Lap Band Warning!!

(deactivated member)
on 1/15/11 10:49 am - Miramar Beach, FL
 I have no problem with people who have had band issues sharing their stories if they choose to.  It does **** me off when people like Maria drag people over from one forum to another.  And sorry, but with the VSG for just a few weeks, you're no expert.  Glad it's working for you, though, and wish you continued success.

on 1/15/11 2:10 pm - Athens, GA
On January 15, 2011 at 6:49 PM Pacific Time, TamiFromAL wrote:
 I have no problem with people who have had band issues sharing their stories if they choose to.  It does **** me off when people like Maria drag people over from one forum to another.  And sorry, but with the VSG for just a few weeks, you're no expert.  Glad it's working for you, though, and wish you continued success.


Tami your right. With the VSG for a few wks. she is no expert on the VSG but she is an expert on what it's like to live with band complications....................SO WHY SHOULDN'T SHE POST HERE AND HELP THE OTHER BANDSTERS OR POTENTIAL BANDSTERS???

Why are u so intimidated by me asking others who have had problems to post that on here??? If the band was as great as some of you think it is then there wouldn't be all these people with band issues ya know! Why do you not want ppl to hear ALL the band stories? Why should they be mislead and hear just part of the truth???

I never tell ppl on here that b/c I have not done well with the band that they should not post on here how much they love their band. So why would u think that I should not be afforded the same courtesy to post MY opinion of the band??? Why should others not have the right to do the same as you have done?!


on 1/15/11 4:30 pm, edited 1/15/11 4:36 pm - San Diego, CA
Tami, I'm sorry if I pissed you off, that was not my intention. Also, I wasn't intending to talk anybody into the VSG procedure (other than a bit about the difference between the 2 surgeries and the difference in the cost of the surgeries; I didn't really talk much about the VSG).

My intention was to share my experience with the lap band, which I did have for more than 3 years, so I do know a bit about the band. I'm very happy that you have had a good experience with the lap band and I think you should share that experience. But these boards are not just for the people who have the lap band and want to talk to other lap band people, these board are also for people thinking about getting the lap band and are trying to get information. Those people need both the good information AND the bad information, so they can make an informed decision. I hate to have to say this, but these boards aren't all about you Tami...they are for many, many other people too! I am truly happy that the band worked for you and I wish you all the best.
(deactivated member)
on 1/15/11 11:02 pm - Miramar Beach, FL
 I like to say what I have to say with as few words as possible, and I don't like to repeat myself.  But I also don't like to be misunderstood.  As I said, I don't have a problem with someone, like you, sharing your lap band experience on the lap band board.  I don't like it when people post messages on one board to pull people to another board to post messages to support their own agenda.  

And, as I said to you in my previous message, and to Lynn B. a couple of days ago, you don't have enough experience with the sleeve to promote it as a better wls than the band.  

As for this board being "all about me"?   LOL.  You don't visit here very often, do you?  I rarely post, and only when I have something to say.  Said it.

on 1/16/11 4:38 am - Mexico
~~And, as I said to you in my previous message, and to Lynn B. a couple of days ago, you don't have enough experience with the sleeve to promote it as a better wls than the band. ~~

I do.  And statistics agree with me. ;o)

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/16/11 9:46 am - San Diego, CA
TamifromAL - i'm sorry if I misunderstood you, but course, I must be misunderstanding you again, as it still sounds the same as what I thought you said the first time and I tried to correct in my previous reply to you.  I was not here promoting the VSG over the band.  (In fact I specifically said in a previous post that I agreed that no one surgery was the correct one for everybody.  And in fact, 46% of those who get the band keep it and are happy with it.), I was here to post about the problems I had with the lap band.  I had the lap band for more than 3 years and struggled with it from early on, so I do have adequate experience with the lap band and should be able to share that experience.  As far as the comment that I don't visit here very often, confirms for me that you got mad and posted your replies without reading all of my original post, as I specifically said that I had only been posting on the VSG board but based on the suggestion from Maria, I thought it was a good idea to post my lap band experience here.  That seems pretty clear that this was my first time posting on the lap band board.  So before you get mad at me for something you think I said, please read my entire posting.  Thank you and have a wonderful week!
on 1/15/11 11:24 am
I am new to the band and haven't had a fill yet.. but yes I wonder the same thing.  I hear stories of people who have their bands filled and do well then all of a sudden they are back to old habits of eating and try eating too much and then PB all the time.  

I have no fluid in mine yet and can eat whatever I want and in large amounts unfortunatly .  I can't wait to get my first fill, but I am now afraid of getting too much put in because of these posts.   How will I know if its too tight?

Failed Lapband December 2010,Revision to RNY 2015.


Phyllis C.
on 1/15/11 11:36 am
Just go easy with fills, which is the proper way to go.  But the real problem is the unpredictable nature of fills and the band and the individual.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

on 1/15/11 11:51 am
On January 15, 2011 at 7:24 PM Pacific Time, OCMomma wrote:
I am new to the band and haven't had a fill yet.. but yes I wonder the same thing.  I hear stories of people who have their bands filled and do well then all of a sudden they are back to old habits of eating and try eating too much and then PB all the time.  

I have no fluid in mine yet and can eat whatever I want and in large amounts unfortunatly .  I can't wait to get my first fill, but I am now afraid of getting too much put in because of these posts.   How will I know if its too tight?

What I'm going to do when I ever get my first fill when it comes time to eat and I have problems eating foods then I will go to my doc asap and get some taken out of me.

Right now I love how things are going , I'm losing my average of 7-10 pounds per month, I'm staying not hungry for a good 3 hrs plus and I can eat what I want and that is how I will keep things I hope lol. And even if I wanted a fill my doctor will flat out refuse to give me a fill !!!!!! 

I'm going to be very leery on fills though.  I will not rush and get a fill if I get hungry 2.5 hrs out gosh that is only about a 30 min or a hr again till you can eat again.  I will eat some cheese or yogurt first to tide me over .

You need to have some will power when you get this surgery . 

And right now I can eat more then one cup of food but I just dont because I know what can happen if do.

Sometimes I think people get way to caught up on this sweet spot and restriction thing.   I think people expect that the lapband to magically not make you hungry, or let u know when you should stop eating and so forth.

I dont believe in that.  I believe that the person needs to make changes also and not rely so much on this band that is inside of us .  

I never get this full feeling with my band ? Does that mean its not working for me ?   I can eat more then  a cup of food if I want to .   But just cause I can eat more food dont mean I should.

I just dont know .  I think sometimes people get so carried away by this sweet spot they run and get fills after fills when its not really necessary .  I am not in no way saying you ladies did that but I do believe there is people out there that do that .

I know it has happened at my docs office he has even brought this subject up in support meetings now he is very non aggressive when it comes to fills.  He will and has turned people down on fills when he thinks its not necessary and its funny then people that got turned down ended up losing their 1-2 pounds per week.

I just honestly believe people expect way to much from this band and when it dont come up to their expectations they think the band is all wrong.

These are just my personal opinions on this though not here to start a argument.
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

Michelle F.
on 1/15/11 2:34 pm
On January 15, 2011 at 7:51 PM Pacific Time, steelerfan1 wrote:
On January 15, 2011 at 7:24 PM Pacific Time, OCMomma wrote:
I am new to the band and haven't had a fill yet.. but yes I wonder the same thing.  I hear stories of people who have their bands filled and do well then all of a sudden they are back to old habits of eating and try eating too much and then PB all the time.  

I have no fluid in mine yet and can eat whatever I want and in large amounts unfortunatly .  I can't wait to get my first fill, but I am now afraid of getting too much put in because of these posts.   How will I know if its too tight?

What I'm going to do when I ever get my first fill when it comes time to eat and I have problems eating foods then I will go to my doc asap and get some taken out of me.

Right now I love how things are going , I'm losing my average of 7-10 pounds per month, I'm staying not hungry for a good 3 hrs plus and I can eat what I want and that is how I will keep things I hope lol. And even if I wanted a fill my doctor will flat out refuse to give me a fill !!!!!! 

I'm going to be very leery on fills though.  I will not rush and get a fill if I get hungry 2.5 hrs out gosh that is only about a 30 min or a hr again till you can eat again.  I will eat some cheese or yogurt first to tide me over .

You need to have some will power when you get this surgery . 

And right now I can eat more then one cup of food but I just dont because I know what can happen if do.

Sometimes I think people get way to caught up on this sweet spot and restriction thing.   I think people expect that the lapband to magically not make you hungry, or let u know when you should stop eating and so forth.

I dont believe in that.  I believe that the person needs to make changes also and not rely so much on this band that is inside of us .  

I never get this full feeling with my band ? Does that mean its not working for me ?   I can eat more then  a cup of food if I want to .   But just cause I can eat more food dont mean I should.

I just dont know .  I think sometimes people get so carried away by this sweet spot they run and get fills after fills when its not really necessary .  I am not in no way saying you ladies did that but I do believe there is people out there that do that .

I know it has happened at my docs office he has even brought this subject up in support meetings now he is very non aggressive when it comes to fills.  He will and has turned people down on fills when he thinks its not necessary and its funny then people that got turned down ended up losing their 1-2 pounds per week.

I just honestly believe people expect way to much from this band and when it dont come up to their expectations they think the band is all wrong.

These are just my personal opinions on this though not here to start a argument.
I can honestly tell you that when my band was at the right fill level (and that was from about month 3 on) I was NEVER hungry, the band did do that for me.  It also let me know when to stop eating because I knew that if I took one more bite I would be running to the bathroom to throw up everything I ate.  And I think it's awesome that you can eat a cup of food...I was lucky to be able to eat four bites of food...usually something soft like fish or yogurt or cottage cheese...that was it.  Then the pressure started in my chest and I knew that if I took another bite it would all be coming back up.  And that was with at my sweet spot...not too tight, not too loose. 

So yes, my band definitely let me know when to stop was very vocal that way.
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