What's on your plate today?

(deactivated member)
on 1/24/07 1:09 am - Conway, AR
Lap Band on 03/27/06 with
Hiya, Cutie Patootie...all's well here in Arkansas!  A bit warmer and the sun is out!  Yay!   I wanted desperately to sleep in!  However, I hauled my cookies out of bed and here I am!  I have been having some trouble with being VERY tight, so I did the protein shake thing (I also did for dinner last night).  Lunch is slow going - turkey chili.  I guess I'm swollen.  I'm going to try to keep up my fluids and see if that helps at all.   Hilary yelled as I ran out the door, "Don't forget...this is gym day!"  Oh joy.  During fifth period, I'm going to do my WATP dvd.  I have been asked to sit on the panel for the geography bee.  I have had three large groups of prospective parents (trying to get their kids in our school for next year) come through to observe me teaching.  Some even wanted a private audience with me.  lol  I refused to sub for an eighth grade class.  LOL...I don't like eighth graders at all.  Too much attitude.  Mikel told me this a.m. that he thinks I should get my doctorate.  I said, "Oh good...then we can be Mr. and Dr. Shinn?"  lol  I'm teaching adjectives and articles today.  We are reviewing internal conflict, foreign word origins, connotations, and the suffix -tion.  Busy, busy! 
Kimberly *******
on 1/24/07 2:48 am - The Boonies of...., ME
  Sounds boooorrrrrriiiiinnnnngggg!  You would have HATED me as a pupil. LOL I was the one looking out the window with my head on the desk,half ,asleep, daydreaming.  Poor teachers. I think you should get your doctorate.  Dr. Shinn has a ring to it, don't you think? Oh, and I agree with you about 8th graders.  Those middle school teachers need a medal pinned to their chests!

(deactivated member)
on 1/24/07 3:17 am - Conway, AR
Lap Band on 03/27/06 with
You say that but I seriously doubt it.  The kids LOVE my class because I dance and sing and laugh and tell jokes!  I may whip out a nerf  Frisbee and send it sailing!  Whoever catches it gets to answer the question!  In fact, I just had a group of eight parents come visit.  One of them said, "Gosh I wish I could be in her class!  She's fun!"  The parents were wowed that instead of ME explaining what internal conflict, connotation, adjectives, articles, etc. meant, the kids explained it.  The parents were blown away that the kids could tell the meaning in such an articulate manner!  I think the fact that I LOVE the English language rubs off on the kids!  I think it's fun; they think it's fun! Anyway...sorry, don't wind me up about teaching or I'll go forever!!!! I love my sixth graders, but ugh to the eighth!  lol  Too mouthy for my taste!  I just got a call from the vp at a middle school in Conway (who was our vp here) and he said he sure wished I'd see him about teaching for him next year.  lol  Hmmm...we'll see!!! 
Kimberly *******
on 1/24/07 2:49 am - The Boonies of...., ME
Hmmmmm...my reply to you is missing. Where did it go?

on 1/24/07 1:44 am - Clearwater, FL

Good afternoon everyone from FL.  It's not sunny here today but in the upper 60's.  We are getting a cool spell with some rain.  Not to worry though it will be back into the upper 70's and sunny by the weekend.    Today's been busy, busy, busy.  I have meetings on and off all day today and a webinar this afternoon with my staff.  I teach class on Thursdays so I've been trying to finish up my slides and case study for this week's class.  I also am in my first PhD class this semester and have it on Saturday for 8 hours.  We just meet 6 times during the semester so work for each class is HUGE with about 300 pages of reading a paper due each class period.  I have started the paper and done 3/4 of the reading.  I have to finish the reading up tonight so I can finish the paper.   I had a fill on Monday, my second.  I'm definitely tight, ate a little chicken salad for lunch today and chewed and chewed so it would go down.  Feeling very tight right now, but hope to be able to drink some water in about 15 minutes which I hope helps.   A very exciting thing is happening today though.  We hired a person to clean our house and she comes today for the first time.  I work a lot and am both teaching and taking a class so my time is even more streched this semester.  I hope it works out, it would take a load off of my mind to know my house will be clean!  Now if I can just find someone to cut the grass, clean the pool, walk the dogs, cook, and do the laundry, I'd be all set!  Ha, ha.   Have a great Thursday!  Cheers, Regina

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." ~ Ghandi
Kimberly *******
on 1/24/07 2:52 am - The Boonies of...., ME
Regina! My head is spinning.  You and Bridget need to get together! Send that cleaning person my way when you are done.

Sharon T.
on 1/24/07 3:52 am - Southern , WI
Afternoon, Sweetie! Hope you got all of your errands done! We had to do our bIG grocery shopping for Feb! Yea, I know, it isn't Feb., yet! Well, Michael gets his check every 4th Weds., and then we go stock up, and I just buy in between! So......since we're having a heat wave, 25 balmy, degrees, today was the day! This trip, is ALWAYS a challenge! He carries them, in, and I put away! Then, I v *** and wash the kitchen floor, again! So, now he's asleep on the couch, and here, I am!!! What the heck, is a Whoopie Pie?! All I know, is you atr TOO many of them!~  Maybe I should ask, Suggah?!


At goal, 155 bs. Started at 290. 7 years out! WAHOO~ 

Kimberly *******
on 1/24/07 7:41 am - The Boonies of...., ME
Hi Sharon: If you lived closer I would lug the groceries in for you and you could rest on the couch with hubby.  I hate, hate, hate grocery shopping.  I can never get out of there for less than $200.00. Truthfull, $200 is a GOOD day.  And.....I detest lugging the groceries into the house. I always pray that someone will be home so I dont' have to do it! LAZY!  I figure I have to go grocery shopping, I have to pay for them, I have to load them into my car and I have to put them away....SOMEONE should be able to lug them in for me. We got up to 35 today!!!! But, it's soon going to end and be back in the teens as a high.  Ahhhhh...such is winter in Maine. You don't want to know what a whoopie pie is....they are too good.  But, if you MUST know, go back to last nights post and Chantrel very nicely supplied a picture AND a recipe.  WARNING:  Look at your own risk.

Sharon T.
on 1/24/07 8:55 am - Southern , WI
Oh, thank you for the sweet thought, hon! There is still a lot of ice in the parking lot! I don't think I want to know what a whoopie pie is! Then I might have to make some! NOT a good idea!  With my human eating machine, I have enough temptations! I told in a post last night, I heard the chocolate PB fudge, in the freezer, calling my name, and POOF, all of a sudden, 2 pieces were gone! That was my big splurge! Have a great night, honey!


At goal, 155 bs. Started at 290. 7 years out! WAHOO~ 

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