
Gerri W.
on 1/15/11 5:51 am - Farmington, NH
Well I had my lap band done on 12/29/10.  I was so excited I sang, hummed and danced the whole way there.  I'm just so excited.... heee heee.  heres to the new me.
on 1/15/11 6:10 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Congrats, Gerri, and welcome to the loser's bench. I am glad it is going well for you, I felt the same way as you. Good luck


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Gerri W.
on 1/15/11 8:48 am - Farmington, NH
Thank you. glad to be on the losers bench
on 1/15/11 10:43 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
Keep up the good work. There's a good book that's been recommended on this board called "BandWagon". It 's about 20 bucks on Amazon. I read some of the chapters on line and then ordered it. It's full of good advice and personal stories. You may want to take a look.

Best of luck.

Ashley N.
on 1/15/11 10:55 pm - NC
I need some help. I had my lap band done on 1/10/2010 and I am having pain on right side. Is this normal after a week of surgery? I'm moving around, but after about five minutes I need to sit down. So frustrated. My family did not want me to have to surgery, so they are not very sympathetic to my pain. Congrats Gerri W!
Gerri W.
on 1/16/11 5:04 am - Farmington, NH
First talk to your Dr... I stll have some discomfort with mine but it is about 1 inch under my port.  I think for me it is the skin is very sensitive right there and my pants rub it. 

I'm sorry that your family isn't supportive or sympathetic.  Just come on here and you will find many of us who will be supportive and sympathetic for you.  I myself only have my daughter and 2 grandchildren who are to young to understand what is going on.  My daughter tries to be supportive but sometimes she isn't but I don't think that she is trying to not be as more clueless about some things...   maybe not so much clueless as not so mindful sometimes.

Congrats to you as well.
on 1/15/11 11:42 pm - NY
Lap Band on 11/16/10 with
Hi Gerri -
Welcome to the Loser's Bench!! I'm a newbie, too. My surgery was just about 8 weeks ago. Mary is right, the "Bandwagon" book is a great source of helpful information. Jean, the author, posts on here often. She is funny and informative. Best of luck to you!!
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