
on 1/18/11 4:33 am - United Kingdom
only can manage a small amount of smooth soup tday 3 mouthfulls it hurts the chest and when i drink i have trouble to.Going  4 a unfill on thur on milk till then had a talk to the dietisn and hospital noone there to do unfill till then not impressed i can drive a 5 hr round trip but havent slept and eaten properly for two days so milk here i come at least i lose some weight at the moment this feels like punishment every time i eat or drink for the first time i regret having this done eating shouldent feel like this when i had 5mls i keep getting iron fist in the chest so cant leave it more than 3 hrs before i eat does restiction mean pain i hope not tried something soft threw it back up oh well onwards and upwards.
Kate -True Brit
on 1/18/11 4:40 am - UK

No, restriction does not mean pain! Sorry this is so unpleasant for you at the moment. In the past, I have found it only took a tiny unfill to stop me being too tight, although I wasn't as tight as you seem to be.

Why don't you try some protein shakes until you can get the doc to get some fill out for you? That would keep the nutitional levels up a bit better for you.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/18/11 4:52 am - United Kingdom
thanks for your reply but i dread drinking i drink half a glass and im in pain and airs gets trapped do u thinkwith taking some out im  at full restriction 4 me?or will i need more just want no more fills
on 1/18/11 5:10 am
How many CCs do you have? What size is your band? You are still very early post surgery so it's hard to say (my surgeon filled VERY slowly compared to some.) 

Also, did you do a liquid diet for a few days after the fill? Did your surgeon recommend you to? If you went right back on solids I could see it being a problem (most doctors advise liquids for a couple of days after every fill till the swelling goes down. For me personally it takes almost a week before swelling goes down.) 

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 1/18/11 5:24 am - United Kingdom
hi,its a 10cc band i have 6mls in now had a ml put in yesterday .i had liquids on day 1 semi soilds day two then back to normal but i cant do semi solids so on milk till unfill thanks for replying,yvonne
on 1/18/11 5:30 am
This is just my opinion but it sounds like you've been getting filled WAY too aggressively! No wonder you're in pain.

To give you an example, I didn't even get my first fill until 6 weeks after surgery and it was 3cc (same as ml)

Then a month later I got .5
Then a month later I got nothing
Then 2 months later I got 1
Then 2 months later I got .25

So I have 4.75 in a 10 cc band, 10 months after surgery. I can't imagine if I'd had 6cc only a few months after surgery. Too much, too soon, recipe for trouble. I hope the unfill helps you out. MUCH better to be hungry and eat more of the right types of foods than to be too tight and unable to eat solids period.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 1/18/11 6:43 am - United Kingdom
hi,i had 4mls while i was having the op 1ml 4 weeks later then 1 ml 4 weeks after that thanks yvonne
on 1/18/11 7:13 am
Ah, see I think that's where the problem is. I hear a lot more of people having trouble when they are filled with anything during surgery. Even more so a large fill like the 4ml you had! It's done, maybe not so commonly here anymore, but I think I agree with the method of leaving the band unfilled and going slower. Anyway, you're doing the right thing getting some taken out.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

Sylvia M.
on 1/18/11 5:49 am - DALLAS, TX
Revision on 07/24/14
I agree with both the responses that you have had so far, I have had to fill my band slowly too they tried to fill it too quickly one time and I had to tell them to unfill it some.......and ...each time after each fill they always tell me to drink some water before I leave the office so that in case they have to take some out before I leave they will (saves the trip back to the office) but any who....when ever I get "restricted" like that I always throw it out and then lay down for a bit and it always helps that "ugly hurt" feeling....always try to sip after you have had that feeling and relax when eating and concentrate on chewing...its a habit that has to be learned...I learned the hard way...Hope you feel better soon
on 1/18/11 6:03 am - United Kingdom
hi,thanks for you r reply much appreciated im of to bed feel bad thanks again yvonne
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