weird symptoms....

on 1/18/11 7:02 am - China Grove, NC
I dunno if this is related to my band or not but thought  I would run it by the board and see if anyone ad any ideas.... so starting yesterday I have had a little pressure/slight burning inbetween the girls in my chest.Not really painful just there sometimes. I have been gasey (sorry for the TMI) almost like and acidy stomach.I have gotten food down really well the last few days (leading the worry wart in me to think...restriction loss.... however I am staying full a long while just the food is going down well.) Anyways I have had a little nausea too not to the point of gagging just nagging on and off. I  am of course convinced there is something wrong with my band.I see the Dr on Friday anyways but just worried about these weird things going on. Anyone have any ideas what could be going on or am I over reacting lol? 

on 1/18/11 7:38 am - Hill AFB, UT
It sounds to me like your band may have slipped. I have a girlfriend who's symptoms were almost identical to yours accept she also had a lot of nausea an diarrhea. She believes hers slipped due to a stomach bug she had where she had a lot of heaving. Hopefully it's nothing and it's a good thing you are getting in this week befor the weekend. All they did for my friend was pull out all of her saline and it corrected itself. Now she is slowly getting her fills again and doing fine. I wish you the best. Please keep us posted on what and if the Dr. finds anything!


Starting weight- 265     Goal weight- 165-145 
Jean M.
on 1/18/11 8:38 am
Revision on 08/16/12
Could be a band slip, or it could just be that you need a slight unfill. If you're able to drink clear liquids, not in terrible pain, and not puking from the nausea, I think it can wait until your appt on Friday, but it wouldn't hurt to call your surgeon's office sooner than that.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: 





Tiff tells all
on 1/18/11 10:54 pm - Ewa Beach, HI
RNY on 05/21/19
TMI?? Never!

quick question... could you be pregnant?

It sounds to me like perhaps you might be a tad too tight given the reflux acidy thing. If you don't get ahold of your MD, try full liquids for a few days to see if it settles down. Even if it is a slip, he'd basically put you on liquids till it settles down. But it would be best to talk to the MD about that.


Current MD- Dr. Mikami, Honolulu Hawaii

Lapband 14cc AP Lg in 2008- slipped and removed 2016 -VSG July 21, 2016-dx Gerd

** RNY Revision 05/21/2019 **

"A few drops of hope can water and nourish our garden" - Jean M

on 1/18/11 11:53 pm - China Grove, NC
Thanks ya'll ! I got ahold of Dr and he said get some Prilosec and try that and if it did not help he would try to see me before Friday.  So off to Wally World I ran !  Tiff ....nope cannot be pregnant lol (been fixed hahaha)  I am doing liquids/super soft (like cream of wheat) foods til I see him. Took the Prilosec and do feel cautiously better . I did not sleep well thinking ....ohh noooo my band has slipped and they are going to have to take it out ! :(
I'll keep you guys posted !

on 1/19/11 7:26 am
I sure hope it's not a slip! I will keep my fingers crossed for you. But I wanted to say I was having something possibly similar about a month ago. I didn't have what I would actually call pain, burning, nausea or anything, but I was having a lot of gurgling and pressure and needing to burp feeling - right between the girls too ;) I had up till that point been using a straw which I know we're not supposed to do but it never caused any issues. I stopped using a straw and switched to a sports top bottle but it still persisted. Finally when I gave up the sports top and just started drinking from a cup only, it went away. My theory is I was getting too much air. So, while your symptoms are more troublesome than mine were, if you're drinking from a straw or sports top bottle, try quitting and see if it doesn't get better in a few days.

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

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