What are we eating this Sunday?

(deactivated member)
on 1/3/09 11:33 pm - San Francisco, CA
For me, it's:

B: Pork steak, pear or banana
L: Cuban chicken stew, apple
D: Italian chicken stew, sliced cucumbers or other veggie, sliced fruit w/ FF yogurt & Splenda

Stacy T.
on 1/3/09 11:37 pm
Morning SG,

B: Proti-15 Anytime shake
L: Boneless pork chop, green beans, cheese stick
S: FF yogurt
D: Tilapia, green beans
S: Proti-15 Anytime shake

Bevs: Decaf tea with splenda, crystal light, maybe 4 oz of orange juice as a treat

Pre-Op wt : 210 (Nov 08)

Lowest Post-op wt: 145 (Jul 12)

Removal wt: 185 (Feb 19)

on 1/4/09 12:08 am - Newport News, VA

Still in liquid stage....  I'll be having liquids, liquids, liquids

Hey Stacy, I see that you are in Newport News and Dr. T did your band. Me too!!
How are things going for you?


Stacy T.
on 1/4/09 2:56 am

Things are going pretty well I think!

Don't you just love Dr. T?  He is probably the best doc I have ever had (next to my PCP). So understanding, caring and genuine.

He will be doing my first fill on Thursday. I am nervous but I know once I see him I will be totally at ease!

I know all about the liquids. I was on liquids for 17 days after my surgery but it was totally worth it. i was actually nervous about transitioning to mushies LOL

We need to stay in touch! Hopefully we can meet in person at support group this month :) :)

Pre-Op wt : 210 (Nov 08)

Lowest Post-op wt: 145 (Jul 12)

Removal wt: 185 (Feb 19)

on 1/4/09 10:29 pm - Newport News, VA
I too just love Dr. T!

You are going to do great on Thurs. Please let me know how you are feeling. I hope you get to what they call the "sweet spot" soon.

I will be going to the support group on the 1/15. I hope to see you there!

on 1/4/09 12:34 am - Cincinnati , OH
B=yogurt and fiber cereal
L-scrambled eggs
sn-choc protein/coffee concoction
d=salmon and veggies

start 350 / surgery 323 / CURRENT 195 / hip replaced 8/26 / GOAL 185

"nothing is forgotten, only left behind"-Robbie Robertson

Holly O.
on 1/4/09 12:39 am - Bradenton, FL
Good morning!

I take one meal at a time:


Egg beater omlet and 1/2 c. fruit cup!

Have a great day!  -Holly


on 1/4/09 2:52 am - OK
BB:   International SF Coffee w/splash of Pumpkin Creamer
B:     Celery w/2 T LF Chunky Peanut Butter
L:     Chef Salad w/cheese/chicken/ham & LF Dressing
D:     Vegetable Beef Stew (potatoes for husband/daughter), salad
S:     Ricotta Cheese/lemon peel/Splenda/Vanilla

May add 1 Dove SF Raspberry Dark Chocolate if the low carb starts to get to me!



Krista C.
on 1/4/09 3:09 am - Quispamsis, Canada
Breakfast - coffee, oatmeal, tapioca

pre-lunch / post-gym - 500 ml water and skinny latte from $tarbuck$

Lunch - tuna 1/2 can w/mayo, granola bar, tapioca

Supper - taco bake (1/4 box), caesar salad

Snack - blueberries w/low fat cool whip


Sherry S.
on 1/4/09 3:09 am - Warner, NH
Breakfast:  1 cup oatmeal with 1 tsp half and half
Lunch:         Chicken stew with celery and mushrooms, (3 oz) 1/3 cup rice pilaf, 1/4 cup steamed                              carrots
Dinner:  not sure yet, but maybe No sugar added french vanilla CIB with 1/2 cup frozen strawberrys blended.  

              Mini Goal : 10 lbs by 4/16/10
Start/294 Surgery/263.6  Current/248  Goal/155

 Start/291   Day of Surgery/262.6  Current/246.6  Personal Goal/155  Lost so far:  41.8

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