What did it feel like when waking up from surgery?

jennifer B.
on 1/14/11 10:58 am
I don't remember being nauseous at all postop. I do remember waking up but I was soooooo scared. But I felt like I was going in and out of it. Very weird feeling. I remember trying to keep the nurse beside me because I was scared. They must have gave me something after a while because then I just remember being loopy. I had nothing to be scared off the surgery went well. It just must have been my bodies own reaction to the drugs. The postop pain is not bad and I am a big baby. My surgeon told me not to take the strips I had taken them to the hospital with me. She said that the gas x strips won't work on the or gas they fill you with. Just walk and SIP and take your meds. You will do great and before you know it you will be a year out and giving advice. Keep is posted.
JENNIFER 5'7" Tall - 33 YEARS OLD - Ticker Includes 26 Pounds Lost Pre Op - 2.4cc in a 4cc lap band with a low profile port - 1st fill 6/19/2009 of .2cc - 2nd fill 7/24/2009 of  1.3cc  -  3rd fill 9/11/2009 of .3cc -  4th Fill 10/30/2009 of 1.8cc - only had .4cc when I went supspect leak - 11-9-2009 Upper Gi with fluroscopy - Do not have a leak and band looks great...I finally have restriction - I love my BAND!!!  5th Fill 1/11/2010 of .2cc  6th Fill 3/15/2010   of .3cc.  1st UNFILL of .6 cc or so on 4/19/2010  7th  Fill 7/26/2010 .2cc  Eighth Fill 8/30/2010 .2cc  Ninth Fill 10/25/2010 .1cc  Tenth Fill 12/20/2010  .1cc       
on 1/14/11 12:42 pm
The first thing I remember was that I had to pee --- LOL

I remember the nurses telling me to wake up -- and my husband being right there.
I got up with help, and I walked to the restroom and peed ---- and then they gave me a popsicle.

They helped me get dressed and let me go home ---- I think in reality I was in recovery for about 90 minutes --- but most of that is buried in my brain.

I bought Gas-X, but never used it ---- I got home and used a heating pad on and off for a few days.

Overall, I had a really easy time --- did not take my pain meds - just Liquid Extra Strength Tylenol

on 1/14/11 1:55 pm - Denton, TX
I am so glad you asked this!  My surgery is Monday and I was wondering the same things.
Ashley A.
on 1/14/11 3:19 pm - Dayton, OH
VSG on 06/27/12
Hi, I hadn't been put to sleep at all before in my life so I had a lot of anxiety as well before going into surgery. I actually took one of my anxiety pills to help me relax before going in. I don't know if I should have but I did. I woke up feeling really groggy and just out of it. The first thing I said when I woke up was "Where's my teeth?" The nurse probably thought I was crazy.lol, but at the time I had a temporary flipper  for my front teeth so they had to take it out during surgery. I'm not sure what medicine is best. I didn't really experience a lot of gas pains after the surgery but I walked a lot while I was in the hospital and once I got home so that seemed to help a lot. Congrats on your surgery!

Realize Band-12.1.08 Revision to VSG-6.27.12


on 1/15/11 12:52 am

I had my surgery on December 1st and the hardest part  was the placing of the IVs. I had to have a couple because my veins kept collapsing. When I woke up from anethesia, I discovered that I had a spare IV port just in case the one that they finally got in collapsed.

I have been put under anethesia numerous times and it really isn't anything to stress about. Just remember to follow the instructions about the time to stop eating and drinking the night before. What I really remember was how cold the OR was when they wheeled me in. I thought that I was going to freeze to death. The very kind anethesiologist quickly got some drugs going in my IV and was telling me that she was working on getting me warmed up ... just a few more seconds, she said. And the next thing that I remember was waking up in the recovery room. Waking up was kind of weird this time. All of the other times, I just heard someone calling my name and telling me to wake up and I would open my eyes and be conscious, but groggy. This time, I remember hearing someone calling my name and telling me to wake up. When I did open my eyes, I had the weirdest sensation that I was in the process of sitting up - which I wasn't. It was like lying in bed and just sitting up by bending up from the waist, no movement of the legs whatsoever. This was not frightening in anyway, just kind of weird. Like being in a really deep sleep and being startled awake without the accompanying fright.

I did take Gas X strips with me to the hospital, but never used them while I was in the hospital. I used them after I got home and had sipped at something. I would get a bit of gas pressure after sipping my water, juice etc. and the strips helped with that. I was fortunate not to have gas pains from surgery itself. I had a horrible migraine while I was in the hospital and didn't get up until the next morning. But I do believe everyone else who advises that moving is the best way to relieve the surgical gas.

I was glad that I took my Burt's Bees lip balm with me to the hospital. Boy were my lips dry!

Best of luck to all of you who are having surgery soon. I am saving spots on the loser's bench for you!

on 1/15/11 3:21 am - Albuquerque, NM
The gas x strings work the best for the gas pain but wont relieve it all so yes walking walking walking!!

I remember having some pain but mostly in the port area but the pain meds help a lot! The pain only lasted a day or so then I was up cleaning my yard three days later. Its really not that bad, my gallbladder surgery was way worse.

Congrats, and I hope your surgery goes well!


lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.

Anti Lap-band advocate!


on 1/15/11 4:02 am - CA
Thanks all...I wish I could just get over this horrible anxiety about it!!! Where are your ports located....how long before you could lay on your stomachs? 
(deactivated member)
on 1/15/11 5:15 am
LOL...hadn't thought about this for a while.  The first thing my recovery nurse asked me was if I was in pain.  I must have nodded yes, because within seconds he gave a shot, and I immediately felt REALLY good.  Very very chatty.  At 9 months out, I honestly do not remember what that pain felt like, so it couldn't have been that bad, right?
After that nothing every really "hurt"....I would call it more like "uncomfortable".  Nothing you can't handle!
I took the GasX strips.  They worked ok, but walking and a heating pad worked even better than medicine.
Best wishes!
on 1/15/11 11:06 am

My port is about three inches above my belly button. I slept on my side the second night after surgery and was sleeping on my stomach about one week after surgery.



on 1/15/11 11:48 am, edited 1/15/11 11:49 am
when you wake up you will be thirsty and they will give you some ice to suck on. You will have a nurse right there with you.   Honestly you barely remember the recovery room even though your there for about 30-45 minutes.  
They move you to your room and I didn't have any pain right away.  I was fine until that night ( i spent the night because I was dehyrated) so make sure you sip , sip , sip after you get up.  

Walk all you can  to help with the gas pains.  someone mentioned gas -X strips.  They are about as helpful as having a snow shovel in Hawaii.   They won't do a thing.  The gas you feel will be pumped into your abdomen, not into your instestines.  Its free flowing gas and will need to work its way out through your body tissue. Gas X is for instestinal gas only.  Its a different type of gas. 
One word of warning.. Gas x will slow down your instestinal system AND pain meds do the same thing. Mix these two and your looking at a blockage and lots of pain.   Your doc may have told you to take colace after surgery to help with the constipation of the pain meds.  If not , ask them about it. 

Good luck and let us know how you do.   Just remember you will need someone to help you the first few days getting up and down out of bed. 

Failed Lapband December 2010,Revision to RNY 2015.


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