate but it's so bitter!  I think I'll buy a bar of Lindt on the way home and give it a try.  Thanks!
on 1/20/11 6:02 am
Yeah, it works well for me. I recommend starting with something just above 60% cocao if you're not used to it. If you like that, move to 70% and up. I now love the 78% ...and the 85% is ok but slightly too much on the bitter side for me to really enjoy.  I highly recommend "Green & Black Organic" brand dark 70% and have found this at Safeway and Food Lion. 

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 1/23/11 5:06 am
Decaf coffee with no more then 2 tsp italian sweet creme powdered creamer with some Splenda. It's rich and smells wonderful. Regardless of the size of the cup I don't do more then 2 tsp of the creamer becuase the carbs can be high.
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