10 months - 15 lbs lost - help

on 1/14/11 11:35 am
I am near 6 ccs in a 10 cc band.  While things get stuck when I don't chew enough (usually when distracted), I rarely feel satified.  This is such a disappointment.  I have increased my protein and it has helped some.  I can still eat a lot of food.  Good things:  1) hardly EVER get fast food 2)no sodas since surgery. Thrilled with lowering my saturated fat intake My last fill ended with a hurtful speech from my doc about the different levels of satisfaction/full feelings.  He implied I must be eating past the signals I should notice.  I do not get any signals that I am satified or full.  I have to force myselft to stop before I am stuffed.  He said I won't be able to swallow my spit if I have much more added.  This only added to my feeling of failure.  I dread going for another fill because I feel like I was scolded and wasn't following the rules.  Help!

Thoughts of going higher than 6 ccs?! I have read that people go higher.

Total weighloss with pre-surgery diet is 25 lbs.  Currently weigh 220 lbs.

Phyllis C.
on 1/14/11 12:02 pm
Can you eat about the same amount of food you ate before surgery?

I know how disappointing it is when you put so much hope into a fix that turns out not to be working very well.  Your Dr. sounds like a real jerk.  He works for you and he should be listening to you and not telling you what he imagines is going on.

The problem is, you are at his mercy.  He is in control and frankly, I would be afraid that he would deliberately give you too much of a fill if you insist on one.

You are not a failure.  You are just dealing with a situation you have very little control over at this point.

Good luck, I wish you well.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

on 1/14/11 12:13 pm
(deactivated member)
on 1/14/11 12:15 pm - Des Moines, IA
I have never felt full, just not hungry for 4 hours after eating 3 oz of dense protein and a 1/4c veggies.  I don't feel physically full.  I want to be careful with my band and not stretch my pouch and esophagus. 

I don't have any signals.  I just follow the rules and have learned that this amount of food is enough.  I do have a  high protein snack.  Dealing with head hunger is another issue that I will have to always deal with.  But it is worth the effort.

You posted you can still eat a lot of food.  Please be careful or you could end up with problems.  I have only been stuck 3x's in 18 months and it was because the food was too dry.  It takes work to work the band.  I'm sorry your surgeon left you feeling worse.  And another fill doesn't always mean more weight loss. My band is loose enough that I can eat breakfast and bread if I wanted,but I don't eat white carbs.

Are you exercising much?  That really helps with the weight loss also.  How many calories are you eating a day?  Are you getting non calorie liquids in?  The band isn't going to make you lose the weight, it's about making you aware of what you are eating and slowing down and eating smaller bites and eating protein first etc etc.... 
on 1/14/11 12:40 pm
Thank you for your response.  Started back to aerobics last week.  Sounds like dense calories are needed more in my diet.  Love fish and chix, however, hard to get them moist enough.  Started more protein in the form of a low-carb drink.  I have had success many different times in my life with weigh****chers and other programs.  I do know what it takes to lose weight.  I'm just disappointed the band doesn't help more.  I'm obviously not lowering my calorie intake enough.  Again, I'm happy the fast food visits are no longer a part of my life.   Your reply reminds me I must do my part.  I understood this before having the surgery.  Still dissatisfied with my COE team and doctor.  They are nice, however, I don't think they really understand, listen and discuss solutions.

Thanks again.  
on 1/14/11 12:55 pm
I am in the same boat as Kristi on what she said.  I never get that full feeling like I did before surgery but I get that I'm not hungry feeling for a good 3-5 hrs between meals.

If I do what I'm suppose to and eat a good 25 grams of protein per meal then I go at least a good four hrs of not being hungry .

I have skipped my first fill because of this and my second appt is the 24th of this month and I'm about 90% sure I will be skipping that fill also .

And to be honest I love not having anything in my band.  As of right now I can eat anything I want which I love.  But I have learned to eat it in moderation and not go over my cup per meal !!!!!

I have changed how I eat though.  I still eat my one slice of toast with my eggs and turkey sausage but its low carb now.

When I go out to eat say McDonald's I get the grilled chicken sandwich and take the bread off and eat 10 fries if that much.

The only thing I dont eat is pasta and that is my choice because of the carbs but I can eat it .

I haven't given up my carbs like alot of girls on here but I go no higher then 50 a day sometimes I will hit 60 day but that is about once a week.

I stay about 30-40 carbs per day , 85 grams of protein a day,  and under 50 grams of fat per day .

I eat my cup per meal.  Do you cut your meat up before you measure ?  That is what my NUT told me to do. Cut my meat up like how Im going to eat it and then measure that way.   You can get alot of protein that way and a very nice portion size.

I have been told its all about volume on what you eat not weight but everybody is different.

But like Kristi I never get that full feeling after I eat a cup of food , of course I could go in there and eat more but like the saying goes just because you can dont mean you should.

You need to have discipline also the band cant do all the work you yourself have to do the work also !!

I eat one snack a day sometimes two it depends on how well I eat for my meals . I usually hit around 800-1000 calories per day .

I exercise 3 times a week to Zumba and then I do toning 3 times a week .

Do you drink 30 min before during and after you eat ?? That is a no no . 

My doc is very strict on fills.  If he thinks you are not doing your part he will not fill you . What I mean by that if he asks you questions and you answer them honestly and he dont like the answers he wont fill you.

For example. If he asks you if you are exercising and you say no or maybe once a week , or what are you eating, are you measuring and you say no he wont give you fill. What he will do is say okay for the next two weeks you write down what you are eating, what time, how much , and you get that exercise in . My doc wants 5 days a week at least 30 min . 

90% of his patients that I have talked to in support meetings once they do what he tells them to do they have lost 5 pounds in two weeks right where they should be losing and they dont have to get a fill like they wanted to.

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/14/11 1:06 pm
Thanks for your gentle encouragement.  It helps to get reminded what is expected.
on 1/14/11 1:23 pm
On January 14, 2011 at 9:06 PM Pacific Time, Cigi wrote:
Thanks for your gentle encouragement.  It helps to get reminded what is expected.
You are welcome !!

First if it was me before I would even think of another fill this is what I would do.

1. keep track of your food. I use sparkpeople.com  log everything that you eat no matter what it is .

2. Keep your calories low especially the days you are not exercising

3.  Exercise at least four times a week five would be better .  I never exercise on Sat and Sundays those are my days off .

4. Get your water in and I mean pure water no flavored waters, ice tea drink pure water 64 oz in. I will not allow myself to have Ice Tea or anything else till I get at least 50 oz of water in then I will get a Ice tea then get the rest of the pure water in.

5. one cup of food no more no less. 1/2 cup of protein cut up like how you are going to eat it, 1/4 cup of veggies, 1/4 cup of carbs veggies your choice

6.  Most important just because you can eat more dont mean you should.   Learn if you are actually physically hungry or if its just head hunger. 

Im terrible at head hunger and if I ran to the docs every time I had head hunger I would be in there four times a day asking for a fill.

My do will not give a fill if you are staying 3 hrs or more not getting hungry and losing at least 7-10 pounds per month.

Just remember the lapband is a slow weight lose only 1-2 pounds per week .

Good Luck I really think you can do this if you get back to your basics !!!

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/14/11 1:04 pm - Mexico
Are you getting your fills done under fluoro? If not, he doesn't have a freak'en clue how full you are.

The thing about a sweet spot (and I believe they exist) is that until you experience it, you don't know what it is supposed to feel like. It's like trying to describe Chocolate to someone who has never tried it. How do you explain it to them? Sweet spots are the same way.

Do you have a FillCentersUSA.com near you? Maybe you need a new fill person that will be a bit more supportive vs. an azzwipe?

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/14/11 2:36 pm - Athens, GA

Unfortunatly something they don't tell u BEFORE surgery is that some ppl NEVER reach restriction/sweet spot!!!!!!!!! Kind of an important detail to leave out don't u think?!

I have had my band 14 months. I have had 14 fills. This has been a complete waste of time and money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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