a PENNY for your thoughts!

(deactivated member)
on 1/23/07 4:47 am - back in jeans, CT
HI..  Just a penny for your thoughts!!                              http://skattershooting.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_skattershooting_archive.html Well I am thinking about how hungry I am..  Wow!! I am thinking about doing my homework in a little while. I am thinking of how sleepy I feel right this minute.. And I thinking about how my friend Bridget is doing..And the rest of you too..... I am thinking of how cold and yucky it is outside.. What are you thinking about? Christine:) Click to view clipart
Sharon T.
on 1/23/07 4:59 am - Southern , WI
Wow, I am thinking, how sleepy, I am, right now! Been up since, 5am! I'm thinking I'm glad we got all of our running around done, and had our lunch, and made it back home! It's SO gloomy, and slippery out! I'm also, thinking what Pres Bush is going to say tonight, that I want to hear! I'm ALSO, thinking, I hope you all are having a great Tuesday, and the sun is out where you are! 


At goal, 155 bs. Started at 290. 7 years out! WAHOO~ 

on 1/23/07 5:13 am - Beaumont, TX
I am thinking that I really should put the machine up and get my Bible Study done for class tomorrow.  I am thinking that this crazy, cold, rainy, gloomy weather needs to take a hike.  We Texans don't like the cold! I am still thinking I may chicken out of the NYC trip, because I am having separation anxiety over my 3 yr.  I am thinking that I should leave her with DH and all will be well. I am thinking what a great post this is, Christine!
Jean B.
on 1/23/07 5:16 am - St. Paul, MN
I'm just sitting here at work thinking about how very hungry I am.  I don't have any snacks with me today.....going to fill my water bottle - again!  2nd fill tomorrow - hope it helps.  Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

(deactivated member)
on 1/23/07 5:17 am - Aberdeen, WA
I'm sitting here wondering why I am so darned full from protein shakes that I drank for breakfast.
on 1/23/07 5:38 am - Western, CO
I am thinking: I am glad I exercised on my eliptical again today, 2 days in a row. I am getting my hair cut in 2 more days! My son and I need to get outside and enjoy this sunny, kind of warm day today. I am kind of hungry for brownies. I need to start working our taxes. I need to start looking again for a new daycare provider, it is so hard to do! Thanks for the post.
on 1/23/07 5:52 am - Arlington, VA
I am thinking how weird it was how I finally fell asleep with my head at the footboard last night.  It was odd but I was able to sleep on my side! I am sad because my sister who moved in with us temporarily (bf issues.... now OK) left to go back to Newport News, VA (about 2.5 hours from me).  I miss her already!  She wants to be an RN (currently CNA) and she was my angel after surgery! I got on the scale again today and down another 2 lbs.  I am not very hungry at ALL which is SO odd for me!  I have never felt this--- even with the sickest of all flus! I am trying to get through my first bottle of water by 5:30pm (I typically would have had 3 by now).  Slowly but surely. FINALLY--- I was shaving and looked in the mirror and did a double take.  My face is so much thinner!!  It was also much easier to shave.  WOW.  I guess that was my first notice of my weight loss.
Arlington, VA
"A life without struggle has no achievement."

Start | Current | Goal 
 408  |   311   | 225

*7.8cc fill as of 7/23/07  
*Profile/Picture updated 6/30/07
(deactivated member)
on 1/23/07 7:28 am - back in jeans, CT
Wow Mike, I can tell how much you love your sister.. I think you are an awesome brother..  weigh2go! You always speak of her like a big brother. Are you older? And don't forget to update your new pic with your skinny face!! woooohoooooo!! Christine:)
on 1/23/07 5:53 am - Sayville, NY
Hi everyone! I'm thinking that I had better start getting dressed because we are going out for dinner to celebrate my Bandiversary!
Marcia 297/169 so far/140
RNY on 9/22/08
My life is starting over & yours can too!

Meghan G.
on 1/23/07 6:40 am - St. Michael, MN

I am thinking Way to go Marcia and Mike on NSV's!! I am thinking about making a paper chain like we used to in grade school to count down to the end of the year but I will make mine to count down the days to my surgery! I am thinking I should be reading my text books. I am thinking that I am soooooo lazy lately.  I am thinking that January is always like this for me... I think I need more daylight!

Meghan       "Never eat more than you can lift." ~Miss Piggy
260/249/220/130 (Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal)
Most Active