Slipped Band??

Michele M.
on 1/17/11 12:26 am - Arundel, ME
Hi everyone!!
I have not been in this forum for years now but I need to advice. I am not sure but I am wondering if it might be possible that my band slipped.
I never lost aas much as I had hoped to with my band but that was mosly due to my laziness. I had lost 98 pounds and would like to drop another 30 but if I never do, it is not the end of the world. But here is my problem. I have gained 10 pounds in the past few weeks. My husband tells me I am eating hefty meals. I am snacking terribly and I just feel awful. I am depressed about the weight gain and cannto seem to get hold of it.
I lost my mom very unexpecedly in Sept and I still have PTSD issues from coming across her body when I went to go visit her. I am not sure if my new bad eating habits might have something to do with this  or if it is a slippage.
What do I look for with a slippage? I have no heart burn/reflux, no more vomiting than usual (This usuallu coming from a new food I might find I cannot tolerate or not chewing enough)
I had my band placed almost 5 years ago and one of biggest fears is having to ever have it removed. if anyone has had slippage PLEASE fill me in on what it feels like and what to look for!!
Thank you,
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(deactivated member)
on 1/17/11 12:36 am - Miramar Beach, FL
 Hi Michele!  I never had a slipped band, but it doesn't sound like one from what you've described.  Hopefully someone else will chime in who has personal experience.  

But, I do know what it's like to gain weight back and want to get back on track.  I ate *horribly* this fall, and was up about 10 lbs.  Once I made a decision to make a change, the hardest part was over.  I am now back to logging my food at, drinking my water, and eating protein, veggies, "good" fats, and very little carbs.  It took about 3-4 days to get rid of the carb cravings, but now I'm once again enjoying healthier foods.

I'm truly sorry for your loss, and the shock of finding your mother.  I lost my mother a couple of years ago, but it was not unexpected, and I was able to be with her at the end.  Still, it threw me for a loop, and got me off track for a while. 

I wish you all the best,

Michele M.
on 1/17/11 12:40 am - Arundel, ME
Thank you for your reply. I feel better to know that someone else out there has gained a few pounds and was able to get back on track. I just feel that I have lost the past 5 yrs. It is funny, when I was over 300 pounds I didnt let a 10 pound gain ruin my dau but now, if I gain 2 pounds I feel like I have failed terribly.

I am hoping that if I start at square one all over again with weighing my food and getting in the habit of eating right again I might lose it but Im so afriad of a slipped band that I find myself eating alot of bad things out of stress too I think.

Thanks again for the reply!
***Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right***


on 1/17/11 12:37 am
There are so many reasons that this could happen so don't panic! If you are having pain or discomfort see your doc right away. You might want to keep track of what you eat and when you exercise to see what could be tweaked. Go back to the day one in your band program and be mindful of what you are doing. It sounds like due to cir****tances beyond your control you have not had the energy for this, but take care of your health and your band. They are precious.
Michele M.
on 1/17/11 12:43 am - Arundel, ME

You are so right, they are bot very precious and I fear losing either. I think I do need to get back to square one and treat myself like a new band patient.
I may need to gt my fill tweaked because I notice that when I am not at a proper fill level I get these cravings for the junk food. It seems that I have a computer chip in my brain that tells me I do not want nor need the junk food when I am properly filled.

***Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right***


on 1/17/11 12:46 am

I have never had a slip either but mydoc told me the signs to look for you are not showing them signs especially if you are not vomiting after eating .

I bet because of the emotional things have happened you are just eating to be eating . More then likely head hunger and a escape route .

I am like that to, when something sad happens I can put the food away its my way of just ignoring my real life if that makes any sense Michele.

If you would start over , go back to your basics like the ladies on here said  you will feel a difference.

Start measuring your one cup per meal again , no drinking 30 min before during and after, and start to exercise again.

Im really sorry about your mom , you need to take care of yourself . I know you can do this :o)
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Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

Michele M.
on 1/17/11 12:51 am - Arundel, ME
Thank you for your reply. I am hoping that I am jumping the gun on thinking I have a slipped band. I will call my doc and see about getting my fill level tweeked and starting over from the begining. Maybe that will help once again.
I totally understand what you are saying about ignoring real life with food. Emotional eating is what got many of us here to begin with.

Thank you for mentioning the vomiting after eating. I do not do that so it makes me feel better to know that I do not have that symptom.

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(deactivated member)
on 1/17/11 1:46 am, edited 1/17/11 1:46 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA

When was your last fill? If you have not had a fill in "years' and you are suddenly experiencing your band being unusually loose it could mean three things, dilated pouch -- which is prelude to band slippage and most of the time can be fixed with a total unfill if caught early (which is caused by frequent vomiting on a tight fill)  OR your port could be slowly leaking, OR it could be erosion if you suddenly feel you can eat way too much.

It does not sound like you have a slipped band - yet, but you need to visit your surgeon asap to check things out, you may just need a fill.

Good luck
Michele M.
on 1/17/11 2:56 am - Arundel, ME

My last fill was much more than a yr ago. I do not think I have ever been at my "sweet spot" but the band worked well so I went with it.
Now I am worried of it being more serious than a slipped band and will call my Dr today to get in and see them soon.
Thanks for the reply!
***Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right***


on 1/17/11 2:15 am - Bayonne, NJ
I kind of know what you are going through. I lost my husband last May and he was my support system. He would tell me if I was eating the wrong thing . He would exercise with me with the wii. for hours. He would take walks with me. When he died my life came crashing down on me. I was at the point I could not even keep any food down. I had a unfill until I got my life in some what order. I started to have refills in Oct. But them again I have not lose any weigh I gain 1 lb over the holidays. I relize now I have to take control of my eating so I started from the beginning. I watch every thing I eat, write it down, plan ahead of what I'm eating for the day. exercise more and most important thing see you doctor.
And talk to someone about your feeling. Most people don't understand what you are feeling. Even family don't understand. By holding all that in is not mental or phyical good for you. I know. Best of luck
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