Have you experienced hair loss since surgery?

on 1/16/11 9:00 pm
I am scheduled for surgery on 3/1 and I am reading people's personal stories and hair loss within the first 6 months after surgery seems to be a common occurrence.  Is that true?  Why is that?  Lack of protein?  If I stick with the protein and keep it up, will that help? 

Anyone can you share your experiences?
Surgery date 3/1/11
LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 1/16/11 10:00 pm - West Yarmouth, MA

Hi - with the hair  loss, I haven't experienced it yet.  But I know that more than just protein can impact hair loss.  Be sure you take ALL of your vitamins.  B's D, C, Calcium.etc.  

The hair loss can also be hormonal.  As you lose weight, your hormones change.  I would say if this is a problem to visit your your OBGYN or possibly an endocrinologist.


Good luck with your surgery!



Surgery 1/6/11 , 14ml band - 0ml fill      
(deactivated member)
on 1/16/11 10:19 pm - Miramar Beach, FL
 I started shedding like a dog about 3-4 months after surgery, and was down about 50-60 lbs.  I have no idea why, but always suspected that it was just a shock to the system to lose that much weight that fast.  I doubt it was a lack of protein, because I was pretty diligent about getting my protein in.  

I have fairly thick hair, and I honestly never noticed the loss on my head, just on my lap when I was blow drying my hair, on the bathroom floor, and in the shower drain!  The "shedding" lasted about 3-4 months, if I remember correctly, and then I gradually started seeing tons of little baby hairs coming in to replace the lost ones.  So, you may drop some, but can expect them to come back.

on 1/16/11 10:23 pm - Rockport, WV
I lost a lot of hair about 6 months after surgery. I hear a lot of reasons on why there is hair loss. Some people say the anathesia (sp). I also hear it is lack of  a certain vitamin. Maybe a dramatic drop in weight loss. Previous poster is right. Hormones are stored in fat. That could have something to do with it. I know my periods were crazy for a while.

But the hair will grow back. It lasted for about 2-3 months I believe. It didn't fall out in clumps. It just thinned it out more.I know some people that had the bypass and their hair grew back as well.

Sometimes the hair loss bothered me but it was worth it

Marcia J.
on 1/16/11 10:28 pm - Coventry, CT
I have thin hair to begin with, so when it starting to thin out more, I needed to do something!  I heard on this board about taking Biotin (a B vitamin, I think) and I have been taking it ever since.  My hair is thicker than it's been in years and my nails are stronger too!  It comes in a tablet form, which I have always just chewed, it has no taste.
I would recommend it!


Jean M.
on 1/16/11 10:46 pm
Revision on 08/16/12
I haven't experienced any hair loss. In fact, my hair seems to be healthier than before, possibly because my nutrition is so  much better. I've never had any problem getting plenty of protein and I take vitamins.

There's an article (written by a dietitian) about nutrition and hair loss today in my free e-newsletter, Bandwagon on the Road. Here's a link to it: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=aifyj4dab &v=001v2ezZPmZ_itBB6geC3vm2LnPnQa8cj7HxV6fU_xV-SpjwufwZmQKae bADS1AYR86doXL0fZM3pL5AIud4HKfnkfhmqbAQwfacR4FfCKA6tk%3D


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





on 1/17/11 1:11 am - MA

My hairdresser actually noticed my hair was thinning a couple of weeks ago at my last hair appt. I get at least 70 grams of protein a day so Im not sure what its from.

5/6/2010 Preband Weight 268-Started 6 months of "I can change program"
10/18/10 Date of surgery : Weight 215
11/30/10 Fill 3cc's- Weight 200.6
12/28/10 Fill another 3cc's -Weight 192
1/25/11  No fill- 180.4
2/8/11 - 177
3/16/11- .5cc- 170
7/19/11 -Weight 147.9!!!
on 1/17/11 1:32 am
no major hair loss i take biotin pills daily  keep my protein high so far all is good with the hair
on 1/17/11 6:38 am
How much Biotin do you take? (Marcia and bgrandmabear) I have started taking it and it helped me break-through a plateau. I am not sure if i am taking to much? I take 5000mcg (2500mcg x 2). I cant find any info on "too much Biotin" and the side effects. Thanks D
on 1/17/11 8:27 am
I just posted this same question yesterday as I am currently loosing my hair.  I am 6 months post op (down 50+ pounds).  I take in enough protein, take my vitamins, etc. but am still loosing hair.  Per recommendations I started taking Biotin today so hopefully that helps!

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