A Re-Vision
Eating right
Eating smaller portions
drinking water
cutting down on the bad foods that taste so good
and most important that people forget is exercise. No matter what surgery you get you have to exercise . There is no if's and's or but's on this one !!!
I dont give up all my treats , I eat my pizza, I go to Mcdonalds but instead of eating a Big Mac and super size fries . I eat a Grileld Chicken sandwich without the bread and a handful of fries. Eating like that once inawhile is not going to make you fat, its not going to put on 5 pounds of weight on you .
It's all about moderation plain and simple. !!!!
on 1/17/11 8:31 am
It's not just that we eat less of every fried food and sweet imaginable and lie on the couch all day. We should also try to make healthier food choices and move more!
Steelerfan, mostly a great post but i just wanted to pick up on one thing.
Some people can't exercise (bad joints etc) but they can still lose. In fact, although I know i should have exercised (there is no reason why I couldn't) , but I never did. I lost all my excess weight in 15 months without regular exercise.
We should exercise! For all sorts fo health reasons in addition to weight loss. But if someone can't, they should not be put off getting surgery.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Steelerfan, mostly a great post but i just wanted to pick up on one thing.
Some people can't exercise (bad joints etc) but they can still lose. In fact, although I know i should have exercised (there is no reason why I couldn't) , but I never did. I lost all my excess weight in 15 months without regular exercise.
We should exercise! For all sorts fo health reasons in addition to weight loss. But if someone can't, they should not be put off getting surgery.
You are very right Kate !!! I just never think about it that way because my sister has ceberal palsey and has to walk on crutches and she exercises so I guess I just think about her and why there wouldnt be a reason not to exercise.
It might not be much on what she can do but she does toning of her arms and legs just sitting in the chair .
But you are right Kate !!!
She exercises more then me and has more disablity problems then me so like I said I just think of her and think people can exercise . That is my bad not everybody can do that though :o(
on 1/17/11 2:22 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA
It does not matter WHICH surgery one chooses, they will eventually have to do eat right and exercise. I think the Sleeve may give people a bigger boost in the beginning just because most of their stomach is removed this IS their window of weight loss and most do great and lose most of their weight fairly quickly. But MANY disappear from the boards (I've known a few that did not lose much at all) and those few that hang around that are 3 years out have started to complain about weight gain.
I think since the Sleeve is so NEW people are going sway that way just like they did the Lap Band, once the 'party' is over and it matures and you have a whole lot of veteran Sleevers, things may turn a bit different. My sister had a restrictive surgery years ago, this is why I am not "gun ho' over it, yea she lost all her weight, quickly...but it came back and now 20 years later she is back over 300 pounds, restrictive surgeries ALONE do not work long term hell the band is adjustable and when I went without restriction for 1 year - I gained weight quickly this is why I KNOW getting a revision to the Sleeve while my band is still working would be very stupid...but if they invent some type of weight loss surgery such as the Sleeve where there is a guarantee that I will KEEP restriction forever...I will be the FIRST going in for a revision to get my band removed but until then...it's this quirky band of mine.
