So apparently I..............

on 1/15/11 6:58 am - Athens, GA
Talk about food a lot.

There is this lady of Facebook. A bandster that want's to save me. She has had her band just a few months more than I have. She has only had one fill. And she just can NO understand why I don't have restriction!

Nice enough lady. She IM's occasionally and suggests things...............but they are always the same things that have been suggested. So kind of counter-productive..............but I appriciate her effort.

Last night I did a blog post about potato chips b/c I was craving them at the time. (I have also done some product review)

So she IM's me last night and tells me "u talk about food alot. Are u hungry?"

OMG! Yes! I am hungry! I have been hungry the whole time b/c I don't have restriction! Lol.


Jo N.
on 1/15/11 7:35 am - Crawfordsville, IN
Excuse me for giggling. My first two years not only did I talk about food a lot, but I watched a lot of shows off of the Food Network, LOL! It kind of helped me deal with my head hunger. When I'd get the urge to eat just because I was bored & not really hungry, I'd write a blog or journal about food or turn the tv to a cooking show. If I couldn't move my jaws to chew food, I'd move my jaws to talk about food, LOL! Sometimes we do odd things to deal with the emotional aspects of saying goodbye to food. I can also a test that even at 5 & half years out, I still have issues w/head hunger. Just not as prominent as the first two years. Hang in there... that which does not kill us, we can laugh about!
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


on 1/15/11 7:47 am - Athens, GA

Well I do love food obviously. We all do on here or we wouldn't be in this position. I thought it was funny though b/c she still hadn't caught on that I was hungry b/c my band doesn't work.............and also it kind of sounded like she might be insinuating that I might have "food issues". U know beyond the normal ones we Fluffy and
Formerly Fluffy ones have.


on 1/17/11 1:11 am - Charlestown, RI
ya know, I dont think its a matter of your band working or not....we have all had WLS because we obviously have issues with FOOD period.  I have always said, when I have been on any diet, that I think about eating more when Im dieting than any other time.  Of course food is on our mind alot....we are constantly trying to think of new things to eat to keep from the boredom of the same old things, always trying to get new ideas from others, posting a new find that we come across to share with all the other "addicts" lol......or maybe in your case, trying to just blog about something that you are craving because writing it out sometimes makes you accountable right?

I do know that I need to keep myself busy when I do start thinking about food...especially foods that I miss....but to say that just because I had WLS food is no longer on my mind that would be a huge UNDERSTATEMENT.  We are constantly thinking about what we can and cannot eat.  I dont think there is anything wrong with that and I am only a little over a month out from surgery and have been lucky enough to have restriction without any fills YET and I am no different when it comes to thinking about food.  So, I think youre pretty normal when it comes to that Maria...restriction or no restriction.

on 1/17/11 2:36 pm - Athens, GA

Well it is a matter of the band not working. If it were working and I was not hungry most of the time. Then things would be much easier. I didn't pay all that money for WLS to stay hungry most of the time!!!

I do however agree with you about food being on our minds a lot. We LOVE food! And even if my band was working I am sure I would miss food at times. But when your not hungry as much you don't think about it as much.

The first two wks. after surgery I had no appetite b/c of the swelling. That was so strange to go from being hungry all the time to  not being hungry at all!

You are very lucky! Hope your luck with the band continues!


on 1/18/11 4:15 am - Charlestown, RI
I agree with you that in your current situation, with the band, it would make it easier if you werent hungry to not think about food so much....but my point was that no matter if you had the band or would probably be on some sort of "diet" and thinking about food anyway because you are restricting your intake and whenever Im doing any sort of diet, I think more about food period. 

I do agree with you that I would be frustrated to have gone through this and feel no benefit from it...Im sorry for you for that.....I was just trying to say that even if you didnt have the band you would be still blogging about food if you were dieting.  I think the only time we dont obssess about food is when we are throwing caution to the wind and allowing ourselves to eat whatever we want whenever we want because then there is nothing left to crave lol....and damn, if there was, we would just eat it not have to talk about it lol
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