What are we eating this Christmas Eve (Wednesday)

on 12/24/08 1:23 am
Happy Holiday's SG!!!

B=1 egg, 1 slice bacon and a bite of WW toast.

L=Bean and ham soup

D=Garlic shrimp and half a sweet potato.

The opinions expressed by Lyndee are for entertainment purposes only. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. This includes, but is not limited to, the moderators, members of PETA, all unions, liberals, conservatives, SAHMs, WAHMs, gays, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, jews, christians, agnostics, atheists, buddhists and all other religions, the mentally challenged, witches, bitches, the truly stupid and anyone or anything else I may have forgotten. Thank you!

on 12/24/08 2:19 am - Austin , TX

We are going to church for the 5 o'clock family service, so afterwards we go to a rather upscale Chinese Restaurant for dinner.  We've been doing this for year's so I guess it's a tradition now.  Have no idea what I will order, but I can't eat very much anyway so I'm not going to worry about it either!  Have a Merry Christmas

Carole M

on 12/24/08 6:51 am - Southern , CA
REALIZE Band on 05/27/08 with

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Breakfast      Oatmeal
Mid AM         Grande skinny vanilla latte

Lunch            Lowfat Cottage cheese w/ no sugar added cherry pie filling

Dinner           Salmon w/ carrots - bite of a baked potato? yummmmm

                           Weight Loss is Post-Surgery

Michele G.
on 12/24/08 7:04 am - NY
B-egg beaters a turkey sausage link and a banana

L-Salad again

D-ok so I know this is horrible BUT I am going to have a few wings and maybe even a slice of pizza...

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