again with the hairloss???

on 1/2/09 10:26 am - York Haven, PA
VSG on 12/02/14
I know that this questions has been asked a million times. I know that weightloss and anesthesia cause some hair loss. I alos read that many people use Biotin...well, I bought some today and the label says (1000mcg) take 1 to 5 tablets daily with a meal...Well, how do you know how much to take? When I was at Wal Mart, the pills came in 1000 mcg (1 to 5 dail)  and 5000 mcg.(1 daily) so my question is, should I just take 5 a day until this bottle is gone and then buy the 5000mcg and start taking 1 of those a day? How many pills a day?????  Thanks.."Lucky"

  2/09 pre. 264.7            214 lbs. Band removal.  4/29/20014       revision to sleeve 12/2/14  243.4

Marti P.
on 1/2/09 10:39 am - San Jose, CA
I just responded to a previous poster 10-15 posts ago.  I doubled up from 2 that I had been taking for 6 months or more, to 4 in the last month.  I can't tell any difference and when the bottle is empty, I am not going to buy another bottle from Walmart.

Am 5 months out from surgery and my hair is gathering around the bottom of the tub drain.  It's pretty sad to see my shiny scalp as I try to "do" my hair after washing it.  Were it not so crummy to have "hat hair" I'd wear a hat!  I guess the hair loss will just have to run its course.

Marti in San Jose

on 1/2/09 10:50 am - York Haven, PA
VSG on 12/02/14
Yes, I have heard that it doesn't work..Oh, well, I thought I would try..It didn't cost that much $2.98 for 150 pills...I also had hair loss when I had back surgery in June...I lost some hair...I to could see my shinny blamed the hair    loss on  medopause and genentics. My mother had very thin hair all her life...My hair is just now growing back from Junes surgery...Now, I am thinking my surgery will be in Feb...Oh well, "Shiny Head Comming Up"..Hold a spot on that bench for me, shiny head and for the posting...'Lucky"

  2/09 pre. 264.7            214 lbs. Band removal.  4/29/20014       revision to sleeve 12/2/14  243.4

on 1/2/09 11:03 am
I am a year and a half out. A few months ago I started to lose my hair at an alarming rate.

After having blood work to check my vitamins, thyroid and a bunch of other stuff that all turned out fine. My doctor told me that this is actually a side affect of weight loss that many people encounter and that it is untreatable and it just happens along with the finger nails breaking and not growing well. The good news is, that after the body stabilizes after the weight loss the hair will grow back...(It should).

I do make sure my protein is Btw 65-90g. per day and I take my vitamins.

Here's the link to another thread about hair loss. If you read MrsIncredible's post it explains it very well.,5359/cat_ id,4959/topic_id,3809763/a,messageboard/action,replies/#3048 4415

The opinions expressed by Lyndee are for entertainment purposes only. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. This includes, but is not limited to, the moderators, members of PETA, all unions, liberals, conservatives, SAHMs, WAHMs, gays, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, jews, christians, agnostics, atheists, buddhists and all other religions, the mentally challenged, witches, bitches, the truly stupid and anyone or anything else I may have forgotten. Thank you!

on 1/2/09 11:12 am - York Haven, PA
VSG on 12/02/14
Thanks, That just answered all my questions.....I guess I'll just have to wait and     see how much does fall out......."Lucky".

  2/09 pre. 264.7            214 lbs. Band removal.  4/29/20014       revision to sleeve 12/2/14  243.4

Marti P.
on 1/2/09 11:56 am - San Jose, CA
I guess I shouldn't have been so snappy about the biotin, I apologize!!  It's just I thought that by taking it in advance of the surgery, it would forestall the hair loss and it didn't.  I never had any problem with my finger nails though, they were always strong and they continue to be and I continue to be vigilant about taking the required vitamins, so I guess the hair business is the luck of the draw . . . so people lose a lot of hair and some people don't!

Marti in San Jose

(deactivated member)
on 1/2/09 12:31 pm - Wiesbaden, Germany
DS on 10/08/13
By the way, Nioxin does help in a lot of cases and a starter kit (with the shampoo/cleanser, scalp treatment and scalp therapy) will run between $25 - $45, depending upon where you buy it.

I used to use Nioxin when I lived in very cold climates because it kept the dandruff and static down a lot.  I stopped using it when I moved back to SoCal but bought a starter kit at the Pechanga Spa this week, after my "spa day."  I'm fortunate in that, because I usually have extraordinarly thick hair, you wouldn't know my hair is thinner than normal but I do notice it.

I have been taking the 1000 mcg Biotin tablets for about the last month, usually 2 a day.  I think they do help somewhat but I believe that nutritional intake is more critical.

on 1/2/09 1:42 pm - hyde park, MA
Upping my protein has helped me.  I had hair loss prior to surgery.  I know some people do not believe in protein shakes (only solid protein ) but this is the quickest and easiest way to add protein to my diet.   
Renee M.
on 1/3/09 1:48 am - Houston, TX
Will the hair on my upper lip fall out? 

on 1/3/09 3:34 am
I'm still trying Biotin. I've had a little hair breakage. But what the heck!
 Mari  Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
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