Drama in Lapband land!

on 1/3/09 11:15 am - mitchell, SD
Hello....well ive had 3 fills now..and still im hungery....im up to allmost 8cc, some where inbetween 7 and 8 im sure of...but what my problem is..i had restriction the day of and day after my latest fill now i got none.... Is it even possible to have a sliped ban without notice..or a leak?  seems like after 3 fill i should be more restricted...i can eat my meal but be hungery still 30 mins afterwards....and im not drinking anything for about a hour afterwards.....its becoming a struggle to stay on course now..  i orderd a grilled chicken salad from McD's and i shreded the chicken up to very lil pieces and put em back in the salad and could eat the whole thing, with no issue..still feeling somewhat hungery..this isnt supposed to happen frommy understanding..tonight i could eat 5 boneless chicken wings from wingstop and pick at the topping of a pizza that my kidz got...still to much there too..and guess what..i still r munchy...and pissed..

So what i would like is some understanding..help..something..what could this be..or is it that im just more of a difficult case..should i talk to my Dr? i go back in on the 10th i belive..i do think i got a band that holds 12cc's or something close to it..they told me just dont member exactly..
Thnx in advance..

on 1/3/09 11:23 am - CA
RNY on 09/10/12
I would definately talk to your surgeon about if there is a leak, and also your NUT to see if and what your eating is contributing to your hungry.   Maybe the foods your choosing is not keeping you full...  
HW: 300 / Lapband Low: 247 / RNY: 9/10/12          
lori J.
on 1/3/09 11:30 am - rome, GA
did the dr. draw out all the fluid first and then put it back plus some? my dr. always draws out all fluid then adds a little has me drink some water, if i feel it going down slow thats enough if i can still guzzle water it aint enough. i am at 10cc in my 14 cc band. i have the 14cc ap large band. 8cc's wasnt enough for me. my last fill was in may. i was doing real good with my weight loss until the first of december, i went for a fill found out my port had flipped, had surgery on the 18th to flip it back and will get my fill on jan. 15th. my dr. told me until you get to your sweet spot, the weight loss is alot slower. i was at a good point but now i am not, he told me as i loose weight the fatty tissue that was under my band when placed gets skinnier also, therefore the band gets looser so i need another fill. i want to get back to my sweet spot. i had my surgery oct. 1, 2007 and really didn't lose much weight until that fill in may. just keep getting your fills until you get your sweet spot, dont give up.



on 1/3/09 11:35 am

Patients Michael, Patients...restriction will come, just give it time.

I am a year and a half out, it took me a year and Two months to get to my "Sweet spot"...Don't panic, I have a swelling problem and I am not the "Norm".

You will get there, any fill after this one you will feel more and more. As you get "Close" with every fill you will notice you have to change your eating habits and sometimes what you could eat you will no longer be able to eat, you will need to Re-adjust.

At this point I would say stay away from salad as it will move through the stoma faster, I would try to stick with really solid protein, Beef, Chicken, Sea food, Lamb and a bit of vegi and fruit.

It is really important at this point to stay away from the carbs as they will just fuel your hunger for MORE carbs.
Maybe read the "What are you eating today" thread to get some ideas.

But most of all, do not give up, believe me you are very close and it will be worth the wait.

Best wishes,


The opinions expressed by Lyndee are for entertainment purposes only. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. This includes, but is not limited to, the moderators, members of PETA, all unions, liberals, conservatives, SAHMs, WAHMs, gays, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, jews, christians, agnostics, atheists, buddhists and all other religions, the mentally challenged, witches, bitches, the truly stupid and anyone or anything else I may have forgotten. Thank you!

on 1/3/09 11:39 am - MO
Hang in there you are getting close to restriction. If the swelling (which is usually a small amount) from your last fill made you have restriction for a few days that means you are close to finding your sweet spot unless you swell an unusally large amount. Remember to eat your solid protein first after a day or two liquids after your fill. That will keep your stoma full longer and keep hunger from returning so quickly. Just be patient a little longer it sounds like you are close.
Just so you know it took me a year and a week to get my restriction and I have no idea how many fills and unfills. But it is all worth the effort trust me!!
Wishing well and restriction SOON,
Connie B,
(deactivated member)
on 1/3/09 11:48 am - San Francisco, CA
Hi Renu,

I felt a little restriction after fill number 3 and the band helped me diet, but it didn't really start working the way it is supposed to until nearly a year out.  I am a year and a half out now, and my band's working the best it ever has.  I've had six or seven fills, and don't need one right now.

I have a "big" band (12 or 14 cc, I think), and it's about half full. The nurse who does most of my fills says that their practice has zero cases of band erosion and I have to think that's because they fill so slowly.  That's just a theory, but the fill nurse confirms that they don't fill aggressively in order to avoid complications.

Hang in there!  I know it's hard to be patient with these things, but the payoff is huge.

on 1/3/09 12:19 pm - Austin, TX
It took me 5 fills to hit restriction.  Also you might try changing what you're eating.  I was told to eat dense protein first then veggies.  Try eating some chicken alone until you have 3 oz down then eat the salad.    I also heard you can tighen your band though it doesn't work for me...try drinking a very cold drink prior to eating your protein.
 Shannon  --  Stop whining and do it

on 1/3/09 3:07 pm - mitchell, SD
On January 3, 2009 at 8:19 PM Pacific Time, O2BThinAgain wrote:
It took me 5 fills to hit restriction.  Also you might try changing what you're eating.  I was told to eat dense protein first then veggies.  Try eating some chicken alone until you have 3 oz down then eat the salad.    I also heard you can tighen your band though it doesn't work for me...try drinking a very cold drink prior to eating your protein.

Theres the issue..i allways focus on my meats first..and i can knock off more than 3 oz easy..i chew good..maybe to good heh...then work on other things..i feel like im gorging when i guess from others view imnot..but to me yeah...and the drinking thing is odd..cause my doc said im not supposed to drink anything 30 mins or so before i eat then a hour after..which sux before..cause i like to drink a decent amount before i eat...the after part is no issue..ive cut my meals down to one meal a day now..and a couple meal bars for the other meal times..to help with my ongoing thoughts that im over eating..

on 1/3/09 8:51 pm - Norwich, CT
On January 3, 2009 at 11:07 PM Pacific Time, Renu wrote:
On January 3, 2009 at 8:19 PM Pacific Time, O2BThinAgain wrote:
It took me 5 fills to hit restriction.  Also you might try changing what you're eating.  I was told to eat dense protein first then veggies.  Try eating some chicken alone until you have 3 oz down then eat the salad.    I also heard you can tighen your band though it doesn't work for me...try drinking a very cold drink prior to eating your protein.

Theres the issue..i allways focus on my meats first..and i can knock off more than 3 oz easy..i chew good..maybe to good heh...then work on other things..i feel like im gorging when i guess from others view imnot..but to me yeah...and the drinking thing is odd..cause my doc said im not supposed to drink anything 30 mins or so before i eat then a hour after..which sux before..cause i like to drink a decent amount before i eat...the after part is no issue..ive cut my meals down to one meal a day now..and a couple meal bars for the other meal times..to help with my ongoing thoughts that im over eating..

Just a thought, but should you be eating only ONE meal a day???
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 1/3/09 8:52 pm - Hollywood, FL
".ive cut my meals down to one meal a day now..and a couple meal bars for the other meal times..to help with my ongoing thoughts that im over eating.."

Am I understanding that you are currently eating 1 (one) meal and having meal bars for your other meals? I think you will be setting yourself up for more problems by not eating 3 xs a day. You need solid protien from original food sources. Not meal replacement type bars.

Lnydee offered you great advice. I would reread that post, it's solid information.

You are early in the journey still . I am 15 months out and I have had several FILLS. I have a 10cc band and I have 5 cc's currently in there. You need to practise your Band rules closely, or you will have trouble being able to comply with them later down the road.

Good luck,

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

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