My Secret - Anyone Nudge an upper pouch cleaning before bed?

Lynn C
on 10/17/07 9:42 am
Defensive - Deluded, which ever you prefer. I never mentioned bulimia - you did. I also asked if it may be allergies that were causing excess mucus. I thought you came here for advise and opinions,  but I now realize that you were just looking for hand patting and to be enabled, my mistake. Sorry. The first step is usually denial.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/07 3:57 am
Ok, I think I see what is coming up-not food, but that slimey stuff.  And yes, I get that too, it has nothing to do with being stuck, etc, just sometimes it hangs around in there.  And with me, it usually has to do with gas, because sometimes it comes up in a big slimey bubble. I mean a BIG bubble, kind of awesome.   I''ve been working on eating earlier and drinking more water, because (and I'm just guessing) it is kind of like dehydrated saliva.  The better I get about being hyrdrated before bed, the less trouble I have with it.
on 10/17/07 4:06 am
Hi Leila, Perhaps you might try drinking a bottle of water after you brush your teeth instead of making yourself cough up what's in your pouch. This way, you gently "wash" out your pouch before bedtime. Take care.
Mike G
on 10/17/07 4:54 am - Brooklyn, NY
Lap Band on 05/17/06 with
Leila  Great Post!!!!! I have battled with restriction issues and esophogeal dilation issues for the last few months.  For me, finding that right equilibrium of weight losing restriction/not being too tight has been very very difficult.   I switched surgeons recently for my aftercare when my surgeon (not Dr. Fielding) suggested I remove my band and revise to the VSG because of the constant cycle of tightening up and then dilating.  Dr. Fielding did not agree with my doc. Right now I am dilated - but within the realm of acceptable according to my doc.   I had to take .02 out 2 weeks ago because the night cough/choking was intolerable.  I am hoping that the slight unfill helped restore my esophogas to normal.   If I eat/drink ANYTHING within 3 hours of sleep - I wake up coughing.  It's not as bad as it was when I was tighter - but its still happening.  If I made my band any looser - I would not have effective restriction.  Right now I am being very careful about late night eating/drinking so I can get a good nights sleep. If what you are doing is safe and is working for you, then I say do what you have to do to get the rest of the weight off.  I have 50lbs to go and plan on keeping my band tight to achieve this - my doc is in agreement with me. Good Luck Mike 95lbs gone
on 10/17/07 5:11 am - MD
Hi Leila, I do have reflux & have had it for over 5 years now but I've only been banded for 2 1/2 years. I use to take 2 prevacid a day but now I am down to 1 & I really don't no if I need it but my band doctor thinks that it is best that I continue to take them so I don't get a hernia in my band.  I have experienced the same thing with the food left in my pouch at night. This was in in the beginning stages of me being banded & I was not tight. It was not a good feeling but for me it was allegies. I have suffered really bad with mucus draining in my band & because of that my food would get stuck at night I would go through many changes with barfing up my food & chocking from dinner particles left because the mucus was blocking my food from going down. I went to the doctor & started some allergy medication & that solved my problem. I personally have not done that to empty my pouch but I have brush my tongue to far back & caused myself to PB. I no you didn't ask for advice but I would just ask you to speak with your doctor regarding what you are going through. He/she might have an alternative to how you are emptying your pouch. 
S=283/G=180 ((-103 gone))
5"11 & loving it! Size 10/12
Zee Starrlite
on 10/17/07 5:23 am

Thank you so much.  I do think that I have some sort of mucus problem.



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 10/17/07 5:23 am - ~, WA

Hi Leila! I haven't read all the other replies yet, but I am worried.  I am also more than two years post band.  I haven't had a quick loss and have had some unfill/fill type deals.  Fun journey eh?  lol I, too, brush my tongue, but girl you're brushing too far back if you're coughing!     It it walks like a pb, acts like a pb....sorry, it's a pb.  That's exactly what a pb is.  Thick liquid.  If you're bringing ANYTHING back up, it's 'productive"...aka pb. Hey, whatever works for you works.  I'm just scared that this could lead to trouble.  Gosh, hard coughing can even be trouble!  Just be careful.  Have you tried *flushing* your pouch before bed?  That might be an idea. Whatever you do, good luck and happy weightloss!!  :)


I childproofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!

on 10/17/07 5:30 am
Leila, I've never had a fill and I understand what you are talking about regarding the liquid. When I brush my tongue the thick saliva comes up. Mine is due to my allergies. I'm one of those people that has to blow their nose every morning. Take care, Sharee  

Sharee - Attention Whore IRL


Zee Starrlite
on 10/17/07 5:43 am
Sharee, thank you. through all of this drama, I think that I have learned that I have some sort of allergies.   Do you take something for yours? Best, Leila

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 10/17/07 5:42 am - park forest, IL
Lap Band on 08/24/07 with
I have severe allergies as well. My food is often still there in the morning. I wake up coughing many time. I now take bennadryl before bed. I also drink hot tea before bed.
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