How can I prevent chub rub A.K.A boils?
Someone gave me a trick a few years ago that works well for me. I use secret (or another gentle deodorant) anywhere that my skin rubs. It keeps it dry and lets the skin move freely instead of it rubbing together, causing irritation and breaking out.
It's a pretty cheap alternative and it doesn't clump up like powders do. And it doesn't dry up like lotions and creams do.
Hope this helps!
On December 16, 2007 at 7:47 PM Pacific Time, Candle wrote:
The deodorant trick mentioned works well to prevent chaffing. (specially inner thighs) I don't know anything about boils - sorry
In sporting and athletic shoe stores there's a product called Body Glide. It looks just like a stick of deodorant. You put it anywhere you get friction (thighs, arm/ribcage, feet). We used it on our trip to Disney World this past summer and pretty much didn't have blister number one until the day I wore these strappy flat sandals one evening and thought wouldn't need it. It turned out that I did.