am i overfilled?
had a fill tday i ml had op 2 months ago had 4 mls put in when i had the op then 1ml 4 weeks ago so now i have 6mls in my 10ml band.i was ok till i came home been burping constantly feel like i have a bubble in my throught i thought if i have a couple of mints which i munched on it would help the buping well i was sick,cant lay down as throat feels heavy/strange uncomfortable when i drink or eat it makes the burping even worse can keep food and drink down though whats wrong they took all the saline out to check amount in band then put it back in please help:(
I have not experienced that but I would definetly call your doctor right now. I would guess that 1ml is just tooo much fill in your band right now. Do they have you drink when they put more saline in before they take the needle out? I think that helps alot to make sure you are not tooo tight before leaving. Please call your doc and see what he says. I think if they take some back out you will be fine.

JENNIFER 5'7" Tall - 33 YEARS OLD - Ticker Includes 26 Pounds Lost Pre Op - 2.4cc in a 4cc lap band with a low profile port - 1st fill 6/19/2009 of .2cc - 2nd fill 7/24/2009 of 1.3cc - 3rd fill 9/11/2009 of .3cc - 4th Fill 10/30/2009 of 1.8cc - only had .4cc when I went supspect leak - 11-9-2009 Upper Gi with fluroscopy - Do not have a leak and band looks great...I finally have restriction - I love my BAND!!! 5th Fill 1/11/2010 of .2cc 6th Fill 3/15/2010 of .3cc. 1st UNFILL of .6 cc or so on 4/19/2010 7th Fill 7/26/2010 .2cc Eighth Fill 8/30/2010 .2cc Ninth Fill 10/25/2010 .1cc Tenth Fill 12/20/2010 .1cc

Your very welcome...and definetly call them. You shouldn't have to suffer through the night, maybe they could meet you at the er or the office. Getting fills is a very tricky thing the smallest amount of saline can make a world of difference. Maybe try a warm drink and see if that helps with the burping until you hear back from your doc.
JENNIFER 5'7" Tall - 33 YEARS OLD - Ticker Includes 26 Pounds Lost Pre Op - 2.4cc in a 4cc lap band with a low profile port - 1st fill 6/19/2009 of .2cc - 2nd fill 7/24/2009 of 1.3cc - 3rd fill 9/11/2009 of .3cc - 4th Fill 10/30/2009 of 1.8cc - only had .4cc when I went supspect leak - 11-9-2009 Upper Gi with fluroscopy - Do not have a leak and band looks great...I finally have restriction - I love my BAND!!! 5th Fill 1/11/2010 of .2cc 6th Fill 3/15/2010 of .3cc. 1st UNFILL of .6 cc or so on 4/19/2010 7th Fill 7/26/2010 .2cc Eighth Fill 8/30/2010 .2cc Ninth Fill 10/25/2010 .1cc Tenth Fill 12/20/2010 .1cc

I'm almost afraid to have a fill. After my doctor took out whatever was in there I never had another problem with pain.. I see him next week at which makes 6 wks. post op. I guess everybody is different and everybodies body functions differnt. I hope you feel better soon, and call your doctor if the morning.
Not sure what happened thought I posted a response but it's not there so sorry if I am duplicating. I had my 3rd fill last week and after the water test I asked the nurse how would you know if your band is too full and she said you would feel it in your throat - you should call your doctor.
Take care & good luck!
Take care & good luck!
May well be too tight. But if you can drink OK, you could leave it a day or so to see if things settle down. Some people find it takes a day or two to see what it is going to be like - but with me, the way I feel when i leave the doc is the way it stays.
But when in doubt always call your doc.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,