What did it feel like when waking up from surgery?

on 1/14/11 9:44 am - CA
One week til my band surgery...freaking out! I have not been put to sleep in my adult life and the anxiety is getting worse as the time gets closer! How did you feel when you woke up? What is the best medicine for the gas pains?
on 1/14/11 9:52 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
Bring Gas X Strips with you to the hospital.
I was a little queasy when I woke up, but they gave me dilutin, and that kept it under control.
Make sure you let them know if you have any food allergies so nothing shows up on your plate that you can't have.
Are you staying overnight, or going home the same day? I stayed over night because I tend to get sick to my stomach with the anesthesia, but many people go home the same day.

Good luck and keep us posed!
on 1/14/11 9:56 am - McDonough, GA
Walking is the best medicine for the gas pains. You pretty much have to live with them for about a week, but the're not that bad. Just take your pain medicine and drink plenty of water. Waking up from surgery is not bad. You may have a little gas like pain, and feel really groggy. Some people have nausea from anesthesia, but I didn't. Just keep telling yourself that It will all be worth it. I have no regrets!

Vickie Jane

on 1/14/11 10:03 am - CA
Thanks ladies...I dont think I will have any regrets. I will get the gas strips and walk!!! It's funny because Im not even scared for the surgery...just being put to sleep LOL I do not have any food allergies...but I wont be able to eat so I should be ok right? They say it is outpatient but I would like to stay overnight...we will see. Next week if just full of pre up medical clearance tests...Hope all goes well!
L B.
on 1/14/11 1:18 pm
Hi, My surgery is on Wed that was a very good ? to ask! But what is gas strips? I have never heard of anything but beano really
on 1/14/11 10:22 pm - NY
I'm with you..my surgery is on Tuesday the 18th.  I'm not afraid of the surgery ..just being put out.  So I know how you are feeling.

My best to you on your surgery.

on 1/14/11 10:04 am
I am one of the very lucky ones I was doing awesome after surgery !!! My doc was very very aggressive towards throwing up .  I had a patch behind my ear, and plus I had extra drugs in my IV during my stay and then a extra shot of it right before I went home that night so I had no upset stomach no queasy no nothing .

As far as gas pains I had none of them either  .  As soon as I got back to my room I was up and walking around within 15 min.  I walked for 20 min went back to my room sipped water sat in my chair for 10 min and walked again for another 20 min.  I did this from about 315 till 700 pm that night when I got released.  I never stopped .

Everyone  said Gas X to use but Gas X is for intestinal pain and that is not what you will have so I dont know how much that stuff really works to be honest.

Heating pad is the best advice I can give you .

I just honestly cant help you that much expect for to tell you what I went through . If it wasn't for my incisions and my upper tummy feeling like I did a million sit ups I would have never guessed I had surgery to be honest.

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/14/11 10:04 am - Murrieta, CA
REALIZE Band on 12/20/10 with
 It was very easy for me.  They rolled me in to the operating room, the anesthesiologist said "Bye, bye" and I woke up in recovery.  When I woke up there was a nurse right next to me asking if I had any pain.  I could feel something but you are still a little groggy from surgery.  They give you something on the spot and then absolutely no pain.  Within a few minutes of waking up they placed an elastic band around my middle that felt really good.  Kind of like when you are coughing and you grab a pillow, just a little extra support.  A little while later they asked if I could try to sip some water, which I did then they asked me to get dressed.  After I was dressed they asked me to walk up and down the recovery room.  It was really easy, no pain.  When I woke up I noticed that the clock was a little before 3 PM.  I was on my way home by 4 PM.  My surgery was at 1 PM.

The one thing I do recommend is make sure you have your pain medication at home when you get back.  I didn't because the day I had surgery there was a huge storm and it took 3 hours for me to get home in a small two seater convertible in miserable rain at rush hour in Orange County.  By the time I got home it was just too miserable to send my poor DH out.  I was uncomfortable the first night without the pain meds.   I learned that you need a chair that you can get easily in and out of and a higher bed.  The first night I slept on a sofa bed and it was too low and hard to get in and out of.  I wasn't really in tons of pain, just uncomfortable.   I got my pain meds the next day and it was all downhill from there.  No problem, the pain med even eases the gas pains.

The gas gets better with walking which they asked you to do every hour (I think one minute for every 15 minutes of sitting or laying).

You will do fine.  I am a huge sissy and it was a piece of cake.  

It will be over before you know it.

Take care


on 1/14/11 10:21 am
I woke up in recovery very relaxed. I was also scared going into surgery. I talked to the anesthetic guy right before surgery and told him how scared I was and he calmed me down by explaining everything. He said I would be fine and he would make sure of it. So that was a relief. They really know what they are doing.
If you are not sure of the nausea, ask the anesthetic person for a patch to put behind your ear. It really helps. If you feel any discomfort tell the nurses, they will give you pain meds in your iv. I have severe sleep apnea and had to stay in 3 days, I was fortunate to have pain meds in my iv the entire time. When I came home I was feeling pretty good.
If you have any anxiety before you go into surgery, I am sure they will give you something to calm down.
Best Wishes to you!!
Nancy B.    
Andrea H.
on 1/14/11 10:28 am - Middletown, NJ
VSG on 04/08/13
 I was pretty lucky too, the only thing was I was still super tired.  When I got home, no major pain just a little sore.  As far as the gas, my was not bad at all.  I walked like everyone here had advised me and I also used a heating pad.  By the third day is was gone.  I never used the gas X strips cause they didn't seem to work.  I was really nervous too, and it really wasn't bad at all.  Good luck to you and I hope this helps!


HW 300, SW (Realize Band) 268, Revision to VSG 264

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