Too much?

on 12/17/08 11:19 am
I just had my first fill after revision.  I have a question about quantity of food.  I was over-filled before my band slipped so my reference of food quantity is off.  I know about a cup of food is good for a meal, but I didn't know how to measure a piece of salmon in terms of cups.  I had 4 oz of salmon and was not full so shortly after had 2 oz of low fat cheese and 1 oz of turkey breast.  Does anyone know how much food this is in terms of what a typical meal should be?  I suppose I wasn't technically satisfied after this, but thought I should stop just in case.  When I had my fill they put in 6 cc's, but took 0.5 cc's back out because my water was pooling.  But if I can eat that much I don't think i'm at my sweet spot.  Any advice?  I suppose the extent of the fill will take time to kick in.  I don't know why my water was pooling if i'm not filled enough though.  Oh so many questions!

on 12/17/08 2:41 pm

Your water could be pooling because you are immediately swelling during your fill. This is why it took me a year and 4 months to get to my "sweet spot" I had to have really small fills. Just take it slow and easy, you will get there and you don't want to risk another slip.

I now get full for the 3-4 hrs. (sometimes longer) after 4 oz. of solid protein and about a Tbls. of veggies. 

You will get there just have patients, you don't want to have any more complications:).

Happy Holiday's,



The opinions expressed by Lyndee are for entertainment purposes only. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. This includes, but is not limited to, the moderators, members of PETA, all unions, liberals, conservatives, SAHMs, WAHMs, gays, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, jews, christians, agnostics, atheists, buddhists and all other religions, the mentally challenged, witches, bitches, the truly stupid and anyone or anything else I may have forgotten. Thank you!

on 12/17/08 8:10 pm
Yeah that definitely makes sense about the pooling.  It was an aggressive fill so that's entirely possible. 

I guess I'll try hard to stick with the 1 cup, whether I'm satisfied or not until I get my next fill. 

Thanks for your help!

Sandie Law
on 12/17/08 8:23 pm - Council Bluffs, IA
4oz is about the size of a single serving. So, I'd imagine that would be the right amount to start with. If you're still hungry after that, try eating a few bites of a veggie.

The difference between 6cc and 5.5cc can be significant. You may need tiny adjustments (0.1cc at a time) to get to the right spot.

Keep a food log and note how long it takes you to get hungry after a meal. Take that to your surgeon at your next appointment. He might not need it, but it can't hurt.
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