Is it normal a few days before surgery to try and talk yourself out of doing it?

(deactivated member)
on 1/17/11 11:17 pm

This was my first surgery and I was so scared -- I mean I get nervous even getting my teeth cleaned, so surgery?! 

Right up until surgery day, I didn't try to talk myself out of it, mostly because somehow I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that it would be ME having surgery and not someone else.

As I was in the hospital getting ready for surgery, it was like it wasn't really me they were getting ready -- I just happened to be there, chatting with my husband and the nice ladies. And then they had me put on a gown and get into bed. Man, did I ever want to run for the hills! And then as they were wheeling me into the surgery room it took all I had to not scream out "don't you touch me you butchers".  So funny now, but not at the time.

When I woke up from surgery I just could NOT believe it was all over so quickly. Recovery wasn't a ball park, but it sure was a LOT better than I imagined it would be. So at least, now if I have to have any other surgeries I won't be so scared.

You will do just fine and probably a few months from now, be so glad you did it!


on 1/18/11 1:18 am - CA
Thanks ladies...too make matters worse I just woke up to the news in my area saying a lady in Los Angeles just died undergoing lapband surgery...ugh!
on 1/18/11 5:58 am
I also was questionning whether I really wanted to have surgery right before I had mine on 12/01/2010. I am now 6 weeks out and I would do it again. It is a major lifestyle change, if you want to be successful. I was ready to change and am making the necessary changes, day by day. My band is my tool to help me lose the weight and this time, KEEP it off.

Good luck and don't worry about it too much.
Lori O.
on 1/19/11 12:36 pm - Canada
I would do it again in a heart beat, it's the best thing I've ever done for myself.  I was feeling bad about spending the $16,000 (No Insurance in Canada pays for WLS) but my life is worth it.  Good luck - I will be thinking of you, let us know how you do.

Take care,

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