Have I Figured Out the Secret to Success?

on 1/18/11 9:59 am - Raleigh, NC
Revision on 10/10/14
OK all, I think I have figured out the key to using this band when it comes to eating (we'll see when I weigh in next week) but today I decided to eat something small every 3 hours. 

A yogurt in the early morning
Half of a smoked sausage in the late morning
Soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch
Peanut butter crackers for a late afternoon snack
Shrimp in vodka sauce for dinner
and if I'm hungry later, cherries with half a cup of vanilla ice cream

I also sipped water all day in 15 minute intervals and worked out for an hour first thing this morning.  I have stayed full all day and have been able to eat less than 1500 calories without feeling hungry. Notice I did have a little bread (I don't eat it everyday) and have left room for a treat if I'm hungry, and I don't at all feel deprived.   I really hope this works.  I want there to be some serious results when I go back to the Dr. on Feb 22nd.

I think I do best with controlling my urges when I allow myself to have what I want without going overboard.

Also, I planned what I was going to eat today last nite, so maybe pre-planning helps.  I tracked what I was going to eat on My Daily Plate and adjusted it when changes arose (like I hadn't planned on eating that sandwich for lunch).  I also inputted the calories burned exercising this morning.  I feel really good about today. 

Does eating frequent small meals seem to work for you?  What kinds of things are you eating.
(deactivated member)
on 1/18/11 10:04 am - Miramar Beach, FL

Yes, yes, yes!  I absolutely agree!  Small meals/snacks with plenty of water in between is the best way to feel satisfied, and to keep the metabolism rev'd up!  Planning...exercise...allowing yourself a treat now and then.... I agree with you 100%!  

on 1/18/11 12:39 pm
Yep --- I eat 5 or 6 times a day

typical is

Greek yogurt -- early am (150 calories)
banana -- late am (100 - 150 calories)
lunch -- tuna, veggies, crackers (250 - 300 calories)
snack -- apple or low-fat string cheese  (50 - 100 calories)
dinner -- 3 oz protein, veggies (300 calories)
snack -- pudding or string cheese (100 calories)

This way, I can always tell myself that 'food is never more than 3 hours away)

I wait about an hour after eating and drink my water in between

Kate -True Brit
on 1/18/11 3:29 pm - UK

Me too! I never allow myself to get hungry! So I often eat 6 times a day.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/19/11 1:29 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12

You are so right. Getting hungry leads directly to overeating. You have a great formula, keep it up. (1500 cals is too much for me, though. I have to keep it to around 1000), or I won't lose anything.

on 1/19/11 8:06 am - Raleigh, NC
Revision on 10/10/14
Ok so today was a bit harder than yesterday.  I found myself getting hungry faster especially in the morning, but after lunch it was all good.  Maybe I should eat more first thing in the morning?  I don't know.  I try to make lunch my heaviest meal of the day because I don't like breakfast too much and I still have time to burn off the calories.  I am still going to stick with this plan though (unless I see myself gaining instead of losing) because I feel way more satisified than if I only ate 3 meals/day.
on 1/20/11 7:24 am - Raleigh, NC
Revision on 10/10/14
OK this crap isn't working.  I have been doing this for 3 days andI weighed in today to see if it was working and I have GAINED 5 lbs in 3 days!  WTF??! I have been working out, tracking my food, eating frequently, what's the missing element? Am I eating too much? Maybe I need to choose better foods to eat....I am discouraged :( I'm doing MY part, (at least I THINK I am) but I'm not getting any results! I wish I had gotten the gastric bypass.
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