a penny for your thoughts..

Amanda Miller
on 1/25/07 5:09 am - Cleveland, OH
I am thinking about cutting class tonight. I am thinking there is alot of snow on the ground. I am thinking that I am tired. (dogs had me up at 4am today) I am thinking chicken will be good for dinner tonight. I am thinking and THANKING that my truck is finally fixed (knock on wood) I am thinking that without all of you.. work would suck! Amanda

Curvy Consignments
13902 Puritas Ave
Cleveland, OH 44135
Plus Size Consignment Shop in Cleveland

Down 112... 46 to go.

Phyllis C.
on 1/25/07 5:28 am
I am thinking about the epiphany I had today. About how overeating dulls your senses and makes you lazy And takes away your power and your energy and your resolve and how happy I am that I finally have restriction without pain and that I am losing weight a little better lately and how I am going to make a chicken recipe that is a Bridge/Phyllis hybrid and whether or not I will feel skinny enough to go to the Winter Gala with my DH this year.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

on 1/25/07 6:08 am - Stanville, KY

I am thinking that I really wi**** was friday.

* that I wish flu season was over b/c I hate being this busy and the phone will ring off the hook  all  night tonight again * I hope my mother-in-law is doing okay at her house instead of mine.

* I wish I wasn't stressed out all the time * I hope it snow some tonight.

70-90 lbs to go
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/07 6:33 am - Conway, AR
Lap Band on 03/27/06 with
I'm thinking that I need to choose more carefully how I spend my time, where I pursue knowledge, and where I am focusing my energy.  While I don't believe in surrounding myself with 'like-minded' folks because I love to broaden my horizons, it does me no good to surround myself with people who don't want to learn.   This is a main reason why I changed universities.  The original one was very backward and didn't encourage new thought or new ideas.  The one I'm currently attending encourages us to think outside the box, which I LOVE!!!  If Jason had been at the previous university with me, he wouldn't have been accepted at all.  His lifestyle is NOT embraced there.  At the one we're attending now, he's valued as an intelligent, enlightened and capable human being. In my job, many of the teachers (who have been here for eons) think one of two ways: "Don't confuse me with the facts!" or "I've done it this way for thirty years, and I'm not about to change now!"  I never EVER use the same lesson plans twice.  If someone comes to me with an innovative idea or suggestion, I'm ready to try it!  The district in which I teach encourages new thought, but this school is very set in its ways. I don't believe the way I do things is the ONLY way.  I am a big enough person to say that something works for me but might not work for you or might not work for me next week.  I had to go through classes in four different master's programs until I found one that was right for me.  I have had to change up my teaching every single year here to accomodate the needs of the kind of students I get.  I think my ability to adapt and evolve is what makes me a better teacher and an able student.  I always tell my students that day I stop learning is the day I will be taken out feet first!  lol  I love to learn and gather new information and ideas.  That's why I did such an in-depth study on the Nag Hammadi Gospels!  Learning anything new just sends my spirit soaring!   
on 1/25/07 12:00 pm - Beaumont, TX
I am thinking how much I dislike this time of the year --- Tax Season. I am thinking that I should be going to bed.  I am also thinking that it is almost 10 pm and my DH is still at the office. I am thinking that my DD went to be without much of a fight tonight.   I am thinking of all the millions of things that I have to get done before my trip next week. I am thinking about what an intelligent and free spirit Bridget is and has.
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