Favorite exercise video

Janet C.
on 1/16/11 7:57 am - FL
I am almost 2 years out.....I have not reached goal and have been pretty much maintaining for about 8 months now. I bounce up and down the same 5 or so pounds. SOooooooo I am recommiting myself both diet and exercise wise.
Up until now I have exercised sporatically....sometimes the gym with weights and treadmill sometimes my bike outside....... which I love....but it is a tad cold for that now even here in FL.
To save me the time back and forth to the gym ( I work nights and have 3 school age children I pick up as early as 1 everyday) I am looking for something I can do at home with taking up much room equipment wise......does not take horribly long and is progressive from easy to more advanced.......hhhmmmm .....a bit of a long list now that I type it ....lol.....so I have pretty much narrowed it down to some sort of fun aerobicsy...dancy type of video and for alternate days some kind of yoga or stretching video......
sooooooo do any of you have  a favorite or any suggestions?????/ I really need to get back ontrack . I intend to make my goal this year!!!!!

Thanks in advance guys!!
                             Janet C   



on 1/16/11 8:04 am - Harrisburg, PA
I have a CRUNCH Super Slim Down Pilates Yoga Blend DVD that I love to do. I also love Zumba but have no DVD to recommend for that...yet! Good luck!

~*Ashley*~ Highest weight: 330ish   Current weight: 198


on 1/16/11 8:14 am - Madison, IN
VSG on 01/16/12
Do u have a Wii  and/or a Wii Fit or a Xbox Kinect? Cause they have Zumba for them now. 


on 1/16/11 8:38 am - Harrisburg, PA
I have a Wii but tend to do better going to a gym!

~*Ashley*~ Highest weight: 330ish   Current weight: 198


on 1/16/11 8:20 am - Murfreesboro, TN
I like the 10 minute solutions dvd's.  They have them for yoga, pilates, and several types of workouts.
on 1/16/11 8:21 am
I love to do Zuma classes but I also do them on the Wii also I just got the game , and my favorite is Richard Simmons he is probably the one I use the most
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/16/11 9:26 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
Try Leslie Sansone's videos. They're designed for face paced walking indoors, and most are completed in one hour.

They come in 2, 3, 4 and 5 mile walks... all in an hour.

The one mile walk is only 18 minutes. She also uses the rubber bands and small weight balls in some of the videos.

I've enjoyed them because I really got a great workout and I didn't have to go anywhere. I already had the bands and the weights too.

Also, if you want a really vigorous workout, try the Rebok Step video. It's 45 mins, and it's really a sweat producing workout. I did that one today, and had to put on the fan, take off my sweat shirt, and even needed a minute break half way through.

Good Luck!!!
on 1/16/11 11:03 am - West Fargo, ND
I frequently go to the gym, but when I can't get there, I will do taebo (which is kickboxing). I also just ordered the kettleworx series. The workouts are 20 minutes each. Am really excited to give these a try. It consists of working out with kettlebells.
(deactivated member)
on 1/16/11 12:45 pm - Des Moines, IA
Hi, I just bought the "30 Day Shred" by Jillian Michaels.  You need hand weights and that's about  it, unless you are exercising on a hard floor, then a mat would help.  It mixes cardio, strength training and ab work.  There are 3 complete workouts, or 3 levels.  Each workout is 20 minutes.  I just started Level one and I  thought I was in good shape, but it was a good workout.  It will be awhile before I advance to the next level.  I like it because it's pretty simple unlike some DVD's that I have tried. 

I have been in the 170's for months and I really want to get into the 160's, so close......

Good luck to you on your journey!
on 1/16/11 9:06 pm - Roscoe, IL
I also just started using the Jillian 30 day shred. Its a good workout and no impossible things that you can not do! I give it a huge thumps up!
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