New Year, new game plan

Lisa O.
on 1/19/11 7:07 am - Snoqualmie, WA
O.k.!  I've been hiding, (a little), because it's been a tough holiday season for me weight wise and it's hard to share when you're struggling.  BUT, becuase I always believe in being truthful with you, my OH family, (and myself),  I just updated my ticker to show the truth about the 16 lbs I gained over the last 2.5 months.  I also know that this is exactly the place to come to get the support I need!

I recently wrote an article for Jean M.'s Newsletter called "Keeping the Momentum" that goes in to more details about where I am in my WL journey, but I'm posting today to let you know what I'm doing to take back control!  If you don't get the newsletter I highly recommend Jean M. to get on the list.  Not just because I wrote the article but becuase there is a lot of helpful information for Bandsters old and new!

I started with a slight fill.  I've had my band for 2 years and I know what good restriction feels like and I didn't have it.  I don't keep my band too tight, (been there done that, and not only is it no fun, it's counter productive to losing weight).  But,i f I don't feel anything when I push the limits it's usually time for a tweak.  Monday I got .5 cc's added bringing me to 5.75 cc's.

I also had a  long talk with my PA.  They usually don't lecture me at my surgeons office becuase I've gained weight and lost it before on this journey and they know that I know what to do.  But this time was different, because my PA could tell that I was scared and I was!  I've been feeling out of control and every time I tried to go back to what worked for me before I couldn't stick to it.  I'd burned myself out on so many foods that I ate all the time I just couldn't bear eating some of the things that worked so well for me during the first 9 months of this journey.

So, we made a new plan.  Just like most things, information changes as we learn and while talking to my PA I discovered that even their protocol had changed in the 2 years since I was banded.  Here are the most drastic changes:

My PA feels that the most important thing that I can change is getting enough protein and to get started first thing in the a.m. with 30 grams!  For those of you that know me well, you know that I've always been anti protein shake because when I was first taught how to work with the band my Nut said NO shakes, ever! (Unless you've just had a fill).  Solid food, 3 meals a day was what they preached and that worked really well for me for 9 months.  But today, becuase they believe that protein itself will help with saiety and is so critical to jump starting your metabolism, they're now encouraging shakes if that's what it takes to get 30 grams of protein in the morning.  The PA also recommended drinking it early, when you first get up and then having a snack or lite breakfast an hour or so later IF you're still hungry. 

They are also coaching 6 small meals throughout the day, (if you need them) vs. just 3 meals a day, so based on a calorie goal of 1200-1300 calories it would look something like this:  300, 100, 300, 150, 300, 150, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.  If you know you need to ingest less (or more) calories to lose weight based on your height, weight, activty level, etc. just shave or add accordingly.  The key to this theory is to not let your metabolism get to low between meals, to keep it fairly consistent so it's not working so hard to stay at a burning level.

The other big change is that they are now coaching 80-100g of protein vs. the 60-80 I lived on before.  It's no joke!  Protein is the most important piece to working your band and over the last few months when I've been gaining weight, I KNOW  I have slacked off on the protein.

This is just one more way of doing things.  I'm not saying that it's the right way or the better way but I wanted to share the changes in philosophy in my program and the things I'm trying to re-jumpstart my weight loss. 

For me, the one thing that hasn't changed is that I know that sugar is the Devil.  I must limit my sugar intake or I will pay the price with uncontrollable carb cravings and that will always derail my progress!

In the 2 years I've had the band I've lost a lot (and gained a few) pounds, but I know the band is my friend when I listen to my body and follow the rules. 

I'll keep you all posted as I settle in to this new regime.

Never give up!

Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



(deactivated member)
on 1/19/11 7:45 am - Miramar Beach, FL
 Lisa, thanks for a great message (and your article in Jean's newsletter, too!)

So many interesting things came to my mind reading your post.  First, after being away from OH for some time, I've been curious about whether the "band rules" have changed since I was banded in '06.  Back then every other post was about the band rules, and I never see anyone post about them anymore.

Second, protein drinks!  As some of us "old timers" were discussing recently, we used to get into regular battles on here about the pros and cons of using them.  I was on the anti- group, mainly because I just never used them.  They weren't even recommended to me post-op!  Now I use them. Since I'm also low-carbing, I've been looking for one that provides the greatest amount of protein with the fewest carbs, and is still drinkable.  Yesterday I found Pure Protein Shakes with 23g protein and 6g carbs in my local grocery store.  Taste-wise, not the best, but drinkable.

As for frequent small meals?  Darlin', I've been preaching that for 4+ years!  If you're hungry, drink your water.  Still hungry?  Eat!  Just include some protein, and keep it a small portion.  

I'm with you on the holiday weight gain.  Mine started with a cruise Thanksgiving week.  Trust me, an eat-a-thon is NOT the way to start the holiday season!  But, I'm back on track, and it's really helped me to come back to OH.  It *is* a great support forum!

Good luck to you, Lisa!

on 1/19/11 8:10 am - Central Coast, CA
Hi Lisa,

Thanks so much for posting this.  Interesting that the guidelines are changing.  Wishing you much success with your new fill.

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/11 8:23 am - Des Moines, IA
Hi Lisa,
I missed seeing you on this board!  It helps others to know that this journey has ups and downs for all of us.  By sharing your journey experiences it can help others.  We don't have to be perfect, we just have to keep trying.  We are never done. 

I can't wait to hear how your new plan works for you.  I have my next apt in Feb and at my last apt I asked if I could come back in 2 months, just to keep me thinking about getting weighed on the scale.  I could have waited 6 months, but I thought this would keep me honest.  When was the last time you had your apt with the PA? 

I wish you strength! 
Kate -True Brit
on 1/19/11 10:02 am - UK

Good to see you back - and with fresh determination! Go, girl!

Interesting about the changes. My own doc always said eat 5 or 6 times a day and I always have done. For me, that is the way to keep hunger at bay. iI i get hungry, I get tempted!

But the protein thing is certainly a change from what i was taught. I can't eat breakfast but always have an enormous skinny latte which I measured and found to be about 15gm protein - so a lot less than you are being told. Let us know how the 30gm  for breakfast and the overall increase goes. I am unlikely to go the protein shake route - i don't like them and in any case prefer not to use anything other than "real" food  unelss I have to. But I might try to up protein in other ways if you report great success!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/19/11 12:53 pm - Rio Rancho, NM
VSG on 04/03/12
That is very interesting information, Lisa!  Thanks for sharing.  I just celebrated my 3rd anniversary with the band.   I know you know about my struggles....and yes, you have every reason to be scared.  It is SO hard to get the mojo back that most of us have right after surgery once you lose it.  My band is snug and doing it's part.  I am also now exercising and loving it.......the missing piece is my eating.  I so desperately want that feeling I had after surgery.....determination to make the best food choices.  Good luck, LIsa!!  You can do this!

  LapBand Surgery 01/10/08, Revison to Sleeve 04/03/12

Lisa O.
on 1/20/11 12:26 am - Snoqualmie, WA
I'm so glad to hear that your band is working after all you've been through!  We can do this!  Sometimes I just need that slap upside my head to remind me that I'm a food addict!

Thanks for the encouragement!


Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



on 1/20/11 1:05 am
Lisa, thanks so much for posting this. I too gained weight over the holidays following a 2.5 cc unfill. I went wild and gained 8.5 lbs. I am needing to get back on the wagon too and it is hard to motivate. I had 1 cc put back in and next week, probably another cc so I am hoping to get restriction back. I was also advised to start making my meals 4-6 small ones instead of 3 regular ones. I am having to start re-committing to eating slowly, in small bites and more protein, less carbs. It's all a process. We can do it!!


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