Is it normal a few days before surgery to try and talk yourself out of doing it?

on 1/17/11 11:46 am - CA
on 1/17/11 12:01 pm
Hi, I was questioning myself up until the time they wheeled me in the OR. Then when I was in my room I thought to myself..."what did I just do?" Right now, 6 weeks out, I wouldn't change a thing. I am so happy with how I feel. I think you are having normal feelings. Any questions feel free to message me!
Best Wishes to You!
Nancy B.    
on 1/17/11 12:18 pm - Boston, MA
I don't know if it's "normal" but I did it. haha I reached a point where I thought, this is crazy, I can totally do this on my own. Then I asked myself, then why haven't I done it on my own? Clearly I had recognized that I needed help, and even though the thought of surgery and, if I'm being perfectly honest, to some extent the "stigma" of having weight loss surgery was weighing on me, I knew that I was getting much needed help and realized my last minute fears were not worth changing my mind.
~ Liz ~ 30 y/o ~ 5'10
starting (10/4/10): 280
pre-op (10/18/10): 268.5
current (1/4/12): 257.0

on 1/17/11 12:21 pm - CA
Was it as bad as your thought it would be? Do you regret it at all?
on 1/17/11 12:35 pm - Boston, MA
I would already do it again in a heartbeat. My surgery and recovery were super smooth, I have not had a single complication's working. I am seeing results which is what's truly motivating me to keep going. Before I did this I was the queen of "I'll start tomorrow." Well, tomorrow finally came the day I started my pre-op diet and I haven't looked back once.

I think it's normal to second guess yourself now, but I'm sure you've done your research, gone to all the required appointments and did not come upon this decision lightly. If you are feeling anxious, I suggest revisiting your reasons for deciding to do this in the first place. Hopefully it will calm you down and maybe even get you excited! GOOD LUCK!!! Let us know how it goes!
~ Liz ~ 30 y/o ~ 5'10
starting (10/4/10): 280
pre-op (10/18/10): 268.5
current (1/4/12): 257.0

on 1/17/11 12:42 pm
Hi I have had rny & now the band as of 12-30. Surgery is scary so its a normal feeling to be afraid of the unknown I usually am teary eyed the day before but know I cant do this on my own
I had a successful bypass but due to some major issues in my life gained back around 80 lbs before I realized I needed help. After tests the surgeon said my stoma had stretched & the band would help to get myself back on doesnt cure my food addiction but helps me to put it into perspective and forces me to eat better more normal...i havent had my first fill yet & I think that will help. It is scheduled for 2-7. I am on phs 2 post op and feel really good about my decision to have another chance to help me get my regained weight off and get back under control. Good luck as you move forward!
on 1/17/11 6:23 pm - Pinetops, NC
Revision on 08/13/13
I had a melt down the week before my surgery....I was like OMG am I crazy, why am I gonna do this. I called and talekd to the patient rep in my doctors office who had lap band surgery herself and she talked me right down and calmed all my fears! I would do it again in a minute and dare someone trya nd take my band from me:) You will do fine!
on 1/17/11 8:40 pm - PA
aww Renee you will do great! Yes, I questioned my decision up until the morning that I arrived at the hospital, I think it might be common.
I was laying there waiting to be wheeled into the o.r. when the nurse preping me said " you don't look that big" I replied "well, I must carry it well! we laughed! I was around 248. Completely worth going thru with with this wls, I seriously feel soo much better these days.
Good luck to you!!
on 1/17/11 9:51 pm, edited 1/17/11 9:52 pm - TN
I'm havng the same kind of freak out, I totally understand. I think that I'm seeing so much success with the pre-op diet that it is both hurting AND helping. It's encouraging because as we all know, once the scale starts to move, we get kind of jazzed. Like... OH! Look at that! I CAN do this!! But then you know, I'm feeling so GOOD doing this liquid thing, that while sure, I'd cut you for a turkey sandwich, every day that I DON'T have a turkey sandwich is another small victory. So maybe I COULD do this on my own.

But I haven't done it on my own. So why would I suddenly be able to?

And aside from that, whay if I'm not strong enough to work with the band? I'm so accustomed to failing when it comes to weight loss, I don't even remember what success feels like. ****il this whole liquid diet thing but we ALL remember how quickly Oprah gained her weight back after wheeling that wagon of fat out on the stage in her skinny jeans, right).

So yeah, I know what you mean. But I also know that history has shown that I can't do this on my own so if I'm going to succeed, I need the help. We can do this!! Friday is our day!!
My blog:  PaintingChef

on 1/17/11 10:56 pm - PA
I am scheduled for 2/7/2011 and I find myself going back and forth with my decision at times. I have been overweight for so long so I know that I need help. I sometimes become weary wondering if I can stick to the diet that will come with the band. My biggest fear is becoming a failed bandster. I plan to go ahead with my surgery and not let these fearful moments detour my motivation. Good luck to you. I personally cant wait to meet the "new me".....
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