stuck at 40 pounds

karen M.
on 1/16/11 2:58 am - Rancho Cucamonga, CA
 I had lap band surgery on July 12 of this year.  I lost weight fairly quickly in the beginning and now it has stopped.  I have not lost any weight since last October.  I need to lose at least 60 more pounds and am getting very frustrated.  Does anyone have any advice?  I just had a fill a couple of weeks ago.  I can eat anything I want, but I do get full fairly easily and stay that way for a few hours.  I know I must be doing something wrong.  Please let me know the band rules you follow the most closely that helps you continue to lose weight.
Kate -True Brit
on 1/16/11 3:35 am - UK

The band rules (other than the safety ones) are fairly irrelevant! Eat fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight. So you need first of all to make sure how much you are eating. Chart everything (everything!) for a few days.

Then work out how much you should be eating in view of the activity level of your daily life. Then work out what is going to suit YOU. Are you someone who finds cutting out carbs works? Do you need to count every mouthful or just go for small portions? Are you really sure how many calories there are in the food you are eating?

This is where the band comes into the equation. Having determined what you want to/ should eat, decide how. What makes you feel full? What keeps that feeling there.

If you get full easily, stay full for hours and are not losing. you are taking in too many calories for your body.

Sorry, this is all very general. But without knowing a bit more about what you are eating, I can't make any more specific suggestions.

Best wishes!   Kate

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/16/11 5:11 am
i have the same issue but most of my problem comes from poor food choices . I went to the dr thursday i told him i have less restiction than i had with my previous fill . he told me that i lost 6 lbs this month and that i should not get another fill and that i have 5 cc in a 10 cc band i was like wow left feeling sad but everyday i tell myself today will be a better day its hard work and i think i was alittle in denial when i thought it would be easy i live and learn i wish you luck
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