My Secret - Anyone Nudge an upper pouch cleaning before bed?

Zee Starrlite
on 10/17/07 1:46 am
I just replied with this to a post: Oh, and I'll tell you my biggest secret that I'll probably get yelled at for revealing.  I bet money that I'm not the only one.  I had a lot of trouble getting things right with my band.  I could never hold a fill when my Band started working.  I would post  - "I still have spinach in my pouch in the morning from dinner - is this normal, has it happened to you?"  and stuff like this used to happen to me.  No one would admit that food remained in their pouch sometimes.  Anyways I never learned how to deal with this so I unfilled completely, refilled, unfilled.  I was never really "tight" ( I mean food wasn't even holding in my upper pouch.  it just arrived there when I  layed down to sleep) so I couldn't understand why I was having reflux  as people kept suggesting you have reflux when you have a tight band. Finally I said I've got to make this work or do something else.  I had WLS and was not losing weight. Here's what worked for me - I've always brushed my teeth and tongue before bed, but now, I just make sure I brush my tongue a little extra and when there is something left in my pouch (even thick liquid) it comes up softly.  It's not a PB.  My pouch has to be clean before bed or my sleep will be disturbed by choking and coughing which makes me feel like I've been hit by a Mac truck in the morning.  I do too stop eating most times hours before I go to bed. I had never in my life had reflux prebanding.  I've had extensive testing and my band, my stomach, my esophagus is perfect. This is how my band works on me.  I can't be the only one. Anyways, don't do as I say - do what works for you.  I have not suggested you do what I do. Anyone do this? Best, Leila

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 10/17/07 2:06 am, edited 10/17/07 2:07 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15
WOW that could end up causing some serious issues with that person's band in the long run.  Its one thing to eat to much to fast or not chew well  or have a tight fill, but to purposely make ones self "clean" their pouch and on an almost daily basis is not good.  Jenn

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


Zee Starrlite
on 10/17/07 2:21 am
That person is me. It is not PBing (regurgitating) or vomitting from my lower stomach what has been digested.  It is hours after I have eaten and when I am ready to lay down.  It is a very delicate process.  A gentle cough - and from what I understand, a cough does not slip a band. I don't PB or eat too fast or stuff my pouch - I'd graze before I overstuff my pouch. If what I'm doing cause "issues" with my band I'd take the risk as this is the only way this process works for me. I am also going to speak to my doc.  I've explained all the little weird things to him and he is very reassuring.  He admits that the band is not perfect and the weird things that  tell him about is "the band".  It is NOT perfect Best, Leila

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/07 2:56 am, edited 10/17/07 3:07 am - Northern, VA
Lap Band on 09/30/05 with got me on this one , all I can say is YOU MUST BE REAL careful, I would not try this, I have had my brush in's with too tight fills before (only briefly, I NEVER RODE A TOO TIGHT BAND LONGER THAN 3 WEEKS), I guess this is why I still have my band after 2 years and I don't like playing with fire, I have great restriction NOW thank god, I can eat solids, but only a couple bites at a time AND I HAVE NO REFLUX or vomiting issues at all, and boy am I happy. Take Care N
Zee Starrlite
on 10/17/07 3:23 am
God - I think people are visualizing  a bulimic performance where one hangs over their toilet and sticks their toothbrush all the way in the back of their tongue.  Not me - not me, I say!  That is not what I do at all.  Does anyone else brush their tongue?  I was taught this since I was a child.  I've always coughed when I've done that.  Anyone else cough when they brush? I absolutely do not have a tight band and never have.  Right now I can eat my a$$ off but I don't  most times (5 mos since last fill).  I don't regurgitate food or vomit from my lower stomach.  I've learned a lot of things to prevent reflux.  Like I love spinach but won't have it because it clings to my stomach.  I loved spicey food, but now I chill out.  I stop eating hours before be most times and if I am eating late, I will walk or exercise.  So maybe this is not what is working or maybe I just had a bout of reflux before (and got totally unfilled because I was scared as hell) and it went away.  Food never comes up when I brush my tongue - liquid does.  I think I was so afraid to get aspiration phenmonia from reflux that I didn't want to take a chance.  Have you ever had reflux?  I mean I really don't get it anymore but It freaked me out. Best, Leila

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/07 3:49 am - Northern, VA
Lap Band on 09/30/05 with

Ok, just be careful, we all want to do well but not but put your band at risk, if you say you are not too tight...then you are not too tight, you don't have to explain or answer to NO ONE!!! I can honestly say I have NEVER SUFFERED from REFLUX, I did have it once last year ONLY BRIEFLY when my band was too tight and I had to sleep in my recliner and I got an small unfill immediately and that took care of that reflux, but I hear of so many others have reflux issues with their band.  When my band tighten up on me last May after a long trip, I had severe burning and heartburn and some reflux also, but I got a unfill immedately and ended up getting a complete unfill due to severe pouch irritation, but I am fine now with no problems. I was told by my surgeon that REFLUX is a early sign of a band slip or pouch dilation so be careful....P.S. I EAT and go to sleep right away every night and I have been doing this for 2 years and I guess I am lucky I have NEVER HAD ONGOING REFLUX issues..... Take Care

Lynn C
on 10/17/07 2:19 am
Nope - this is very dangerous. You should speak with your doctor and a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. You can end up with out a band and with another problem all together.  Good luck!

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

Zee Starrlite
on 10/17/07 2:31 am
Serious issues with food, but not a bulimic here - I am not eating and then purging.  This is long after my food has digested and I am ready for bed.  Maybe I over salivate or build mucous.  I've been treated extensively in psychoanalysis for 12 years.  I've been in group psychotherapy with top docs in ED.  I'm a  recovered(ing) compulsive/binge/night overeater. You know the funny thing is people do so many things that they won't admit.  One of my good friends is a  banded clinical psychologist/psychoanalyst with a specialty in eating disorders.  She has been researching and  actually the first to publish clinically on  what people in this community are not talking about. Best, Leila

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

Becca B.
on 10/17/07 2:28 am - Cincinnati, OH
I am having a hard time seeing how you can rationalize this.  This is absolutely not healthy.  If the reflux is that bad then maybe you need medication for it.  I don't know if what you are doing can cause issues with the band or not but it can't be good for it.  I think you definitely need to talk to your doctor and tell him what you are doing because I find it very hard to believe a doctor would think this okay. Please don't think that I am being mean or aggressive or whatever I am just concerned about what you are doing and how dangerous this can be.

Starting: 382  
Day of Surgery: 375  
Current: 325
Goal: 180

Zee Starrlite
on 10/17/07 2:41 am
I'm don't think that you are mean.  Thanks for replying.  Medication is not a solution for reflux with the band.  Anyone who does that instead of loosening their band when it is tight and it is the cause of reflux is making trouble.  I no longer have reflux. My doc is excellent - really excellent - really understanding.  If you are understanding this wrong and thinking that he approves of PBing - he absolutely does not!  I am not vomitting,  and I am not PBing.  This is hours after my food has digested.   Good Luck on your Lap Band Journey!!! Leila

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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