My Secret - Anyone Nudge an upper pouch cleaning before bed?

on 10/17/07 7:29 am

Only OTC like Claritin and even then not often. I'm also on the CPAP and this happened prior to banding. My cousin doesn't have a band and this happens to her. I'm going to ask Dr. Prachand or my PCP about it. I definitely don't have anything stuck and I don't have acid reflux. In addition, if someone is wondering: I don't wretch or anything to bring it up. It's waiting right near the top and isn't food or acidic.  Sharee

Sharee - Attention Whore IRL


Krista C.
on 10/17/07 9:06 am - Quispamsis, Canada
Well, nothing really left for me to say now is there ? :) I'm glad to read from your replies to others that you're going to discuss this with your doctor. That's the best idea.  I would have said what most of the others said ... but it's not going to help any so I'm glad to hear you're going to get some medical advice.


on 10/17/07 9:56 am - The Land of Pleasant Living, MD
I think that, ultimately, no one can fault you for going with what your doctor tells you.  I don't see any doctors here, except Dr. Curry, and some of us have different bodies.  I mean, my doc put my port in a place he seldom puts them because of the unique aspects of my own anatomy.  The band is still relatively new and there's probably still quite a lot for the pros to learn.

all-time high/consult/surgery/current/goal 315/299/292.2/250/150

on 10/17/07 10:00 am - Vegas, BABY! And in a smaller Human Suit, NV

If someone posts a complcated issue, they should hesitate to shoot the messanger. it is teh OP's responsibility to communicate effectively. If they are misinterpreted, not the responders fault for trying. Personally....looks like justification for bad behavior. Ther eis no cir****tance that bringing something NORTH is optimal. just not how the body is made. Bad things CAN happen. Bad habits can develop into uncontrolled behaviors. Messing with fire....likely get burned.

Zee Starrlite
on 10/18/07 12:28 am
Go November '07 Bandster!!!

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 10/17/07 10:47 am - South,, AR
Months back I've read of people being plugged up, so to speak, in the mornings due to mucus.  Sounds like you have it at night also.  Warm tea and maybe a sinus pill would help take care of this. 

                                                Glitter Text

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/07 10:48 am, edited 10/17/07 10:49 am - IN
Ok..let me first say this..I was a CNA for 8 years.  I am taking medical classes, and mymom is an RN, plus my brother is in Med school, so I think I now what Im talking about when I say this. Ok now.. If you have Food allergies, you will have some kind of reaction. You might swell up, you could have asthmatic issues, need shots, or even stop breathing.  MY mom had food allergies to the point she couldnt eat things like..tomatoes, potatoes, meats like pork, chicken, beef, and eggs, milk and any pork products.  She literaly could not eat anything wiht his stuff in it.  She had more than this many to list.  She had to keep an Epipen around just in case.  I persoanly dont think your having a reaction to food. If your speaking of seasonal allergies, you could be swollowing your mucus.  If so, then get some melt away mucinex, or any other melt aways.  With me, i dont swollow mucus, it stays in my throut., and I cough a tons.  My mom had the band 2 years ago. She had PB, and heavy vomits alot.  This is a PB.  When you stick your brush in your mouth, there is an automatic reflex EVERYONE has.  you said you have always coughed when you did this.  I do to..and it happens when you get to the last teeth in your mouth.  This will cause you to PB.  You may not gag, like some think people do.  Now for my personal opinion!!! If you jump on me, then look for a come back.  You will be volating my freedom of speach!! ok..i think it bad....when you do this, JUST LIKE BULIMA, you bring up acid from your STOMACH even if it is your top one.  YOUR entire stomach HAS ACID!!! This will, if you do really attend these meetings, can and WILL damage your teeth!! Its up to YOU if you want to have dentures at age 40.   I dont think it will damage your band, but you do risk slippage.  Plus, if you really do go to these meetings, then you should now..THIS IS STUPID!!! You are literaly forcing your self to vomit..even if you dont think it as a PB.  You I think are in DENIAL!! You came on here saying you have a secret, YET YOU TELL IT!! I think your just seeking attention or help.  If you want help, SEVERAL have offered it. 
on 10/17/07 3:27 pm - Vegas, BABY! And in a smaller Human Suit, NV
Freedom of speech is not something that applies to a private message board. All freedom of speech protections apply to is government control of constitutionally guarnanteed free speech. So that argument really is detrimental to the persuasiveness of your position. Secondly, your mother or brothers education does not provide any qualifications to your own abilities. Being a CNA does not make one qualified to give medical advice either. It adds to your knowledge and to your experience. But that is as far as that goes.

on 10/17/07 3:19 pm - WI
on 10/17/07 3:42 pm - Plainfield, IL
Lelia, I have a suggestion for you.  I did not read all of the posts and it does not matter what I am going to tell you is a little different and it has nothing to do with your band or any behavior that you may or may not be experiencing.   A few months ago I had what I THOUGHT was reflux.  I would cough and choke at night too.  I had a knot in the center of my chest and I thought that I could feel my band all the time.  I would actually have to touch my sternum because I thought that the pressure there was unbearable and that was where my band was located.,  I felt burning and I did PB now and then.   I went to the doctor to see what was going on with my band and it looked fine. Perfect in fact after 4 years.  They took a chest x-ray and it turned out that I have a disease called Sarcoidosis which is what was causing those symptoms, including the PB-ing.  I lived in NY and worked downtown after 9/11 and I see that you are from NY too.  I think Dr. Roslin in in NYC so chances are you may live or work there too.  This disease may have been caused by the dust after 9/11. If you are feeling any level of discomfort and it is not your band as you say, perhaps another trip to the doctor might help you. The PB-ing will need to be controlled and mine has improved a great deal since having a small unfill and now the uncomfortable feeling in my chest is gone and I am PBing at all.  It was a strange thing because it made me focusm my attention on this area and I basically felt like I had to PB to relieve the pressure.  if you have any questions please let me know.   


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