Am I in Bandster Hell?

on 1/16/11 1:10 am - FL
Banded on december 10th.  I dont have much restriction right now.  I feel like I could eat whatever I wanted.  I had one fill on Jan 5th.  I felt a slight restriction after that but now it's gone.  At this point I feel like the band isn't working but I am trying to stick with the nutrition plan!  Not working too well!  I am not angry but slightly dissapointed that I haven't gotten off to a better start.  I have only lost about 12 lbs.  Did anyone else go through this right after surgery?  My nurse said I'm doing fine and it takes a while.  I can eat 3 oz of protein but then an hour later I am hungry.  It's not growling hunger but I dont feel satiated.....  I feel like I am failing at this and that's a really bad felling for me.  Can someone give me some insight please???????
on 1/16/11 1:17 am - McDonough, GA
This is absolutely what Bandster Hell is.  Hang in there.  But, expect that it will take at least 3-5 fills to feel like your band is working.  Your nurse is right.  Give it time.  We all go through this.
on 1/16/11 1:23 am

My first question is are you sure its just not head hunger ?? head hunger is my worst enemy !!!

I can actually talk myself into being hungry if I want to and I let it get that much out of control.

I fight head hunger every night , nights are my worse time especially on the weekends.  Weekends was very well known around our house to eat snacky foods and graze all day long.

Sat and Sundays are a witch for me I wish I could just lock myself up in the bedroom those days

When I find myself thinking about food I will go find a game on my computer and start playing it , that takes my mind off food and I get so involved in my game next thing I know a good hr or two has passed by .

I'm not saying you are not hungry but head hunger can be just as bad .  Like I have always told my son who has asthma .  He can sit there physically if he thinks about it put himself into a asthma attack.  I have seen him do it a million times,  I think we are just like that  but we use food instead. 

I can and  have done it get so worked up with head hunger I will make myself physically wanting to eat that I'm hungry and to be honest I really wasn't.

this is just me and my experience though :o) 

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/16/11 1:26 am - Oceanside, NY
 Head hunger is the worst. And figuring out  which it is can be difficult. 
Stephanie M.
on 1/16/11 1:53 am
Perhaps you need another slight fill...some docs are cautious with fills to avoid complications from being too tight...wouldn't hurt to ask!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 1/16/11 2:33 am - McDonough, GA
This aint nothin but bandster hell!  I just went through it during the holidays which really was hard. I had my surgery on Sept 28th and I've had 4 fills and am just recently getting  what I feel like is good restriction.  I still have had no regrets. I've lost 50 + lbs since last year, and normally I would have gained during the holidays so I am still happy. Hang in there and just remember. Slow and steady wins the race!

Vickie Jane

(deactivated member)
on 1/16/11 2:51 am - Miramar Beach, FL
 When I'm hungry between meals, first I drink a bottle of water.  If I'm still hungry, I have a snack!  I just try to include some protein and eat a small amount.   I eat 5-6 small meals/snacks per day.

Good luck....this too shall pass!

on 1/16/11 3:43 am - FL
Thaks guys!  My doctor has me on 3oz protein for each meal and then a protein drink 2x per day.  I definitely get my 64+ oz per day.  That has never been my issue.  I love water. But, In 2 days I go to 3oz each meal with 2 veggies and 1 carb a day.  I am thinking I may just modify to 3oz each meal and if I feel hungry I will do a protein bar.  At least it gives me the "munchy" satisfaction and may help me out.  My worst time of day is between 3 and 6.  I am sure some of it is head hunger but I think I don't stay on top of it and then by 3 I am screwed!  I usually do lunch at 1pm.  So I need to do my protein drink/bar by 2:45 and see if that helps.  I really am so happy to have accomplished all that I have since December!  Quit smoking!!!!! Quit soda, quit caffeine, quit binging!  I mean really.  I should cut myself some slack :-)  I am just afraid that I will screw something and I havent' really been playing by the rules each day!
I love this site.  So much better than the other ones.I really appreciate the responses.  I just needed some support....

on 1/16/11 4:25 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
I am absolutely on the same page. I lost only about 12 lbs so far and was banded on Dec ,.2010. No fills yet. One strategy I am using is counting calories (nutritionist asked me to), avoiding carbs, and exercising a lot more.

Also one of the posts mentioned eating more dense protein, so I am eating steak, chicken, pork, etc., straight, not with mayo or sauces. If I chew very well, (meaning to a PULP) I seem to do just fine. Also, I eat crunchy veggies and NO MASHED POTATOES, even though they are on  my diet sheet!

If I eat too much, the band lets me know right away.... I really feel it, with the denser foods, not with the  more mushy stuff.

I've tried this for a week now, and no movement on the scale yet, but I didn't put it on in six weeks and it's not going to come off in six weeks.

I hear that bandsters lose more slowly anyway... I guess we just have to prepare ourselves for that.

I see it asbeing on a very strict  a diet, but with the tool of the band to help.

I am due for a fill on Jan 20 and am looking forward to it.

Best of luck!
on 1/16/11 9:23 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Yes, you are in bandster hell and it really sucks! I feel your pain. I was there too, like from the day after surgery. You have done amazingly well, and yes, cut yourself some slack. If you are doing the shakes still I would change them out to dense protein, or even things like greek yogurt, string cheese, protien bars. The band isn't designed to work with liquids so they will leave you still hungry. If you can get enough protein from other sources I would ditch the shakes unless you are short or after a fill.

Hang in there, it isn't easy but you can do it. Tell your self that while you may not be able to keep this up for life, you can for this week, or even this day or hour. Then move on to the next. I did well by doing that and it saved both my sanity and my success because I was ready to cave and would never have made it back. I knew that then and know it now.

Good luck, feel free to whine, complain, stomp, or throw pillows, just keep on keeping on and come here daily. It will be worth it all.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


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