Recent Comparrison Pics (Taken Today)

on 5/30/08 10:26 am - Northern, CA
By any chance did you keep the clothes in the before pic?  It would be cool to see you holding it up to yourself....or maybe even put it on and see yourself swimming in them.
Cathey    218/203/176/118??  highest/surgery/current/goal
Cindy W.
on 5/30/08 10:49 am
WOW ! What a difference you look wonderful ! Keep up the good work ! ~ Cindy
on 5/30/08 11:02 am - Ironton, OH
I don't know about you but for many years I have tried to stay away from cameras.  They weren't my friends and I really didn't want to see any pictures of me and my fat body.  I guess they just re-enforced how out of control I was.  I am glad that I got my husband to take a few pictures of me before surgery so that we could compare them as I lost.  I'm so glad that we did.  The difference is unreal.  aren't you just thrilled?  We are all so proud of you.  Keep up the good work.  It won't be long and you will be posting pictures of you after your PS.  We will all be thrilled to see them also.

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