Reaching restriction and axiety/depression
Has anyone else experienced anxiety and depression once you got to a decent restriction? I have several life factors that are causing some depression but I also noticed it begin when I got my last fill which finally gave me the restriction i read about on here all the time. How have you coped and what tools did you use? Thank you so much...struggling in Iowa.
Unfortunately, I've experienced depression and anxiety issues both before and after being banded. And I too have had several issues lately that made my depression/anxiety worse. It's been hard lately because I generally don't know how to cope with any sort of stress very well.
The only advice I can give and that I've finally taken myself is to go seek out a professional and talk it out. I started taking Zoloft again, which has been helping some, because I know if I didn't get my head under control, I would be attempting to eat myself back up to 285lbs. The therapy/talking out my problems are really though what's helping me cope with my current situation(s). I'm also learning how to recognize when I'm in trouble so I don't sabotage myself.
Hang in there!! Just know you aren't alone.
The only advice I can give and that I've finally taken myself is to go seek out a professional and talk it out. I started taking Zoloft again, which has been helping some, because I know if I didn't get my head under control, I would be attempting to eat myself back up to 285lbs. The therapy/talking out my problems are really though what's helping me cope with my current situation(s). I'm also learning how to recognize when I'm in trouble so I don't sabotage myself.
Hang in there!! Just know you aren't alone.

I have experienced this to a degree as well. I didn't really associate it with the fills before, but I think my issue has to do with comfort and the realization that after having been obese for the majority of my adult life, that that could change. Am I worthy? - that kind of thing. I definetly don't have an answer to it because I still sometimes realize that I sabatoge myself in my attempt to lose weight. But, I do lean on my friends and get their feedback when I start to feel depressed. On a side note, have you talked to your doctor? If you've lost weight, you may need an adjustment in your medication/dosage.

Thanks Girls;
I have had one other bout of depression and anxiety before so I am familiar with my body. I have seen my dr...several times as it seems when one thing goes wrong others follow. I am back on Celexa, which worked for me the last time. It just may have to be a lifelong choice for me. We don't really deal with or understand the actual weight loss causes a whole new set of feelings and cir****tances to deal with. Why we gained the weight in the first place is suddenly unprotected and what do we do then!! All I know is I have a fully blessed life in my family, children and husband and so feeling like this becomes very difficult to deal with. It is one of thos "stop your whining and get out of bed moments" I believe with the medication I will get out of bed and start living again. I will be better equipped to deal with the food/eating changes, after all that helps me get to the weight loss I have wanted. My surgeon took a full year and three quarters to get me at 4cc in a 10 cc band. Getting in the little over 4 cc's is where I finally felt restriction. He retired and my new PA said what took us so long? I had to tell her it was them not me! A little frustrating. Since I am feeling restriction I am gonna sit a while and not fill until weight stops dropping or I feel a difference. Anyway...thanks for listening.
I have had one other bout of depression and anxiety before so I am familiar with my body. I have seen my dr...several times as it seems when one thing goes wrong others follow. I am back on Celexa, which worked for me the last time. It just may have to be a lifelong choice for me. We don't really deal with or understand the actual weight loss causes a whole new set of feelings and cir****tances to deal with. Why we gained the weight in the first place is suddenly unprotected and what do we do then!! All I know is I have a fully blessed life in my family, children and husband and so feeling like this becomes very difficult to deal with. It is one of thos "stop your whining and get out of bed moments" I believe with the medication I will get out of bed and start living again. I will be better equipped to deal with the food/eating changes, after all that helps me get to the weight loss I have wanted. My surgeon took a full year and three quarters to get me at 4cc in a 10 cc band. Getting in the little over 4 cc's is where I finally felt restriction. He retired and my new PA said what took us so long? I had to tell her it was them not me! A little frustrating. Since I am feeling restriction I am gonna sit a while and not fill until weight stops dropping or I feel a difference. Anyway...thanks for listening.
I really understand how tough the depression cycle is. My therapist had a special training and then told me about it. She suggested I read a book called Mood Cure. It was like reading my medical history. The focus is the effect that having depleted amino acids can cause on our emotions. I took the questionaires, then read the book, then started taking 3 different amino acids. It completely turned my life and mental health around. I had stressed my body for so long with overworking and overdoing that I was really depleted. Within 2 weeks I felt much better and within a month had a ton of energy, no sad/depressive days, was sleeping the best I had in years. There is a website where you can take the questionaires to see if you need these aminos. I have been on them since April and felt that I finally had the physical and emotional reserves I needed to go ahead with the surgery. We are all different---this may not be a factor for you but it certainly made a HUGE difference in my health and wellbeing---I told my OB/GYN about it---she read it and started some aminos herself--and feels better too.
Best wishes to you----
Best wishes to you----
Sure----it is I just looked at it and saw that the questionaire is on there on the side. You can get the book there as well. Hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.
Best wishes
Best wishes
The minute I hear that someone is depressed my heart goes out to them. I am all too familiar
with depression. I've dealt with it most of my life. I have been labeled "treatment resistant".
I am in a good place right now but I never know when I might start going back into the pit.
I, like you, consider myself blessed with good friends and family and no issues really going on. But despite those things I can still hit a depressive episode. In '09 I was hospitalized 3 times! Nothing was working. Finally a medication combo kicked in finally and I have been mostly ok since. I'm currently seeing a therapist to help deal with food issues. Do you think that since you do have good restriction now that maybe you are just missing the foods you once could eat in larger quantities? I'm newly banded and have not been hungry at all but sometimes when I see something on TV or someone eating a plate of something, I wish I could eat that food and quantity. Just me tho. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
I always hated to be told that I should see a therapist etc cause I either felt I had nothing to talk about and what good was talking going to do anyway? BUT for some strange reason it does help. Maybe a short time with someone to talk over your life factors may help. Please know that I care and I hope you feel better soon. Keep posting if you need to.
The minute I hear that someone is depressed my heart goes out to them. I am all too familiar
with depression. I've dealt with it most of my life. I have been labeled "treatment resistant".
I am in a good place right now but I never know when I might start going back into the pit.
I, like you, consider myself blessed with good friends and family and no issues really going on. But despite those things I can still hit a depressive episode. In '09 I was hospitalized 3 times! Nothing was working. Finally a medication combo kicked in finally and I have been mostly ok since. I'm currently seeing a therapist to help deal with food issues. Do you think that since you do have good restriction now that maybe you are just missing the foods you once could eat in larger quantities? I'm newly banded and have not been hungry at all but sometimes when I see something on TV or someone eating a plate of something, I wish I could eat that food and quantity. Just me tho. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
I always hated to be told that I should see a therapist etc cause I either felt I had nothing to talk about and what good was talking going to do anyway? BUT for some strange reason it does help. Maybe a short time with someone to talk over your life factors may help. Please know that I care and I hope you feel better soon. Keep posting if you need to.