1 Yr. Bandiversary Update
on 11/4/10 1:21 am
It is obvious that you are very upset with your choice of WLS and that the results are not what you had expected. I presume you desire to lose more weight at a faster rate with less effort. There are surgical techniques that offer that option, as you know. Many people choose the band because, although the weight loss is clearly designed to be a non-malabsorption loss, it is slow and the complications of surgery and permanency of the surgery is considered by them to be safer. So the trade off is often calculated as slower loss but safer procedures.
Clearly, the band is NOT the best choice for “grazers", carb lovers, and those who have large amounts of weight to lose and understand the time needed to reach goal seems to be “too long" to wait. It clearly has been shown to be more successful a tool with people who gained weight because of being a “volume eater" and those who have less weight to lose. But, even so, there are a few things that may help put some of this in perspective.
1. Regarding those who “defend" the band: WHEN something works, we appreciate it and desire to share that info with others. The REASON it works, however is a VARIABLE.
2. Psychologically, humans tend to seek validation of our choices. Example: We can choose a red car or a blue car when we buy a car. We choose a blue car. For months after the purchase, we are more likely to “see" other blue cars on the road and think- ahh- see- there’s another blue car- I made a good choice. We are less likely to see all the red cars (even though they are there)because our brains are designed to seek group validation. The same is true for surgery. Seeing that something did not “work" for another when we ourselves have that same surgery is unsettling and we tend to lash out to invalidate its presence. Lap bands sometimes do not produce the expected results. This is a truth. However, the deeper truth is that the band does not work for several reasons, all of which are worthy of your consideration, so that your choice in the next WLS is more gratifying.
Mechanical error: Some bands leak, twist, break.
Surgical experience: The more experience the surgical team has doing a procedure, the better the outcome will be.
Staff/surgical follow-up, quality of post op care: Good nutritionists, good communicating doctors that understand and work WITH the patient’s stated goal and, I hate to say it, ETHICAL surgeons all play a role. My surgical center provides a card with the size of the band and we write the date and amount of EACH FILL or UNFILL. I believe that many surgeons (particularly those who have cash paying patients) play the fill game WAY TOO conservatively- bleeding the patient’s pocket dry when it is not necessary to do that.
Patient error: Many of the “complications" listed in the medical literature/journal can be attributed to the patient’s own actions. Over eating, over filling the pouch leads to slips, dilations, reflux, stuck episodes. These are real issues that are hard to overcome and any good surgeon and staff will help the patient address the issues BEFORE they cause problems. But sometimes, those habits are too darn hard to break (thus why we are obese, eh?) and the BAND is not a solution for the person. “Trouble eating" (quoted from a research article posted here) and “uncomfortable with dense proteins" “vomiting" etc are all issues revolving around eating habits and personal levels of comfort, not the band.
Weight loss is difficult. We are overweight because of a variety of factors and not all people share the same equation, so the solution, so to speak, must be different for each of us. So many variables- our own likes, dislikes, eating patterns, tolerance, discipline to follow all the rules, desire and fortitude to consistently exercise, the surgeon’s skill and ethics, and the physical properties of the band all play a role in success. Even the definition of “success" varies from one to another. Some are content with 55 lb weight loss, even if it took a year of hard work, others may not be.
Each of us needs to choose a technique that may help us to succeed in the manner, speed and effort we feel is correct. But, to do so, requires a solid, honest look at ALL of the factors that contribute to the success. Do I have band mechanical failure? (leaks, etc) Is my surgeon ethical and skilled and listening to ME and my goals? Am I consistent in keeping calories down to under 1200, eating according to the rules, exercising, journaling food. (granted, this is the kicker- the “hard part" that often is “too much like dieting" and because it is too hard, results in not achieving what we call “success".)
Personally, I would call the surgeon’s office and schedule a fill- and require him to un-fill, demonstrate to you how much is in the band, and re-fill to an adequate level and follow-up in 4 weeks. It is difficult if all of the variables are not controlled- particularly the ONE that controls the size of the stoma between the pouch and stomach! Furthermore, I would list my concerns, journal for the week or so before the visit all you consume and your activity level- then have him/her discuss ALL of why you are not succeeding. This would be a productive, action-oriented step toward your stated goal until you decide or achieve your other WLS options. What do you think?
Good luck.
It is obvious that you are very upset with your choice of WLS and that the results are not what you had expected. I presume you desire to lose more weight at a faster rate with less effort. There are surgical techniques that offer that option, as you know. Many people choose the band because, although the weight loss is clearly designed to be a non-malabsorption loss, it is slow and the complications of surgery and permanency of the surgery is considered by them to be safer. So the trade off is often calculated as slower loss but safer procedures.
Clearly, the band is NOT the best choice for “grazers", carb lovers, and those who have large amounts of weight to lose and understand the time needed to reach goal seems to be “too long" to wait. It clearly has been shown to be more successful a tool with people who gained weight because of being a “volume eater" and those who have less weight to lose. But, even so, there are a few things that may help put some of this in perspective.
1. Regarding those who “defend" the band: WHEN something works, we appreciate it and desire to share that info with others. The REASON it works, however is a VARIABLE.
2. Psychologically, humans tend to seek validation of our choices. Example: We can choose a red car or a blue car when we buy a car. We choose a blue car. For months after the purchase, we are more likely to “see" other blue cars on the road and think- ahh- see- there’s another blue car- I made a good choice. We are less likely to see all the red cars (even though they are there)because our brains are designed to seek group validation. The same is true for surgery. Seeing that something did not “work" for another when we ourselves have that same surgery is unsettling and we tend to lash out to invalidate its presence. Lap bands sometimes do not produce the expected results. This is a truth. However, the deeper truth is that the band does not work for several reasons, all of which are worthy of your consideration, so that your choice in the next WLS is more gratifying.
Mechanical error: Some bands leak, twist, break.
Surgical experience: The more experience the surgical team has doing a procedure, the better the outcome will be.
Staff/surgical follow-up, quality of post op care: Good nutritionists, good communicating doctors that understand and work WITH the patient’s stated goal and, I hate to say it, ETHICAL surgeons all play a role. My surgical center provides a card with the size of the band and we write the date and amount of EACH FILL or UNFILL. I believe that many surgeons (particularly those who have cash paying patients) play the fill game WAY TOO conservatively- bleeding the patient’s pocket dry when it is not necessary to do that.
Patient error: Many of the “complications" listed in the medical literature/journal can be attributed to the patient’s own actions. Over eating, over filling the pouch leads to slips, dilations, reflux, stuck episodes. These are real issues that are hard to overcome and any good surgeon and staff will help the patient address the issues BEFORE they cause problems. But sometimes, those habits are too darn hard to break (thus why we are obese, eh?) and the BAND is not a solution for the person. “Trouble eating" (quoted from a research article posted here) and “uncomfortable with dense proteins" “vomiting" etc are all issues revolving around eating habits and personal levels of comfort, not the band.
Weight loss is difficult. We are overweight because of a variety of factors and not all people share the same equation, so the solution, so to speak, must be different for each of us. So many variables- our own likes, dislikes, eating patterns, tolerance, discipline to follow all the rules, desire and fortitude to consistently exercise, the surgeon’s skill and ethics, and the physical properties of the band all play a role in success. Even the definition of “success" varies from one to another. Some are content with 55 lb weight loss, even if it took a year of hard work, others may not be.
Each of us needs to choose a technique that may help us to succeed in the manner, speed and effort we feel is correct. But, to do so, requires a solid, honest look at ALL of the factors that contribute to the success. Do I have band mechanical failure? (leaks, etc) Is my surgeon ethical and skilled and listening to ME and my goals? Am I consistent in keeping calories down to under 1200, eating according to the rules, exercising, journaling food. (granted, this is the kicker- the “hard part" that often is “too much like dieting" and because it is too hard, results in not achieving what we call “success".)
Personally, I would call the surgeon’s office and schedule a fill- and require him to un-fill, demonstrate to you how much is in the band, and re-fill to an adequate level and follow-up in 4 weeks. It is difficult if all of the variables are not controlled- particularly the ONE that controls the size of the stoma between the pouch and stomach! Furthermore, I would list my concerns, journal for the week or so before the visit all you consume and your activity level- then have him/her discuss ALL of why you are not succeeding. This would be a productive, action-oriented step toward your stated goal until you decide or achieve your other WLS options. What do you think?
Good luck.
No. I realized when I got the band that it was slower and required more effort!
~complications of surgery and permanency of the surgery is considered by them to be safer.~
Conplications safer DURING the actual surgery.............when u factor in all the complications AFTER surgery.................NO!
"Permanency"??? NO!
~Regarding those who “defend" the band: WHEN something works, we appreciate it and desire to share that info with others.~
Oh I completely understand! U have every right to do so! Just as I have every right to post and share the info with others that mine is NOT working!!! I don't understand why when I don't attack anyone for starting a thread saying how wonderfull their band is and I don't attack them that they would feel the need to attack me for starting one saying how crappy mine is???
~We can choose a red car or a blue car when we buy a car. We choose a blue car. For months after the purchase, we are more likely to “see" other blue cars on the road and think- ahh- see- there’s another blue car- I made a good choice. We are less likely to see all the red cars (even though they are there)because our brains are designed to seek group validation. The same is true for surgery. Seeing that something did not “work" for another when we ourselves have that same surgery is unsettling and we tend to lash out to invalidate its presence.~
Well to use another car analagy: If I bought a car and posted on the Ford forum that my Mustang was a piece of **** b/c it wouldn't go into reverse, do u honesty think the ppl on that forun would bash me for making an honest statement about my car just b/c they want to "lash out"???
~Weight loss is difficult.~
NO ****! This is why I paid as much as I did to have the band TO HELP ME LOSE WEIGHT! NOT to put myself on a diet with NO help from the band!!!
~Personally, I would call the surgeon’s office and schedule a fill- and require him to un-fill, demonstrate to you how much is in the band, and re-fill to an adequate level and follow-up in 4 weeks.~
Don't u think I have already done this?!
I don't understand why so many ppl on this forum want to assume that I am at fault! I got 13 fills. I don't drink with meals. I completely changed my diet. I HAVE NO RESTRICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the issue! NOT "user error"!!!
I hope you continue to lose even though it is so hard. I don't think I'll ever hit the "sweet spot" either. It's been a "diet" to me as well, but it has made life a little easier at least (for me). I'm now on 80mg of prednisone and if you know anything about that drug you can gain 10 pounds over night from it at that dose, but I feel the band has helped me not go crazy (or it's me controlling myself LOL).
Anyway, let's hope this year is better for everyone.
Thanks for the post!
I wish I had lost more my first year as well and there were times I was too tight or times I was not tight enough and I do feel I have done more of the work than I thought I would have to versus how much the band should do. It's a daily battle, but I think many banders feel that way. I still do not regret not getting a malabsorption (although I'd probably be closer to goal) since I have to take so many meds. The sleeve wasn't in the cards due to my illness and my insurance wouldn't cover it either (Medicare disability).
If you can't get a revision just know that the band is helping even if it is the tiniest bit. The port issue sucks now. You needed that like you needed a hole in the head. So I hope you can get that fixed. Try and keep going with the band...get another fill when the port is fixed and see where it takes you. Sometimes we get dealt a bad hand, but we can work with it.
I've learned over the past 6 years that even though we have great intentions in life sometimes things just won't move out of the way for us to obtain our goals. We have to find a way around, through, under or over that wall and maybe, just maybe we will obtain that goal...but we can never lose sight of trying to get there.
Hugs and keep on losing. I think almost 60 in a year is really good considering the lack of the restriction you wanted. I have to be happy with my loss as well. Hell, I could have gained another 70 right? Oh, that would have sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Sometimes we have to give up on our plans to get the life we were ment to have................
Maybe better things r in store for us?
Some here probably do blame you for whatever is going on with your band, but honestly from my perspective in following these god awful argumentative posts, it is somewhat confusing following your problem. Some statements almost seem somewhat contradictory.
I don't blame you whatsoever- we just have a piece of plastic strapped to our stomachs, it's not really a long shot to see that there might or will be some complications. Nonetheless, I would really like to figure out what's going on here. I think it's a disservice to you to go through all that and not know what's wrong. And frankly, even if you'd lost 500 pounds and didn't have any complications, you're still entitled to hate your band.
So, here are my questions and hopefully you'll answer them for me!
1) It seems that we're all going in circles over your phrase "I have no restriction." I think this is mainly where I'm confused. Is LuciousLA right in the respect that you maybe aren't using the right terms for the issue here?
One time you say that you have trouble eating bread and pasta and that you must chew dense protein well otherwise you could get stuck. Then you told me that you could eat well over 2 cups? Is it that you do have some sort of restriction yet it's very variable? That some days you can eat a lot and some days you can't eat anything? (This is very much so the case for me- any sort of restriction for me really depends on hydration level, the damn weather, my stress level, the time in my cycle...! Ahhh! ) And, at least for me, there wasn't an actual fill level where it bam! was all of a sudden perfect. I feel like reading between the lines of your words makes me feel like you're looking for one special point where it's perfect and not going to change and all of a sudden it'll just work. I don't think that's the case, but in some respects that's what it almost sounds like. Personally, the "sweet spot" seems like a mythological entity that doesn't really exist. Maybe that's just me.
1.5) What's a normal day's meal look like for you?
2) You've had 13 fills, which absolutely seems like a lot! Basically one fill every single month plus one more? Did you have any sort of restrictive feeling at all after any of your fills and it decreased as you lost weight or has it stayed the same and never changed whatsoever after any fills through the year? I know you said your surgeon checked for leaks and you didn't have one.
3) Did you have a barium swallow or fill under fluoroscope to see how liquid passes through the stoma? If so, what did your surgeon say? You don't remember how much is in your band (not that it even matters, if you have some sort of restriction), but what if the situation is that your doctor gave you 13 fills of 0.5ccs bringing you to 6.5ccs out of 11ccs total? Meaning you'd only be half full. I'd hate to see a doctor be that damn conservative, but has that been ruled out yet? Again, this still sucks, but maybe your band just isn't adjusted correctly yet.
4) Perhaps your band is legitimately broken and no matter how it's adjusted, it's just not gonna work- which statistics show totally happens. It's a manmade piece of plastic, for crying out loud! In that case, cut your losses and get the sucker out!
You seem like a very up-front sort of lady, so I hope that you went or will go to your surgeon and demand to get to the absolute bottom of this and somewhat work with what you've got (you have lost some weight, so that's something!) while you wait and figure out what your next step is. You paid quite a lot of money and regardless if some people think you did "well enough," it's really only your opinion that matters. It sounds like you have worked your ass off and then some and you deserve to be happy!
Take care and good luck!

Anyway.........as far as my restriction (or lack there of).............I don't feel I use the term inappropriatly. I use it the way it is generally used on the forum. U know ppl will post on here that they finally have "restriction". Usually they do not post and say they have reached their "sweet spot". So I am using the term as it is commonly used here.
To clarify, I do have some restriction. I have not hit the "sweet spot"/"green zone" after 13 fills!
No I do not get my fills under fleuro.
As far as cutting my losses n getting the sucker out..............Well that takes money. And my money was wasted paying to have it put in!
on 11/4/10 10:03 am - CA
Some here probably do blame you for whatever is going on with your band, but honestly from my perspective in following these god awful argumentative posts, it is somewhat confusing following your problem. Some statements almost seem somewhat contradictory.
I don't blame you whatsoever- we just have a piece of plastic strapped to our stomachs, it's not really a long shot to see that there might or will be some complications. Nonetheless, I would really like to figure out what's going on here. I think it's a disservice to you to go through all that and not know what's wrong. And frankly, even if you'd lost 500 pounds and didn't have any complications, you're still entitled to hate your band.
So, here are my questions and hopefully you'll answer them for me!
1) It seems that we're all going in circles over your phrase "I have no restriction." I think this is mainly where I'm confused. Is LuciousLA right in the respect that you maybe aren't using the right terms for the issue here?
One time you say that you have trouble eating bread and pasta and that you must chew dense protein well otherwise you could get stuck. Then you told me that you could eat well over 2 cups? Is it that you do have some sort of restriction yet it's very variable? That some days you can eat a lot and some days you can't eat anything? (This is very much so the case for me- any sort of restriction for me really depends on hydration level, the damn weather, my stress level, the time in my cycle...! Ahhh! ) And, at least for me, there wasn't an actual fill level where it bam! was all of a sudden perfect. I feel like reading between the lines of your words makes me feel like you're looking for one special point where it's perfect and not going to change and all of a sudden it'll just work. I don't think that's the case, but in some respects that's what it almost sounds like. Personally, the "sweet spot" seems like a mythological entity that doesn't really exist. Maybe that's just me.
1.5) What's a normal day's meal look like for you?
2) You've had 13 fills, which absolutely seems like a lot! Basically one fill every single month plus one more? Did you have any sort of restrictive feeling at all after any of your fills and it decreased as you lost weight or has it stayed the same and never changed whatsoever after any fills through the year? I know you said your surgeon checked for leaks and you didn't have one.
3) Did you have a barium swallow or fill under fluoroscope to see how liquid passes through the stoma? If so, what did your surgeon say? You don't remember how much is in your band (not that it even matters, if you have some sort of restriction), but what if the situation is that your doctor gave you 13 fills of 0.5ccs bringing you to 6.5ccs out of 11ccs total? Meaning you'd only be half full. I'd hate to see a doctor be that damn conservative, but has that been ruled out yet? Again, this still sucks, but maybe your band just isn't adjusted correctly yet.
4) Perhaps your band is legitimately broken and no matter how it's adjusted, it's just not gonna work- which statistics show totally happens. It's a manmade piece of plastic, for crying out loud! In that case, cut your losses and get the sucker out!
You seem like a very up-front sort of lady, so I hope that you went or will go to your surgeon and demand to get to the absolute bottom of this and somewhat work with what you've got (you have lost some weight, so that's something!) while you wait and figure out what your next step is. You paid quite a lot of money and regardless if some people think you did "well enough," it's really only your opinion that matters. It sounds like you have worked your ass off and then some and you deserve to be happy!
Take care and good luck!

Allison R brings up some really important questions.
As someone going into this procedure ( as soon as medically possible) because it is the ONLY WLS option available to me for medical reasons (similar to Guernica, I have also just started a round of prednisone again so

It would be great if you could address Allisons questions so those of us just starting out on this journey would be better able to navigate the stormy seas.
Specifically -
Have you called your surgeons office and found out what your current fill level is?
How do you know there is nothing wrong with your band if you have had no fills done under flouoro?
What is a typical meal/day of eating for you?
What is your typical exercise routine?
Please explain the restriction you have and how it varies- ie: day to day, meal to meal, food vs food etc.
I have no idea what the difference between restriction and sweet spot is, can you define it for me (I don't have a band yet)
Can you let me know what you were expecting out of the band? I want to make sure I don't go into this with any false preconceptions.
Also since you do not have the money to get a revision right now, what are your plans?
(If I were in your place I would be jumping down my surgeons throat right now if he basically took my money and ran with not a concern for my issues, man I would be PISSED!)
Thanks Maria,
Good luck to you with whatever you decide is best for you.