
Stomach fold skin irritation and odor ~ blech

on 5/10/10 12:41 pm - Villa Park, IL
I have a large tummy fold (panniculus sp?) and after losing 45 lbs., I am having skin irritations and odor that I didn't notice before surgery.  I don't have any sores, just itching and body odor. 

What can I do?  I have used baby powder to try to help with the itching, but I don't think it is working well.  I shower everyday, so it's not a cleanliness issue.  Can I use deodorant?  lol

  5cc's in 10cc band
(deactivated member)
on 5/10/10 12:51 pm - Moreno Valley, CA
When I get a rash there, I use diaper ointment.  It keeps moisture out and keeps the area dry.

I'm sure there are better solutions and I'm looking forward to some too.

on 1/31/15 2:48 pm


I came across this site merely by accident and I immediately became interested after reading your question.

Abdominal and breast fold fungus was a constant burden with me for years. I tried every medication, powder, suggestion, and trick in the book to get rid of it. Multiple daily cleansings, drying with a hair dryer, baby powder, talc, fungal powders, anti-fungal creams, antiperspirants, prescription medications, and placing terry cloth under the folds to absorb moisture to name just a few. I was at wits end and no resolve in sight!

One day I was doing some gardening and discovered some of my plants were developing some fungus. I didn't want to apply a chemical fungicide to my tomatoes, so I called my County Extension for a sure-fire natural/organic remedy. I followed the Master Gardener's recommendations and it worked wonderfully!

It got me to thinking, If this kills fungus on my plants, would it work on 'my' fungus? I tried it and got results within a few hours. The next morning I woke up with NO signs of abdominal fold fungus! I have been using this method for about 3 years now and I have only had a very few outbreaks that occurred during hot weather when I was perspiring extensively. As soon as the symptoms appeared, I used my concoction and got immediate relief.

So, you are curiously wondering what I use, right?

After each shower I dry well, saturate a half sheet of (cheap) paper towel (folded into a small square) with white vinegar. Then I wipe under each breast (flipping the pad of towel so as not to cross contaminate). The I get a fresh towel pad and wipe under one side of my abdomen; I repeat under the other side with a new towel pad.

If you are thinking, Man, she must smell like aging sour kraut!, you're wrong. Initially, yes, there is a slight vinegar smell. But by the time I finish my morning bathroom ritual the vinegar odor has mostly dissipated and just before donning my clothes, I apply a mist of body spray.

Being a bit apprehensive, I've gone as far as to ask a few close friends if they can detect the vinegar and each one of them said there is absolutely no residual vinegar smell. Essentially, the vinegar itself is 'hidden' under the fold and therefore doesn't emit an odor.

Vinegar is acidic in nature and can be effectively used to cure the fungal infection. Fortunately, most vinegars are culinary in nature and can be used safely against the fungal infection. It's natural and there are no side effects. There might be a slight amount of stinging if there is a break in the skin because of excoriation but, that can be relieved by blowing the area lightly with your hair dryer set on a low, cool setting if needed. You don't want to dry up the vinegar, just ease the sting.

I've had to, on occasion when the humidity was high, do a 'touch-up' wipe to prevent a potential fungal outbreak but, it's quick, easy, and well worth it!

You can always carry some pads with you simply by preparing a few saturated towels and placing them in a zip-loc baggie and placing them in your purse, pocket, or overnight bag.

I swear by this remedy and I ask that you at least try it. I believe you will be highly impressed with the results!



on 2/6/17 8:23 pm

Dear Fyllis...

Oh my goodness, I could KISS you!

As a 55 year old woman, living in Western Australia, in a warm and humid climate, I have suffered for YEARS, decades, from rashes and fungus and inflamed skin under the folds of my breasts and tummy and like you, I also have tried "Every trick in the book"!

I have been so diligent with cleanliness and religiously applying said creams and lotions and potions but with little relief.

Also, I "thought" that I had psoriasis on my scalp and nothing that I did, aside from cortisone treatments would work and even then, only very temporarily and would then come back with a vengeance, leaving me with thin skin. 

I hit rock bottom just recently and was having a good ol' cry because I was so fed up with nothing working.

I decided to "Google" just one more time and stumbled across this article.

Because I am constantly looking for natural remedies and having recently discovered the benefits of laundering using vinegar and baking soda (bicarb), as soon as I read your article on how you use white vinegar to heal and prevent fungal infection, I was KEEN to try. 

I immediately headed for my pantry and cut a few paper towels in half, grabbed my big bottle of vinegar and set about applying it.

Much to my surprise, it hardly stung at all, really no more than a slight tingle (which I find quite soothing).

It dries rapidly and feels refreshing.

I wasn't sure at first if it was just "wistful thinking" but I swear that I felt almost immediate results.

Then off to bed I trotted.

During the night, I could hardly sleep from the excitement of the smooth, clean feeling in the folds of my skin that previously would constantly peel and weep and often hurt so much that I couldn't sleep.

In the morning, there was obvious healing.

So much so, that I began to apply it to my scalp and other areas of my body that I "thought" was psoriasis and "voila" it also has begun to clear.

NO more flaking, itching, weeping, peeling skin!

For anyone who is concerned about "smell" from the vinegar: there is none!

As you said Fyllis, the smell dissipates very quickly.

This is the answer to years of research and trips to the Pharmacy and Doctor and prayers!

Not only has it worked and continues to work as a preventative, it is CHEAP and portable (your tip of saturating paper towel and placing in a zip lock bag) is also invaluable!

Thank you SO much for taking the time to share your story and your remedy!

I am so impressed that I joined this forum solely to respond to your article and to say "thank you"!

Warmest regards and appreciation from Western Australia!


on 6/17/18 3:26 pm

Thank you both for your posts, I've been suffering such embarrassment and keeping it from my husband who is curious as to why I've been sleeping in my bra and underpants stuffed with paper towels, in vain may I add does it have to be white vinegar? Also does it have to be done only at night? Thank you both again keep you fingers crossed, hugs Lillian

on 12/25/18 6:03 am, edited 12/24/18 10:05 pm - Oshawa, Canada

I love this! I've been using vinegar to clean my house so I've always had some on hand. This is extremely helpful.

However, I did want to share my personal story with a fungal issue that affected the skin under my breasts and around my groin. I thought it was from excessive sweating and perhaps a chronic yeast infection (which can also happen under the breasts), but after 6+ months of using a fungal + hydrocortisone prescription with very limited relief or changes I got a referral to a gynecologist. I wish I had gone sooner!

Turns out I have a rather uncommon skin condition called lichen sclerosus. It can happen to anyone, is not an STD, yet can become quite serious and very painful if left untreated. The more I read about the condition the more it freaked me the hell out. But I was prescribed a steroid ointment to use 2x a day for a month and then 1x per week thereafter for prevention for the rest of my life. Relief was nearly instantaneous.

The scariest thing about lichen sclerosus is that it weakens the skin and can cause discoloration too. Over time (left untreated) it can cause scarring due to the delicate, thin nature of the tissue. Some women (and men) have reported fusing of the skin in areas where they have this skin condition (which can be on the genital area too). Ouch! But the treatment is very simple, very available and it was covered by the Ontario gov't plan (basic health care). I live in the Greater Toronto area of Ontario.

I have provided a link to the page on lichen sclerosus which has information on symptoms and such. One may or may not notice symptoms. Your primary doctor may not be familiar with this skin condition, nor be able to recognize it. I would definitely see a gynecologist for diagnosis.

Warm Regards,
Lap Band Info
on 4/26/17 7:47 am


on 6/18/17 5:18 pm


on 3/27/19 8:19 pm


You are amazing kind compassionate intuitive smart brilliant, AND my hero....thanks.


(deactivated member)
on 7/27/21 2:12 am

I created an account just to thank you.

I stumbled upon this site and read your response, and decided to use it on my bellybuttom and behind my ears. For DECADES, I've had a sweaty smell from both places, even shortly after taking a shower. I would use scented hand sanitizer, but it only worked for a few hours. I tried the vinegar, and was shocked that the smell was gone and doesn't come back all day Thank you so much.
