a penny for your thoughts..

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/07 3:30 am - back in jeans, CT
OK ok here it is........... http://skattershooting.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_skattershooting_archive.html Well I am thinking of how yucky and cold it is out there brrrrrr.. I am thinking of how much I can't wait to do my taxes! I know I say that everyday..... yada yada yada... How darn tired I am..  a couple of zzzzzzzzz's would be good right about now.. But then I can't because I have to go pick up my son from his school and then go food shopping.. And then I thinking I have to make dinner and then study for 2 big tests 2moro...  woooohoooo!! Lastly, I am thinking about 2moro and TGIF........................ Christine:)
Krista C.
on 1/25/07 3:32 am - Quispamsis, Canada
Hi Christine! I am thinking how glad I am that I learned how to use my propane stove / fireplace today. I'm going to enjoy being down in my basement more often now. I am thinking how I feel guilty with things being so slow at work at the moment -- nothing really I can do about it but it just feels weird not working like a demon which is what I am used to. I am thinking I'm glad I talked to my doc today -- he gave me a prescription for some sort of gel for my face and hopefully it will help clear things up.


Chelle B.
on 1/25/07 3:34 am
I am thinking how my Excel is broken and I need it to work today! I am also thinking about how Simone just makes me feel good with her fantastic outlook on life. I'm thinking how much I miss Caeli and how I worry about her. I am thinking that pouring liquid red jello down my nice white blouse is not professional.  And neither is the tshirt I am now wearing. I am thinking that it is Thursday, my favorite day of the week, because I will stay up late and be thinking about my weekend coming up! I am thinking that my plastic blue slinky makes a great bracelet that matches my tshirt. I am thinking Christine is the glue for this forum and I love her for it!
Be careful, or you may find yourself in my novel...

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/07 6:33 am
Aww, that's so awesome! I make someone feel good!  WOW! And before I read this, I was thinking that I can't wait to blow this popcycle and get back to Texas. Now, I'm thinking that I now just HAVE to add you to the list of folks I need to meet in person one day.
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/07 7:06 am - back in jeans, CT
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/07 3:39 am - Aberdeen, WA
I'm thinking "What in the HECK are they DOING on the next block?" I hear heavy equipment shaking the ground.
Cindy W.
on 1/25/07 3:47 am
I am thinking :
How neat it is to read what everyone is thinking
How I need to get laundry done
What I should get my sister for her birthday
How I don't really need to spend an hour watching my soap but going to anyway
Last but not least should it be chicken or fish for dinner tonight . Cindy




Starting 269 lbs /currant 171 lbs. / Goal 150 lbs.  / H 5'5

on 1/25/07 3:50 am - Gallatin, TN
I'm thinking -  Man, that was good soup I had for lunch Crap - I forgot to mail my brother-in-law's birthday cards AGAIN Thursday is usually more productive for me My eyes are tired I wonder if I should get my hair cut I am hooked on this board..... LauraSlidell

Chelle B.
on 1/25/07 4:41 am
I am also thinking that I wish everyone would post a photo with them smiling!  Smiling is contagious! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Be careful, or you may find yourself in my novel...

Jean B.
on 1/25/07 4:51 am - St. Paul, MN

I'm thinking I hope this 2nd fill works, at least a little.  I'm thinking that I'm tired of a liquid diet and this is only the 2nd day.  I'm thinking Friday, as always, is something to look forward and this week, it means I'll get to eat mushies, and that's a good thing.  It's also supposed to get up to 33 degrees tomorrow (just before the bottom drops out of the thermometer this weekend).  And I'm still thinking I need to get a picture put up here.  Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

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