Spoiled by my own success

(deactivated member)
on 1/18/11 9:03 am - Miramar Beach, FL
 Yours is a good example of why it's not such a good idea to get too hung up on the scale to determine "success".  I do know exactly where you're coming from.  I was extremely motivated by the scale, too, and wanted to push, push, push to see movement.  As others have mentioned, the last 25 lbs. are absolutely the hardest to take off, and *maybe* you need to find another goal, besides the scale to keep you going.  Maybe a fitness challenge or race to prepare for?  You'll probably find the pounds continue to drop off...slowly...but that's OK, because you're focused on something else.  

The real problem with being a scale junkie is reaching goal.  At that point, you still have to make the effort to eat right and exercise, but you don't get the little victories along the way (scale, smaller clothes, etc.) to keep you motivated to stay on track.  I guess what I'm saying is that you have to take pride in what you've achieved, be happy within yourself, and simply live a healthier, more active life, regardless of what the scale says.  

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